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Everything posted by casper

  1. I find it difficult having three of them. If i take one of my shoulder and put them back on the stand another will see it as an invitation for them to come and sit there instead:P
  2. casper

    Majestic birds

    Great photo Sheila, thanks for sharing:)
  3. Welcome Eric and Koigi:) What an unusual name, does it have a meaning? I am sure you will enjoy the forum, there are different rooms which you may find useful. Cant wait to hear more and see some photos of your Tag:) Caroline.
  4. I hope your new baby will be well soon Fal.
  5. Hiya Rana and welcome to the forum. Im sorry to hear your grey is sick, lets hope you can see an Avian vet in the morning, please keep us updated. Hope you enjoy the forum:)
  6. Thats a great idea. I used to worry about mine if they were left on their own. Good idea with the foraging toys Dan:)<br><br>Post edited by: casper, at: 2009/01/19 21:56
  7. Wow, we all have such different phobias! Laurie, I have never suffered with claustraphobia, but during some hospital tests I had to have some MRI scans done, well I freaked when I had to go in the machine, it was the worst feeling being confined in such a small place, the last one I had done last week and it took three attempts! So I can fully understand! Centipedes!:ohmy: We dont get many but I wouldnt like them either:sick: Now cows, I have never heard of but I understand how people can be phobic of anything. Interesting thread;)
  8. Is it not confusing to the bird if for part of the year they are fully flighted then the next they are clipped? David, it will be your decision wether you clip or not, weigh up the pros and cons and do what is right for you and your bird. I have two which are fully flighted and one who lost his flights in an earthquake which have still not grown back. He lands heavy when he is startled and it is so scary! Like Dan said you can train people when you have fully flighted birds. Its just getting into a routine. If you decide to clip just make sure its done by an experienced Avian vet. Caroline.<br><br>Post edited by: casper, at: 2009/01/19 21:42
  9. You cant have anyone smoking near your grey, they are going to have to go outside for a cigarette, it could be very dangerous for your bird. Also smokers should wash their hands before handling the bird after having a cigarette.
  10. casper


    Man and bird are proud of their farts in the UK Dave, they are free they are fun! You get different ones, morning, silent but deadly, the list is endless! I will make this a stinky in the health room!:laugh:
  11. Great to see you back Toni! We all missed you! Everyone kept the games running for you, its great to see some new ones as well:)
  12. I hope he has shown some signs of improvement again, please keep us updated.
  13. Beautiful photos, thanks for sharing with us:)
  14. casper


    Thats great! Cant wait to hear some more about your new CAG.
  15. casper


    Lets hope Dave wont let us down Dan, I dont see how he can beat that one!:laugh:
  16. casper


  17. Please update us Fal after your baby has sen the vet.
  18. casper


    Ladies fluff and cough into a lace hanky at the same time! At least I do:laugh: Men do a trouser burp and shout " More tea vicar " Thats what gentleman do but I dont think Dan or Dave would do this! Dogs! I have heard it all now!:laugh:
  19. casper


    I will have to have a word with my Charlie Sheila and tell him he is not being a gentleman! I will teach the boy some manners:P
  20. casper


    Right Dan! You expect us to believe that? Fancy blaming it on the poor dogs:laugh:
  21. Nims, that is great news! This is a really good idea for people to try and change their greys diet on to eating pellets. Karma coming your way:)
  22. I have two phobias which I have had for as long as I can remember. The first one and the worst one, has to be my fear of spiders! I am absolutely terrified of them, no matter what size I wont go in the same room as one. This was made worse when last year I went to change my bedding and found a hairy leg in bed where my feet would normally be, I pulled back the covers and there was the biggest squashed spider you have ever seen! I went to bed for months after that wearing pj's, football socks and gloves!:laugh: The second is heights! I cant do anything higher than standing on a chair! Not as bad as the spider one though! Will be interesting to find out if anyone else has phobias!
  23. Now that Ive got your attention lol, I have got to ask does anyone elses bird do farting noises? My kids taught my eldest grey Charlie to do this and he does it all the time! The funniest thing happened this morning, I was the first up and walked past Charlies covered cage, I was waiting for the usual " Hello " from him but no, I got the biggest fart noise ever! My friends called in this afternoon and couldnt believe what they were hearing. Will be interesting to find out if anyone elses grey does this:laugh:
  24. Steph, thankyou for updating us. I do hope everything will be fine with your new baby. Please make sure to update us. Karma for the beautiful pictures:)
  25. Noor, Would you like to share some of that warm weather with me as well? So pleased you have managed to introduce the new toy, this is great news. Some greys have no problems at all with new items, others you have to introduce them very slowly and let them get used to them:)
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