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Everything posted by she

  1. I dont use a sleep cage for Charlie,He is happy just to be covered up and as I am not one for late nights this works fine.I do believe a sleep cage can be of great value in some situations and hope it works for you.Oh and it is just hillerious seeing me cover Charlie up,I too am vertically challanged (a short ass)but just about manage with a lot of heaving and stretching.
  2. I know its hard for you now connie but you will feel better soon.You know you did everytthing you could and she was a very loved little girl. God bless.
  3. Good luck at the interview Nick.
  4. I love the video,brilliant stuff.
  5. Poor Zeva.I am sure she/he will enjoy her new diet before long.Cant wait to see if it is a boy or girl result.
  6. Hope I helped a bit.No you are not a rare case.
  7. Great pictures.Thanks for posting.
  8. This is a situation that often crops up in the world of greys.Your partner got bit because the clear warning your grey gave was not listned to.If your grey is not happy to be petted by your partner do not push the issue.Just let your partner offer treats to the grey and talk nice to him.Do not have your partner close to you while you are holding the grey.It is often the case that greys will see one person as the favourite and are one person birds.This can be overcome but it takes time and patiance.For now I would be happy to try and rebuild the trust in your grey and partner by observing the birds behaviour and backing off when he is not happy with a situation.Good luck
  9. oops no picture, try again. I love tiels.I have had Cracker from 4 weeks old and my previous two,now flying in heaven I had for 14 years.Look at my profile to see cracker as a baby.
  10. Oh no poor you.I hope you soon feel better.
  11. He is so cute. He will soon be climbing everywhere.
  12. she

    Greyt News!!!!

    That is really brilliant news.I wish you look in the new job and best wishes with your future studies.Keep us all up to date.
  13. Carol I am relieved your son is on his way to you.I have no children so cant imagine the torment you have gone through.I hope all goes well in the future.
  14. It sounds to me she likes being petted but only for short periods of time,Just pet her for a minuit or so and then put her down.My grey is like that,he loves being petted but all of a sudden he will nip,not too hard but enough to warn me he has had enough.I also think you are right she has been the boss.If she nips while on your hand just wobble your hand enough to make her think of her balance instead of biting.Watch her body language for warnings she is going to bite. Sometimes they just wish to be left and we must respect that.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/06/01 13:42
  15. I am glad Cookie is doing better.The baby food is a good idea,I fed my tiel it when he was ill a while ago and it did help.Stick to organic ones though and make sure no salt or adatives are in it.The egg is also a great protein.
  16. I just could not cope with carpet,thank god for wood floors,so easy to clean up the poop.
  17. I can see you are going to improve the life of this little bird one way or another.That is a fantastic thing to do.Good luck
  18. Hi. I am sorry to hear you are having problems.You are right to look at any changes in your appearance but also try and look at behaviour aswell.When you get bitten are you rushing around and hyped up?greys like us to be calm around them.I take a few deep breathes if I am hyped up before going to Charlie.Try to find a patern to her biting.Above all do not make any issue of it,dont shout or give her any attention ,even by talking to her when she bites,just walk away.How long have you had her and how old is she?
  19. Charlie has two reactions to visitors.He will either be very quiet and just take it all in or he will go into show off mode,laughing with the conversation and banging his toys round.I am not sure why we get two very diferent reactions I guess I will have to study him when visitors call and see if I can find some answeres.
  20. Charlie loves to play rough,Either with me or his toys.I have to keep reminding him to be nice and when he gets too excited we slow things right down.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/06/01 07:54
  21. Charlie is six years old now and still likes a cuddle but it is only on his terms and not as often. He much preferes just to sit by me.
  22. Dan I am so sorry to read this story.If Jake was wild caught I am sure he has many tricks up his wings to survive.It is unbelievable how resiliant they can be.I wish you all the luck in the world in your quest to find Jake but dont beat yourself up, I am sure a previousley wild bird will do ok.I understand your delema on clipping,it is one I often contemplate,but even clipped birds can escape and stand less chance of survival. That is a decision only you can make and as Janet said no one elses opinion matters.You know enough to make that decision with confidence and with your eyes wide open.Good luck and best wishes .Sheila<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/05/31 09:28
  23. Thats a great story.It is amazing how animals have the ability to make us feel so relaxed and good about ourselves.
  24. I am glad Alex is home safe and sound.I would be so angry with his breader but not a lot you can do now.His flights will grow and I am sure he will cope in the mean time.Enjoy your new feathered friend and I am looking forward to the pictures.
  25. Charlie loves palm nuts,they are a large part in a wild greys diet and keeps them busy for a bit.Chicken also goes down well and is a good protein. Go easy on high fat nuts.I hope Beau takes to the Harrisons it is a very good diet.
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