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Everything posted by she

  1. Have a go at removing the dishes from the cage,put some goodies in it and offer the dish while she is on your knee to see if she will take a treat from one.
  2. Yes thats brilliant. I hope things keep going well for you all,good luck
  3. I am so happy for you and eli.I was wondering how he was.I hope his next vet visit goes well,best wishes sheila
  4. Happy birthday Tiernin, have a special day
  5. Great photo and Indy is such a smart grey.well done Indy
  6. Happy Anniversary Caroline and Dave. Have a great day.
  7. I think Zel is still a bit strange in her new home and I am asuming new cage,just give her time to settle .Make sure she is not scared of the feed dishes ,put some of her most prized treats in them.I am sure she will settle in time.If she is chatting away she is not doing too bad.
  8. Happy hatch day Charlie. Your mum will enjoy it just as much as you I bet.
  9. she


    He does need to see the stand in the room for a while so he gets less fearful of it. I have a stand for Charlie and he took some persuasion but went on it after a few days.He will now sit on it in front of the window for a while and enjoys looking out.
  10. I believe one of the problems captive birds have that cause plucking is that they have not been allowed to be just birds.Cockatoos for example in the wild would spend far more time being raised by parent birds,I believe past 12 months of age. In captivity many dont have that luxury and are either taken very young for hand rearing or from parents at a far younger age than in the wild.I am not having a go at breaders,some do a very good job but even the best would admit that parent birds can do the job better.Birds learn from siblings and other flock members in the wild, in captivity they only have our very alian guidance.Is it any wonder that some become confused and unstable.Also clipping can play a part if not done in the right way or too young. We expect a lot from our feathered friends and for some it is too much, especially if kept in the wrong environmentand fed an unsuitable diet.I love my pet birds with all my heart but understand that they are birds with bird needs and psycology. I am lucky and touch wood so far have had no plucking issues,I do think this is down to treating them as birds first and formost. Yes they do love a cuddle and interaction but I am far happier with them entertaining themselves with birdie tasks such as chewing and preening and foraging for food.I think this helps their mind set. Timotien I would love to hear your view on this, thanks Sheila<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/06/07 13:03
  11. It sounds like Beau is making some progress with the pellets. Persevere and I am sure you will get results.
  12. I totally agree Erica,a vet is the best person to take advise on diet for your grey,also it must be taken in to account that a birds diet needs may change at times, such as if he/she is ill.I do feed seed as a treat to Charlie and he does enjoy it,he also gets pasta rice,and egg and bits of healthy food off my plate. He loves fish and chicken. I agree veriety is good.
  13. she


    Two beautiful birds.
  14. I agree,it would not be a good idea.
  15. I like the Harrisons pellets because they are organic and have no horrid adatives.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/06/06 20:08
  16. I hope it all continues as well for you all.
  17. Schroeder is one of a kind and a great bird he is gorgious.He also has a fantastic nature.
  18. Fantastic pictures of Sille. She looks right at home.
  19. It is so hard to feed a diet that is perfect.I feed harrisons plus lots of fruit and veg and some nuts.My tiel has seed along with harrisons and bits of fruit and veg.As you say everyone has there own ideas what the right diet is.A wild parrot has very diferent diet needs to our couch potatoe captive birds so I tend to go towards a low fat option .My cousins 40 odd year old cag has always been fed high fat seed and looks fantastic on it for his age, so who knows, the debate goes on.
  20. I have one for Charlie for the aviary but had to remove it because he was too scared of it,left it round for him to see but still wont tolerate it at all,he is a big softie.
  21. Yes Pat lots of praise is the key to recall.Charlie will do it and Cracker but we need some practice.I managed one video but cant seem to get another one to load,I have a few I would love to post, guess I will have to persevere.
  22. It is a gross thing but we know it means we are loved and all our hard work is appreciated.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/06/07 09:59
  23. Oh Dan that is just the best.I am overjoyed Jake is home safe.Omg thats the second lucky break he has had,ARE YOU SURE HE IS NOT PART HOMING PIGION:lol: I am just so happy.You look after him and spoil him rotten and he will soon be back to normal.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/06/06 06:54
  24. I really hope so.Guess It will be tomorrow when I find out, thanks Judy
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