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Everything posted by she

  1. Why have the men gone quiet.:laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/07/08 21:00
  2. I am so glad you have taken this bird.It sounds like sterling was well loved and cared for by his last owner.I am sure he would be happy knowing you are caring for his feathered companion.Umbrella cockatoos are so beautiful.I am sure you are aware of comitment these birds need.My advise is to read all you can on the species and talk to your vet about diet and health care.It is fantastic that your own vet cares for this bird,he will know the history and any problems that have come up.I would take the introduction to your grey very slow.It is hard to predict the eventual outcome but be prepared for them not liking one another.How kind of the vfw to help towards a new cage.I think that was so special.Good luck with your new too and please keep us updated.
  3. It is a nice warm sunny evening hear,patio door is open and its just nice.
  4. she


    Charlie loves a music jukebox toy and does not leave it alone.I am forever replacing the music module that is inside it,he plays them out.He does pay with other toys but not as much.He would rather shread a book up.Cracker is always playing and never still.I leavethe radio on when I am out.
  5. Great video Dan.Charlie is camera shy and shuts up the second a camera comes out.
  6. Hi and welcome.At five months old Taco is able to eat all food .Have you only just got him? If so he is still very strange in his newhome and his screaming is probabey down to insecurity.Try some soft food on a spoon and see if he takes it.This will help him feel more secure and help you bond as well as providing a way of giving medication in the future.Sit close to the cage and talk to him all the time,offer treats by hand. At the moment what is needed is time for him to settle and get aquainted with his new home.Do not reward screaming in any way,remember shouting or going to the cage when he screams will re enforce the habbit.When he screams just simply turn your back on him without talking and perhaps leave the room. Post edited by: she, at: 2009/07/05 18:33<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/07/05 20:36
  7. Tigerlilly, I have the exact same cage for Charlie.
  8. Your baby is cute. Any idea on names? Keep us all posted on the babys progress.
  9. Charlie and Cracker will nap during the day,most often if I am sitting quiet,they will sort of catch the mood.I have never ever seen Charlie with his head under his wing though.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/07/10 20:16
  10. Pat can you move the cages,just tempory while you are at work,even if they are in the middle of a room and move them back once you are home.Boy that is warm.
  11. Lindamary, give my love to your mum and lots of love to you too.Having gone through a similar but not as extreme thing myself I have an idea how you feel.The best advise I was given was to make sure you look after yourself as well as your mum.I will prey for you all. Popi n hear when you can,we all love hearing from you.
  12. I think thats a good idea.
  13. You have been given great advise,but not from the store owner.At 17 weeks I would say he is weaned or only needing a small comfort feed of a night.Put him in his cage with a blanket on the base covered with papers and have his perches quite low for now.He will ony learn coordination and balance with practice and that wont come in a carrier.The clipping issue is yours and yours alone to make a decision on, I prefere not to cip but thats my opinion.Make an informed decision on clipping through reading about it hear and remember ,it is not the store owners decision.Have plenty of toys and lots of different food available for him to try and weigh him daily at the moment to see his weight is stable.Have him out of the cage daily as much as you can and be sure to supervise any out of cage time.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/07/04 21:08
  14. Take Jimmy to an avian vet asap and get to the bottom of this.My guess is he has a respiritory infection and needs long term anti biotics but an avian vet needs to diagnose this.Please get another vets opinion if your own vet is not a certified avian vet.
  15. I dont think it is the ideal situation,can your friend not have her at the house instead of taking her to work.Where do you work,could the bird not go with you?
  16. I think that is a good idea,trouble is I am hopeless with computers .
  17. Thats great that they took to it so well.I give Charlie 2tbs and offer more later if he has eaten it all.
  18. It sounds like a very established problem and will prove very hard to cure. The first thing I advise is take the bird to your own avian vet and have a full check up done. What sort of environment is she in at the moment? Her owners have cared enough to get her vet treatment so I am guessing she is well cared for and on a good diet.I know very little about Mayers,but think the reasons for plucking will be the same.I am wondering if she now has some sort of skin infection that will need treating.Ony guessing but your vet can tell you a lot more.
  19. As long as shanti is not bleeding I am sure all will be fine.
  20. Well done Alfie.what a smart little fella he is.
  21. Yes. My heart goes out to those children.He clearely loved them and them him.I hope the chidren grow up in a safe stable environment where they can be themseves and not used as money trees which is my greatest fear for them.
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