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Everything posted by she

  1. Charlie is not trained at all but it is rare he goes on me.He usually backs up and goes over the edge of the setee and as I have wood flooring it is easy to clean.
  2. she


    Mum had her last treatment of radiotherapy today. She is doing so well.It did make her a bit tender and tired but she coped fine.The doc is very pleased and she has a follow up apointment in 6 weeks.I cant get over the care she has been given.Everyone at the hospital has been so caring and nice,even other people recieving treatment got to know each other and it felt like everyone sort of rallied round to help each other.I am so relieved it is over.I am going for a chinese meal tomorrow night and having a few vodkas to celebrate.When I left my parents flat earlier today she was looking forward to a lie in tomorrow.I will second that.:laugh:
  3. she

    Name change

    New start, new name.Thats great Pat.
  4. This is a horrible reminder to us all,my heart goes out to those poor people and the birds.
  5. So happy Adaya seems ok.I cant begin to imagine the things Charlie has chewed up,he must have a crop like iron.
  6. Pat Emma is adorable.I can see she is going to be spoilt by her grandma.
  7. Thats brilliant.Just take it slow and I am sure all will be ok.Sometimes they can sulk,but it looks like you are back on track.
  8. I am so sorry but sometimes things are for the best. Zack is no longer suffering ,and at leaast the decision was zacks and one you did not have to make.God bless
  9. I am so sorry.I am praying your vet will be able to manage the epilepsy.He/she will give you advice on how best to manage the birds condition.Dans advise on lowering perches and placing a blankets on the base of the cage are precautions I too would advise. Please let us all know how your grey is doing.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/05/19 20:56
  10. Thats good he took a treat from you. Go very slow.The slower you progress the higher the reward.
  11. I love that idea Janet.
  12. I only feed shredded wheat bitesize.It only has wheat as the ingrediant so I know its safe and they do enjoy it.
  13. Tuki needs time and space at the moment to settle.Just let him adjust. Dont expect anything from him such as step up right now,he will still be very scared.Just sit by the cage and talk to him.Maybe see if he wishes to take a treat from your hand in a day or so once he feels more at home.Be calm and quiet round him,especially when cleaning his cage and feeding.Offer food he is already used to eating and make no changes to his diet yet,if this is needed it can be done once he feels more at home.Right now he needs reasurance and plenty of nice words and treats.
  14. Lucky lucky birds.As you say it is a once in a lifetime purchase and one you and your birds will be glad you made.
  15. Hi and welcome.Nickel sounds like a treasure.I am glad you found this site helpfull and I wish you and Nickle many a happy hour visiting us hear.Please ask any questions you have and we will all do our best to help.
  16. Welcome Bry. Good luck with the research,keep us up to date on your progress.
  17. she


    Yes the high potency coarse is the right one for greys.
  18. I am preying all goes well at the vets.There is a condition I am aware of called angel wing,it is where the wing or wings are at odd angles to the body.I do not know if this is yout tiel problem.I do hope the vet manages to find a solution.Please let us know as soon as you can.
  19. Carol I cant wait till you get your babies home.
  20. she


    Thanks Janet.Between us we must have about 500 photos of the animals in Kenya.I love every one of them. Thanks Judy and Dan for your comments
  21. I have a grey and a tiel and although they chat to each other from their cages they do not get along at all and need to be let out one at a time.
  22. Thank you for another brilliant post.
  23. I just love Hyacinth Macaws.I could only dream of owning one.
  24. Oh yes they are smart.My grey does the telephone but it was my old male cockatiel pippin who could fool me with his impression of it and have me running.
  25. No Pat I have never experianced this ,but when my two are in the aviary the wild birds do tend to take an interest,especially one sparrow who adores Cracker and lives in myroof eves,this little bird comes right up to the aviery and stares at Cracker.I have even seen the two of them beak to beak through the wire.I dont encorage it though,incase of disease.
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