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Everything posted by casper

  1. I am glad you all had a great time, have a wonderful christmas:)
  2. casper


    Nims, If it was me I would get it checked out just to make sure there is no serious injury. Hopefully it will just be a bruise but with the christmas season looming I would give your vet a call and get some advice at least. Please let us know what happens, I hope everything will be okay.
  3. Sheila, you have been spoiling Charlie! Is it better than the other one you saw? When I got my new stand, it took Charlie quite a while before he was brave enough to venture on there. I put some of his favourite toys on and gradually moved it nearer to his cage. It now stands right next to his cage so he can just step straight on to it. It may take a while but i am sure Charlie will get to love his new stand.
  4. That is just sooo funny Dave!:laugh:
  5. I wish I had those two under my tree Christmas morning;) Beautiful picture Jen.
  6. Karma for sharing those Erika! That is REAL snow! It put my pictures to shame what we got the other week!:laugh: It does look beautiful though. Lovely pictures:)
  7. casper


    Come on then Steve, tell us how good your holiday was! Did you have a great time? How was Alfie? Hope you and your family are well and looking forward to christmas, best wishes from up North:)
  8. Its really difficult! I say wait until you know the birds personality, thats what I did with the last one, the poor thing didnt have a name for three weeks:laugh:
  9. You can get lots of advice on here for Rosie, a good few members on here have re-homes and have worked wonders with them. If you need to ask anything just post away, I know they will share their experiences with you and give great advice! I think they are brilliant!
  10. You need to add that to our recipe thread we have going, sounds good! Hows Gizmo eating wise, is he a fussy baby or is he pretty good at eating?
  11. Hiya Brett, Welcome to the forum. Congratulations on your new addition, its really exciting when you bring your new baby home. Have you had Rosie from being a baby as well? Gizmo is a great name, I was going to call my youngest grey that but decided on Jasper. I look forward to hearing about your two lovely greys, post some pictures when you get chance. Hope you enjoy it here:) Caroline
  12. Cant wait to see Judy:whistle:
  13. I will be thinking of you all! Keep safe everyone, keep us all updated! I hope the snow wont be too bad for you all. Well, the christmas holidays start from today! The kids break up this afternoon and will start to get excited! We have plans to visit friends this weekend which will be nice and then the fun will begin next week! I am so looking forward to christmas, but like you say Carolyn, its all over in a week! Have a wonderful weekend everyone:)
  14. Penny, I know the feeling! Where do I start with my three? I love them all in different ways! They all have different needs! I love Charlie so much, he will always be number one bird! He is my special needs bird. I love the way he laughs,talks, plays, everything about him. I love Keeko because he is so cheeky,curious,mischievious and so loving. I love Jasper because he is my baby, I am still learning with Jasper but I love his independence and his fearless nature. They are my beautiful boys:kiss:
  15. Please dont feel that you are back to stage one with George. Out of my three greys my eldest sometimes will have a nip when I go to put food in his cage, like Dave said its their home! You are so patient and doing a great job. Try to think positive, good luck. Caroline.
  16. My three will only be handled my myself. My husband will feed them on a morning and is able to put the bowls in the cages, he will also take turns in settling them on a night time and covering them. This is just incase I need to go away for some reason, at least I know there will be no problem feeding them. the rest of the family are able to give the birds treats, but that is as far as it goes. The eldest and youngest grey are fine when we have visitors but my middle grey will not have anyone go near his cage without letting out a screech!
  17. Just another thought, It might be wise to pad the bottom of the cage to try and stop him injuring himself more, this is normally done with babies when they are clumsy, I normally put a towel on the bottom and cover with newspaper, also dont have the cage overloaded with perches and maybe lower if possible.
  18. This grey should have been taken to an Avian vet Immediatley! I cant believe the poor thing hasnt been! The bird has a multiple of issues going on that only an experienced vet can give advice on. Obviously the seizures, I too would be worried about the injuries that may have been caused and also the lack of appetite and change in personality. The fact he is not even interested in water is a big worry, dehydration is a serious problem. Please make sure he gets to a vet, if your boyfriend wont take him for whatever reason could you get him there? Owning any animal is a big resposibility and their health is part of the package which comes with animal ownership. I do hope he gets the medical attention he needs. Caroline.
  19. Wonderful Jen! They are so beautiful and I cant believe how quickly you have grown! Have you found any suitable owners yet Jen or are you going to keep the babies yourself? Karma coming your way:)
  20. What a fantastic update! I love the flight suits, Izzy is a beautiful young grey! Keep posting, we would love to hear more about Izzy as she grows. Thanks for sharing with us:)
  21. Mine love to put their food in their water dishes! They also love to put the wooden blocks in there I give them to play with, its just a normal grey thing:)<br><br>Post edited by: casper, at: 2008/12/18 22:35
  22. Sheila, I am so pleased for you! You must feel so good now you have broken up! You deserve the break with the shift work you do, enjoy your break! Erika, you will just have to be stuck with us if you are snowed in! We will keep you in good spirits:)
  23. Yes my greys should have a menu:laugh: They get fresh fruit every morning then cooked veggies in the evening! They are better fed than us! Mobile phones and laptops are a favourite with mine too! I am missing about 14 keys from the lap top now! They are just to quick! Eddie sounds such a snugglebug, enjoy the cuddles;)
  24. Congratulations on bringing your new baby home. Pepper is beautiful! Make sure you get lots of pictures for us Brittany. Enjoy your new baby.
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