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Everything posted by she

  1. I always feel very guilty that I cant spend more time with the birds.During the week they get on average 3-4 hours out the cage, more of a weekend.I also turn many social invites down because I just could not leave the birds.I did have a good idea how much time and work is involved in having a grey before I got Charlie so got no big surprises.It is very hard at times, especially at the moment for me with my mum being ill but I am coping, JUST. I had a night out the other Saturday and I really enjoyed myself,it was a real girlie night out with friends and done me the world of good.I think the aviary is good for giving the birds a change of scene and gives me a chance to clean up.
  2. Hi and welcome.Dont take food away for training,the best methods build trust and friendship not deprivation which is negative.Use positive reenforcement in all training. What does help is if you find out what the bird really loves,is it almond, wallnut, apple, cheese,.When you find this out that food can be used for training and not at other times. this is very different to removing all food.Remember the reward can also be a head scratch or a treasured toy.
  3. Janet I dont know how but I missed this.I am so happy for you.I am sure if anyone has a chance of turning the plucking around you can.Soloman is a beauty.I love ekkies.Please keep us all up to date on your progress and as you know we are all hear if you want any advise or support.
  4. I get almost as excited myself when someone is bringing home a new grey.They are just such amazing animals and have far more to give than spoken words.My Charlie is such a great companion and always ready to love no mater what.I just adore him, and my little tiel aswell.
  5. I second that.We are so fortuante in Liverpool and have almost no very severe weather.Good luck and best wishes to anyone in areas affected.
  6. Hi and congratulations on finding the welcome room.Sinbad sounds gorgeous.I am looking forward to hearing more about him.
  7. Charlie only has a small space for flight and he too is brilliant at precision manovers.I dare say he would get puffed out if he flew a long distance.I liken it to athletes,a sprinter would be out of depth in a marathon. Even with small flight areas out birds lungs a far more developed than a bird who is clipped an has no flight at all.Good luck with the harness.
  8. Great news.It has been a long wait but it will be worth it.
  9. Janet I hope Lillys new set of medication works well for her.Good luck.
  10. Alex is a darling.I can understand your wish for another one.They are adictive.About the breeder not thinking you have a life,just you wait till Alex comes home,then it really gets serious.If you do decide to get the tag make sure you are fully aware of all the pros and cons,another large cage,more cleaning,they may not always get along,double vet bills and insurance,more time needed with them both.On the plus side its double the fun.
  11. Forget the idea of your husband being the only one to bring Brutus out of his cage.Many greys are one person birds,its just how they are. Other family members can have a diferent relarionship with him but you may be his chosen person who he allows the privalege of coming to from his cage.Try just leaving the door open and let him go in and out ae wishes.Get your husband to do other things with him like feeding and treats by hand.This will maintain their friendship.The idea of your husband interacting with Brutus in a neutral room is a very good one.Changes wont happen over night but as long as your husband is prepared to work at it in the sweetest way harmony can be maintained, although you may be the only one who Brutus allows certain privalages.You must respect this and go along with it.It is natural for greys to behave this way.Good luck.
  12. great video,my grey flew right over to the laptop to see what was going on and he loved it also.
  13. I am glad things are still going well.Give Eli what ever he wants to eat.Have his favourites at hand.
  14. Yes I could not agree more on the need for spaying,
  15. This is an old trick of mine when I need quiet time,I give Charlie a phone book or an old paper back book to chew up,it keeps him busy for ages.He is not a screamer but like all parrots he has his moments. I also find that if I am quiet and calm so is he. I also find that playing a game that uses some of his energey up,he likes swinging from a perch I hold in my hand and doing sumersalts on it,that also helps.Ziva may well quiet down a bit in your family room where she can interact with you and the other birds rather than hearing them and calling back.Carry on ignoring bad behaviour completely and go over the top praising good habbits.They are all different and you will find out what works for you.My advise at the moment is keep her busy with the phone books and move her to your family room.
  16. Have him checked by a vet,at the very least it will ease your mind.Sneezing could be a minor problem or could be the start of something more serious such as feline influenza.Only a vet can diagnose. A kitten that young is always best with mum but it is by no means imposable for us to raise them.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/05/08 21:52
  17. I hope Sydney has a better day Tomorrow.
  18. I have a grey and a tiel,both talk a storm.They shout each other ,tell each other off,its so funny.My tiel learnt most of his vocab from the grey.
  19. Hi and welcome.I know what you mean about instinct.I am as far as I know Charlies second owner he was seven months old when I got him,he is six now .When I met him I just knew he was for me and I have been proved right.I love your photos.
  20. The bird sounds well adjusted all things concidered and has at some time been socialised and knows step up.I am looking forward to hearing how the vet visit goes.Good luck.
  21. she

    Baby Caique!

    I am glad all went well with the vet.Mango is a fantastic name.
  22. she

    Cleo's mum

    Great photo,Your puppy is massive.
  23. I think he may need mums milk still,sometimes at that age the digestive system cant cope with solid foods,He is very young.
  24. Great photos Caroline,Brad is a brave lad holding the Macaw like that.
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