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Everything posted by she

  1. Pat those birds of yours are so spoilt.:woohoo:
  2. Is Stormy just letting you know that he wants interaction on his terms,this would be quite normal in an adult grey.It sounds like you can handle him quite well when he wants.I would take notice to his body language and react to it,if he wishes to move away from you let him, Come back and try again later.Some greys do growl, this usually means they are very unsure of what is going on and scared.Stormy was not socialised as a baby and been in a few homes so also may be feeling abit insecure,some greys are like that.As you say you have come along way so continue what you are doing but my advise is watch the body language and back off if he is giving you signs that is what he wants,and take advantage of the times he is receptive to contact.Good luck.
  3. Great video Dan. Dayo is so smart.
  4. she

    More Exciting News

    I love German shepherds. I cant wait tosee photos.
  5. Yes it is normal, Charlie has one.
  6. Charlie has the barrel of fun and he loved it at first but does not touch it now,he soon got fed up with it.
  7. All ink has to be safe now. My grey loves to chew up paper, books, phonebooks, it keeps him out of trouble and he enjoys it.
  8. Janet, I love it.You have done a great job.I have always wanted to turn my smallest bedroom into a bird room. It would be fantastic in the winter when I cant get mine into the outside aviary,hmm I feel a project forming.
  9. Charlie has a fashion of screeching like cracker only three times as loud,thankfully Cracker does not do this often so Charlie does it only very rarely.He and Cracker have picked up each others vocabulary and whistles and I am happy with that.Mesa may be going through a phase she would have anyway,they often do have a go at seing how much they can manipulate us,and what better way than to mimic the new bird on the block.My advise is to do your best to totally ignore this behaviour from both birds and give attention only when they are being good and making nice noise.It will work if you are very consistant and dont give up,it may take time.Good luck.
  10. You are doing a great job,I also admire his owners for realising there is a problem and being willing to let you help .
  11. Wow Pat that was close.I am sure something almost the same happened to Charlie only I was not in at the time and he ended up in the vets ,x rays, the lot. He was on metacam for about 6 weeks .He was lucky and it was only soft tissue injury but for a while I thought it was broken.I am glad Adaya is ok,and hope it was a one off. Her cage is fantastic, I remember the photos.
  12. Welcome to the real world Nick.I think anyone who loves their job can consider themselves very very lucky. On saying that I am sure once you get more settled and organised it will get easier.
  13. she

    Tobacco & Birds

    How about you people wishing to give up smoking get together and help each other do it? I realise it must be so hard and a group of people may help.
  14. Great to have you back ,It sounds like you have had your hands full.
  15. Both mine say bye bye as I leave and It always makes me feel so bad,I know they are fine but still feel so guilty.
  16. Helen, it sounds like Cookie is coming on a treat,I am so happy for you.
  17. I am glad everything is going well.
  18. I talk to Charlie and Cracker all the time.I think they understand more than we think,at least the tone and emotion in our voice.Oh and Charlie always knows where the tv remote is,if I take my eye off him for a second he will swoop to kill it:lol:
  19. she

    Tobacco & Birds

    I am lucky and have never smoked.No family members or visitors to my house smoke. This has led me to question what I would do if a visitor asked to smoke in my house,I am sure I would say no.I would have no objection to them smoking in the porch or garden away from the birds. I dont think birds would be harmed by nicotine on hands as long as they are washed.
  20. Congratulations.I cant wait to see some photos of your new baby.
  21. It is a big thank you to you Pat for sharing your pictures for us all to enjoy.
  22. I would not put it past her.
  23. I agree with all the posable causes people have named hear and also that it is crucial to rule out any physical causes of plucking as well as the psycological ones.
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