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Everything posted by casper

  1. Mine wont tolerate the shower at all so I also mist mine as well. I do this about twice a week. Good luck with Joey, it may take a while for him to get used to bathing, it all depends what he has been used to. Just take it slowly with him.
  2. It sounds very much like Lola already is comfortable with you if she is being vocal. Do you still offer her the treats? This is what i would start with, see if she will accept them first of all while she is in the cage then you could progress to offering when she is out on the playstand. I think its really important to try and not be nervous before you begin any contact really, greys will quite easily pick up on this and you are more likely to get a bite if you show you are nervous at all. Take small steps and build up her trust, eventually you can try to pet and work with step up while she is on her playstand, you say she has not tried to bite before so hopefully she wont try to bite you as she is used to you already. Good luck and keep us up to date with any progress you make, I hope all goes well and you can have more physical contact with her:)
  3. Welcome to the forum, cant wait to hear more about your new baby:)
  4. Great to hear Joey is gaining your trust, this is great news.
  5. Welcome to the forum Joe. What an honest introduction from yourself. Karma to you for opening up about your past and well done for being clean for so long. Its such a wonderful thing you have done to give Joey a second chance in life. Trust and patience is the key and I can see you two building up such a close bond together. Other people on here have taken in older greys and have such a fantastic relationship with them, I think its brilliant what can be achieved if people are prepared to give some time, love and commitment. I hope Joey has found his forever home with you and cant wait to get to know you both better. Any questions just get posting. Hope you enjoy it here, its great you have found us:)
  6. Congratulations! Such a beautiful photo.
  7. Baby is beautiful:kiss:
  8. Great to see you back Toni:kiss:
  9. Hiya, Below is a link from the Nursery room on handfeeding, it also explains about introducing pellets and foods to your new baby. Hope this helps. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/the-nursery/73409-handfeeding-a-baby-grey.html
  10. Just always make sure the toys you buy are suitable for a grey. The place I buy mine from give you a size guide from small to large birds and will tell you the right toys to buy. Buying smaller ones can be dangerous if the bells are to small etc. Enjoy shopping for your new baby:)
  11. What a sweet story! Congratulations on those first words!
  12. Hiya and welcome to the forum. Cant wait to hear more about your flock and see some pictures.
  13. That looks fantastic! Was it expensive to make? I have been looking at maybe buying something similiar which is already made, I have seen one on ebay for about £600 which is quite pricey. What have you put on the ground as I was wondering what I could use. Would love to here more details and if you could tell me about the materials you used that would be great:)
  14. Cant wait to see some pictures of both stands, good luck:)
  15. Fisher, Are you using photobucket? Below is a link which hopefully will help:) http://www.greyforums.net/forums/the-photography-room/89533-how-to-post-picturesphoto-tuturial.html
  16. I dont think you have anything to worry about. This happens quite often with my three and is mainly due to rough play when they are inside their cages.
  17. casper

    please help

    It will take a while for her to get used to her new surroundings and everyone arround her. Just be patient and things will all come together over a little time. She needs to gain your trust, offer treats and talk with her, if she dosent want a cuddle thats fine, she will get familiar with your family and do things in her own time. Congratulations on your new member of the family, I cant wait to hear lots more about your new baby:)
  18. I didnt make a baby book with any of my three but took lots and lots of photos! I think this is a great idea! I bet you cant wait to bring your new baby home!
  19. I have never heard any of mine talk or mumble once they are covered. Does your grey do this all the time? I wonder if anyone elses does? Fascinating!
  20. Some greys do chose one sex over another, they are all so different. My greys will only have me handle them, they will let my husband feed them but wont allow him any contact as such. Let your wife be the one to offer treats and still be involved with the daily care of Ernie. At least this way they will still have some kind of relationship.
  21. Steph, I am so sorry to hear this sad news. Your baby went through so much! My thoughts are with you and your family at this sad time.
  22. Sugar snap peas are a big favourite with my three, they also love pomegranate. I am really pleased that she ate for you tonight. Lets hope she will be better after the meds are done.
  23. This is great news! I am so pleased your baby has settled in so well with you and your family.
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