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Everything posted by casper

  1. casper

    cage top

    Do you have a playstand for the birds? When I let mine out they will all go to the play stand or fly to each others cages, they need somewhere to fly to! I also have a cargo net which has been a big hit. Do you have their cages at different ends of the room? The pooping is just what birds do, I just clean up while they are out. If they go on the playstand though this will catch most of it for you.
  2. Bruce is so right about the toys, curiousity gets the better of them if they are introduced slowly. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/the-nursery/104327-introducing-new-toys.html The link Judy has provided is a good link as well
  3. I was confused as well lol;)
  4. Awwww, how beautiful! I want a baby Tag now. Karma to you for sharing that lovely baby.
  5. I love the names! I have a Male grey named Keeko, I did think he was a girl until he was dna'd, but I think the name suits him anyway.
  6. There is still hope Dave, now you have explained in detail I know that Charlie is in no way ready to even start to fly! I wish he would understand that himself! Thanks for taking the time to explain to us all, its helped me a lot.
  7. Yes, if you listen carefully you can sometimes hear a creaky noise when they stretch their wings. Mine all do this just before I cover them on a night. Hope this is what noise you mean Hayley or mine might need oiling as well:laugh:
  8. Dave, this is really interesting! I wonder if I could work on this with Charlie now he has a few flights? His crash landings have got worse recently and this I believe is due to the fact as you know I feel he has lost the ability to fly and has no confidence.
  9. Please be careful with garlic cloves! I have added a link from a previous thread. One of our members lost a grey and it was thought it was due to eating a garlic clove. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/bird-food/53456-is-garlic-ok.html#53532
  10. Dan, Kim will be in my prayers. You will be missed on here but Kim comes first! Please let us know when you can that everything is okay. Love and hugs to you both, Caroline.
  11. Erika, thankyou for taking the time to write this informative thread for everyone! Im sure everyone will find the advice you have given us really useful with our greys daily diets. Karma to you:)
  12. Hi JamesandRonnie, That must be the shortest intro on here ever!:laugh: So pleased you could join us, do you own a grey already or are you looking at owning one in the future. Caroline.
  13. We have a baby album in the Nursery room, I would love to see some pictures of your new greys when you get chance to post. Caroline.
  14. If the birds get a bad clip it can lead to balance problems. Greys are top heavy birds! We also have had members in the past where the grey has had a bad clip and this has led to plucking problems. Has the baby been allowed to fledge properly? They need to do this to strengthen the muscles when they are young.
  15. casper

    Baby Timneh

    When ever I have brought a new baby home, I have kept it on the same diet the breeder had it on even If I didnt think it was best just until the baby gets settled in. My last baby was unable to crack seed, he had been fed wet seed and his diet was terrible! After a few weeks I introduced moist pellets then gradually when he accepted these he moved on to the dry ones. He now has a good balanced diet of mainly pellets, some seed and fruits veggies and pulses. Did the pet store tell you what your baby had been eating? Did you see him actually eating in the store?
  16. I personally dont recommend clipping unless its for safety reasons. All my birds are flighted and are still tame. I dont see why the pet store would suggest this! Everyone has different reasons for clipping but I dont believe seeing a post on a bird being tamer once they have had this done! Think long and hard before doing this, if thats your only reason and not the safety of the bird I would say no. Many members have clipped birds many have fully flighted, it will always be a debate on here. Do what is right for you and your baby. If you decide clipping is right for you make sure its an experienced vet who does this, bad clipping can cause lots of problems for a grey.
  17. I agree, have it removed as soon as possible, has your baby had a check at the vet yet? You could have everything done in one visit:)
  18. Some young birds at that age have a night feed of formula. I would ask the breeder about how the baby is eating, if the baby is eating on his own he should be fine. Like sheila said, sometimes its more for comfort.
  19. Thats good the baby is weaned. I have got to say, adding a second for me was the best thing Ive ever done, even though my younger two have jelousy issues at the moment I wouldnt change a thing! I hope you do what is right for you, a new addition would be great but i just wanted to let you know it can go either way. They are all great company for each other, mine each have their own cage but they are in the same room and talk away to each other all day long. Please let us know what you decide. Caroline.
  20. This link may help you Bebo. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/african-grey/69501-introducing-a-second-grey.html#69545 Caroline
  21. Hiya, Is the bird fully weaned? Its very young. I have brought two of my greys home which were 12 weeks old but fully weaned. It is possible to add a second grey but you will have to understand that its possible that the two birds will not like each other. When I added a second grey it took lots of time and patience but I was lucky, it paid off and the two of them get on great! I now have three greys and the youngest two dont get on at all! They need constant supervision and I would never leave them on their own for a minute. Have you been to see the new baby?
  22. Hiya Shahmeer, Welcome to the forum. How old is your grey? Is he a baby? Hope you enjoy it here.
  23. My eldest grey Charlie used to sleep in his food bowl but upside down on his back! For the life of me I have never seen anything like it before! He did this when he was about 7 months old but thankfully seemed to grow out of it! They are such characters!:laugh:
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