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Everything posted by casper

  1. Edi, I am so sorry to hear this news, you did all you could for Darwin, he will be in my thoughts, this is terrible. I hope you do find another grey to love, I wish you lots of luck in your search for a new companion. Caroline.
  2. That is so sweet! Mine never slept like that, really cute picture:kiss:
  3. Hiya Bobbi, Welcome to you and your flock! You certainly must have your hands full with that bunch:laugh: Cant wait to hear more about Dodo and see some pictures. I will take a look on your profile page. Hope you enjoy it here:) Caroline.
  4. Lots of places will board your pets, pet stores and vets will sometimes offer these services for a fee. What place will your greys be going to? Will they be in their own cages? Why not try and leave the birds there for a weekend first before you plan to go away, this will give you some idea how the birds will be and also get them used to being there. Are all the birds tested for disease who board there? I know a lot of places do this and this would also put your mind at rest. I know you dont have long but is there no one else who could bird sit at your house for them?
  5. I agree, the dogs should be put in a different room for a few hours, I do this with my cats or put them outside if the weather is fine. Dont take the risk! The best place for your grey is to be in a family room if possible not on his own in a bedroom. Caroline.
  6. Cogratulations Berna! I knew you would take this little one and give him a good home! Cant wait to hear how everything goes.
  7. Noodles looks like he is enjoying that foraging tree, its fantastic! The style is very similiar to my playstands, I just got my husband to make a new one and its been a big hit again with the greys. Its great when you can make new things for the birds, you did a great job there.
  8. Hello and welcome Shannon. I can totally relate to the fly experience! One of my greys freaks as well! Cant wait to hear more about your greys, hope you enjoy it here:)
  9. Beautiful photo. Cant wait to hear more about Ash:)
  10. Sorry to here this news Sheila, please let us know tomorrow how everything goes. Do you have time off work tomorrow to be with your mum? Give me a text if you cant get to the laptop. I am also back at the hospital tomorrow, seems like a lot of us are spending time there at the moment. Hope everyone else is keeping warm and well, lets hope this snow will go soon and the schools will be back to normal again, saying that we are forecast more snow for Thursday and Friday:( Goralka, hope everything is fine with your mum as well.
  11. I dont move my greys perches or food and water dishes. My greys have three perches in each cage and I find they use for different things, one they use for sleeping, one for eating etc. I feel it would upset my boys if I started to move their homes around they seem happy with everything the way it is.
  12. What beautiful pictures of Ana grey! She looks like one spoilt bird there Janet:laugh: Thankyou for sharing with us all:) And karma to you for reviving our baby album for everyone to share:)
  13. Hello Dereck and welcome to the forum! Its great you could join us here to share your stories about your lovely grey. Hope you enjoy it here:)
  14. Darwin is beautiful! Karma to you for sharing that wonderful picture:) Adorable:kiss:
  15. All these new babies joining the forum, the baby album will be filling up nicely:) Please post your pictures there everyone when you get the time.
  16. casper


    Hiya rickhowes and welcome to the forum. Below is a link where Dave gives some great advice, hope this helps. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/african-grey/52133-my-african-grey-just-laid-an-egg.html#56262 Hope you enjoy it here:)
  17. Fantastic pictures and what a great name for a grey:whistle: Thankyou for sharing.
  18. I am so shocked! I cant believe anyone could do anything like this! Is there some way you can report her? I am so sorry for you, I know how much you were looking forward to re homing these two beautiful birds. Caroline
  19. Great stories everyone, they are so funny:laugh:
  20. I agree with Judy! I have lost many friends because of the birds Berna, but they are a big part of my life, people have to accept me for what I am!!! I am sorry about your relationship ending, 8 years is a long time. You have got us Berna:kiss:
  21. Berna, this little guy needs someone who knows what they are doing, he is a special little grey who needs lots of tlc and patience and guess what? Your the girl for the job!!! Go for it! This has got to be fate! You will find enough love to share, I have always worried about my greys each time I have added to my flock, it will work out and you will have enough love and attention to divide between Elmo and the new baby. Good luck Berna, let us know what you decide:)
  22. And boy did it snow!!!! As I am typing it is coming down thick and fast, Jasper my youngest grey is watching the large snowflakes with great interest! The schools are all closed again and like I said yesterday I knew everything would come to a stand still! Keep warm everyone:)
  23. Apart from the farting noises which all three of them are doing now:laugh: my eldest grey Charlie has started to tell the other two to "shoosh" when they make a lot of noise. He has also started to shout the cat Sukey and calls my son Dry bone which is what we call him, a character out of one of my sons games lol. They are so intelligent and I really believe all three of mine communicate with words as well as noises, there is never a dull moment or quiet one in my house:P
  24. Well it is so cold here today! We are bracing ourselves for another bad spell as we have been forecast snow over the next few days which is coming over from Russia! I hope everything dosent come to the normal standstill in the morning after we have had a bit of snow, thats what normally happens over here! Hope everyone has had a great weekend, cant wait to catch up with everyone:)
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