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Everything posted by casper

  1. I used to have this problem with mine as well! I have now bought them the crock lock bowls. http://www.24parrot.com/Crock-Lock--590ml--3-Colours-P4295a/ One of mine is very smart though and does still manage to undo his dish sometimes! Hope these work for you.
  2. Welcome Kharsen! What an unusual but lovely name for your baby! I am so pleased everything is going well:)
  3. Valentines day! Whats that Dan? My husband feels its a money making scam:laugh: So I wont hold my breath waiting for the dozen roses to be delivered! Feel free anyone, cyber flowers are more than welcome:laugh: Thanks for the survey Dan:)
  4. Marie, the one I have is the one for large parrots. Mine prefer the larger pieces. I am lucky I still have a 20lb bag as well, I hope you find some for George soon. Where else have you tried?
  5. I have got insurance for all three of my birds. It works out approx £300 for the year. This covers unlimited claims on the vet bills up to a certain amount and also covers for theft and death. I took it out mainly because of the vet bills, it would be pricy if all three were sick and needed treatment. Its definetly worth looking into.
  6. Maybe Dan can help us Sheila, I think we need some guidance!!! I dont want to know what is on the outside:laugh:
  7. What is the world outside Sheila? I thought that life was just Greys and laptops:laugh: Anyway, back to work for you Dan!!!
  8. Beautiful baby, please keep us updated with his progress. Karma to you for sharing such a wonderful photo:)
  9. Hi Rocckysmum, Welcome to the forum, cant wait to hear more about Rocky and see some photos:)
  10. Bella is adorable! I will be over before Dan to claim the free grey:P Always room for one more! Sounds like she has settled in really well and is a confident young baby. Thanks for sharing the wonderful picture, keep them coming and regular updates on her progress:)
  11. Hiya Kyle, I thought you had gone and bought a grey when I saw this thread!! My greys are called, Charlie Keeko Jasper I love to bring the babies home and decide on their name after I have had them for a couple of weeks. Hope you get some great ideas:) I also like the names Ziggy and Sukey.
  12. What a beautiful baby! I would also bring your baby home and learn her personality first before you name her. Cant wait to hear more when she comes home. Lots more pictures please:)
  13. How is your baby doing? Has he settled into his new surroundings okay? Some settle in really easy with no problems at all, others it can take a little while for them to get used to everything. Please keep us updaed Rachel, cant wait to hear more about him:)
  14. Shadow is beautiful! Thanks for sharing such wonderful pictures.
  15. casper

    Head Bobbing

    Hiya smokey, One of mine does this when you talk to him, he also likes to do it when he hears music as well.
  16. Thanks for sharing Dan, that was great! Dayo looks like he was having so much fun!
  17. Darwin is adorable! It will be great if you keep sharing these wonderful pictures with us all and we can see his progress week by week. One of our regulars here Lyric did this with her baby Tags and we all fell in love with them. Thanks for sharing:)
  18. Congratulations David on the results! Yes Judy! I was wrong again!:laugh: I must be the worst person on here for guessing the sex of a grey!:laugh: I love the name Shanti and think it suits both Male or Female:)
  19. Rissa, What about starting to make some homemade toys? Some of the members have posted in the homemade toys and Playstand room and this may help if you are unable to get hold of many toys. I live in the UK and I dont have any stores I can buy some from but I can get everything online. Lots have members give their greys baby toys and we have ongoing threads about greys playing with lego as well. Caroline.
  20. Welcome Rissa, Its great you could join us here! Its nice to see someone doing there homework and researching these magnificient birds. They can be quite demanding and are very high maintainance and like you say, many people just see the cute talking parrot on youtube not realising just how much time and effort goes into looking after these greys. I have three greys and find they take up an awful lot of my time but saying that I still have plenty of time for my kids, husband and other pets etc. Its just trying to get yourself into a routine that suits around you and your lifestyle. Have you seen a grey already? Do you plan to re-home or buy a baby? Look forward to hearing more:) Caroline.
  21. Congratulations on the safe arrival of Indy! Im so glad the journey went well! Cant wait to hear more about Indy once he has had time to settle in to his new surroundings. Enjoy your new baby grey:)
  22. Congratulations! Sounds like everything has gone really well! Cant wait to see some pictures:)
  23. Well, just for a change its snowing again! it started when the kids went to school this morning and hasnt stopped yet. Its forecast for tomorrow with a break on Saturday but more snow on Sunday. Like normal we were not prepared for this weather and on the news this morning it says we are at risk of running out of salt to grit the roads! I hope everyone and their families are well, myself and my son Brads have a chest infection at the moment, the Doctor gave us antibiotics yesterday so hopefully we will feel btter in a few days. Keep safe and warm everyone:)
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