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Everything posted by she

  1. Keep the perches low and the crocks are a good idea as they can be places in a conveniant place and moved later.Also a blanket placed on the botton of the cage under the papers will help ease any falls.He may be a bit clumsey at first but he will soon be bouncing round everywhere. Congratulations and good luck with Alex. Let us know how he gets on.
  2. she

    Eating pickles

    I am not sure how suitable pickles are for greys but I do know they love strong flavoured food.Charlie loves peppers and any hot spicy food.
  3. she

    what a week

    Thanks Azzie.Yes I actually broke cartlidge in the middle of my nose,which as you say caused a build up of blood and the resulting bruising and swelling.
  4. she

    what a week

    anything for a laugh Julie:lol:
  5. So we have a boy parrot,thats great.Charlie would be far too scared to go near the shower so you are doing well. Charlie preferes a sprey bottle in the kitchen sink.
  6. she

    what a week

    Oh ok but dont laugh.I was out with the family having a meal on Friday night and wacked myself on the nose with my hand.It never even hurt that much.I woke up in the night and my face had swollen right up and I was black and blue.I would not have minded if I was really drunk but I wasnt.I must have just caught myself in the right place to cause the haematoma.I have enjured a week of boxing jokes.I am thinking of taking up ladies boxing.:laugh: So beware of getting on my bad side.:laugh: It is totally beyond me how I managed to do that to myself.
  7. she


    She is doing very well thanks Julie.I am amazed how tough an 82 year old can be.
  8. Koko will have it spot on for the next time.
  9. Fantastic pictures.I see the birds are the boss and loving every second of it.
  10. she

    what a week

    Thanks everyone.I have been to see the ent consultant today and he thinks all should heal well.I am feeling much better,still snuffly but he said there is still inflamation inside which should subside in the next 7-10 days.
  11. Charlie will play on his back with me, he laughs out loud and wrestles with his legs.
  12. I am from Liverpool uk.Home of 4 lads you may all know.Oh and we dont all talk like cilla black. It really is a very friendly fun city to live.My two birds do the Everton z cars tune and all our lads are going to wembly at the weekend to win the fa cup.
  13. Oh they are addictive alright.I am always having to stop myself adding to the flock.I liken them to chocolate,one piece is never enough.
  14. He is gorgeous Pat.You are right to be so proud of him.
  15. Get a larger cage and any pellets left over should be thrown away.
  16. Oh Janet I hope so much Lilly improves.Give her a big hug from me.
  17. I wish you good luck in your effort to help this little bird.Please let us know how you get on.I am very concerned about the baby,little fingers and greys can be a bad combination,how silly of the childs mum to leave it unsupervised .
  18. she

    what a week

    well ,at the weekend I had a very nasty accident and ended up in hospital which is why I have been missing for a few days.In the freekiest accident of all I broke my nose and developed a septum haematoma.I was taken to surgery to have it drained and stayed in hospital over night.As you can imagine I did not look very pretty.I am still a bit sore and bruised and feel very conjested.It was a horrible experiance and not one I wish to go through again.It just seems like one thing after another at the moment.I have to go back the hospital tomorrow for a follow up.I just hope all is well.I can just about go out wearing sun glasses without scaring the kids today.I looked like a panda.Oh well tomorrow is another day.
  19. she


    Thanks everyone for all the good wishes and support.
  20. It is so nice to hear you and gil are so happy. He sounds adorable.Thanks for the update.
  21. I am so happy for you.The terrible two look as if they have been with you forever.Tina has done a good job with them.Enjoy.
  22. she

    "Stop biting me!"

    He sounds like a nice bird. He is still very new to his suroundings.I think his biting may ease off once he is more settled. Dont rush to handle him,just sit by the cage talking to him and offering treats so he learns to trust you. Be very calm and quiet around him and let him interact with you at his own pace. It may take a while but time and patiance is what is needed at the moment. If his last owners could do anything with him he will let you in time.It is great you have a large cage and toys for him. He is a lucky bird.Nothing is needed at the moment except lots of treats and tlc.What is his name? Three years old means he is a young bird so should adapt to his new home no problem.
  23. No you are not doing wrong by Zack. Everyone copes in there own way.I got my present tiel not long after loosing my two 14 year old tiels within weeks of each other. I could not bare the house being so quiet and seing an empty cage.Good luck to you.
  24. I intended to get a grey from a good breader after many conversations with an avian vet and breader.In the end Charlie came to me after a couple could no longer cope with him.It was pure chance and I just new when I met him that he was mine.I knew very little about Charlie and was told he was 7 months old.I was lucky and he is a fantastic bird.I was not bothered about choosing a male or female but Charlie is a male.He had his wings clipped when I got him but is fully flighted now.Flighted birds are more work but they are so much happier and content.One piece of advice I would give any future grey owner Is to do as much research as they can before taking the plunge.The rewards are priceless but they are very hard work and not the pet for everyone.
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