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Everything posted by she

  1. Come on Dan, im in suspence hear.
  2. I know what you mean. I order stuff for Charlie and I am always much more excited than him to recieve the parcel.:lol:
  3. she

    Lost a Lady...

    Sorry to hear this sad news,it is always so hard.
  4. Sounds like she knows her own mind
  5. She is beautiful,I am so excited for you. I am so glad you got her home safe.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/06/05 20:32
  6. Hi. Your baby sounds sweet.I think she is still a little unsure of her new home and suroundings.Just talk and interact with her as much as she is happy with, sit by the cage and let her know you are a friend.Try offering treats from your hand and give her head scritches if she likes. For now just go at her pace.
  7. she


    That is brilliant.I too think it helps a lot if they are socialised . Charlie is doing well with his flight practice.He will soon give Harry a run for his money.I am so pleased all is going so well
  8. Yes it does sound as if first impresions are good.
  9. Yes post away, It is great seing the babies grow up.One year old,gosh thats gone fast.
  10. I remember a cockatiel just like that,he just sat all day long. The solution for him was a new home in a very large avery in a botanical gardens with lots of other birds. He changed almost at once. I think in the tiels case he just hated to be caged and was just not interested in humans.I am not sugesting that is the solution for your bird ,the tiel was not tame and just not a house bird.I think the solution for you is to show him what fun can be had with toys and have a vet check him out to rule out any physical problems.
  11. Wow this is an interesting one. I do know cags and tags will bread resulting in timgos.I have no idea if this is what your bird is but why not talk to the breader and ask? I cant think of anything that makes beaks change colour,You say he spends time outside,could he have a tan,sorry it sounds stupid but I cant think of anything else.:lol:
  12. My God Dan this sounds so hopeful.Please let us all know the outcome as soon as you can.I will pray so hard that it is Jake safe and sound.
  13. she

    what a week

    I am much better now,just a tiny bit of bruising left under my eyes and I am a bit snuffly,like I have a cold.The birds were fine, I did think Charlie would flip when he was faced with the elephant man but he was fine.I am back in work on Monday so fingers crossed all is well.Thanks everyone for your concern and thoughts.
  14. I am looking forward to it. I hope it comes off.
  15. she

    Cant fly 2

    Thats good news.Charlie will soon pick up his flying medals.:cheer:
  16. The new forest ponies are great.They are very talented and like the welsh pony very sure footed and nice natured.Thanks for posting.Are you far from Monkey World,I am hoping to go on a long weekend to the new forest and monkey World
  17. Well done with the job Nick.Those babys are adorable.
  18. Penny I have never been so upset when I lost my horse Dulcie through navicular disease,so I really feel for you.Annie was so beautifull,god bless.
  19. Thanks Christina.A lot of us feel so bad about leaving the birds but as you say with a little preperation they do just fine. I think it is harder on us than the birds.
  20. Oh that makes two of us shorties,im under 5 ft aswell.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/06/03 19:25
  21. I can just picture the scene.I would not be able to keep a straight face.They are so funny.
  22. I have never tried a harness for Charlie,I know he would not have any of it.I have an aviery in the garden and he quite happily goes in his carrier to the aviery and gets his fresh air that way.
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