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Everything posted by she

  1. The mag is called Parrots I subscribe on the internet.I cant wait to read it myself. It is due any day.
  2. Hi I hand fed my cockatiel for a few weeks and I found he was still asking to be fed long after he needed it. I would slowley reduce the hand feeding but I agree it is handy to do now and again so it is easy to give any medication. My two are quite easy to medicate using a syringe, they treat it as a game.
  3. Hi the artical is titled readers story and it is really just about my birds Charlie the Grey and Cracker the cockatiel,also its a sort of tribute to Polly and Pippin ,two cockatiels who I had for years and years who both died within a short time of each other. Hope you see it and enjoy.
  4. I must just tell you that I have an artical in the readers story of Parrot magazine I think its in the September issue which is due out any day
  6. she


    Hello again thanks to the people who have welcomed me to the forum. I have put on some photos of Charlie the grey and Cracker my cockatiel. While I am online I would just like to remind all bird lovers about the dangers of heavy metal poisoning.I got Cracker when he was very young to help me get over loosing my two 15 year old cockatiels Polly and Pippin. I had also had them from chicks. I got Cracker and Charlie an aviery last summer and I was thrilled at being able to let them out in the fresh air and sunshine. Within 4 days of getting the aviery Cracker became very ill. He was vomiting,very listless and just so ill. I rushed him to my vet who imediately xrayed him and sure enough he had particals of metal in his crop and gizzard. The vet started treatment right away but told me the out look was not good.I had not long lost my two old cockatiels through old age and kidney failure so I was devistated. Cracker was only a baby.The vet also had me bring Charlie in right away for xrays to be on the safe side. Thank God Charlie was fine, but Cracker was in the vets very ill and with a bleak future ahead.The vet even took him home with him as he was so worried and wanted to treat him during the night if need be. I think the vet was being so cautious because he had just put my other two birds to sleep within 8 weeks of each other. I contacted the company who supplied the aviery and to cut a long story short they were not interested. Trading standards would not do much because it it was a bird and not a person who had been poisoned. I had the wire checked and found out it was imported from China. I was fuming. The company who supplied the aviery were also having problems with other client and stopped trading or at least under the same name. I had to get another company to replace all the wire and I must say they were fantastic.I have the birds insured so was able to claim most of the vet bills back.Cracker was with the vet for over a week but thankfully made a full recovery and is now a lively and very talkative bird. So every one be very carefull when getting your birds toys and such, always get the best.
  7. HI I am new to this group but would like to introduce myself and my pets.I am a 44 year old Liverpool girl and am looking forward to talking to some of you. I have two birds, a congo grey called Charlie and a cockatiel called cracker. Charlie came to me five years ago from an elderley couple who could not cope with him. He was about 7 months old when I got him and I can say he has been a fantastic pet, well most of the time. I have lost count of tv remote controles he has killed, he really has a thing for them. Cracker is a grey male cockatiel and a real character. He is now 20 months old and i have had him since he was about 5 weeks old. He was hand reared and I would go to see him a few times a week untill I was told he could come home. I soon realised,after a matter of hours that he still wanted feeding so for the next few weeks I became mum. He is as mad as a hatter.I have an aviery in the garden for them to get some fresh air.They take it in turns to go out as I would not be able to keep cracker away from charlie
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