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Everything posted by casper

  1. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/the-photography-room/89533-how-to-post-picturesphoto-tuturial.html Hope this link helps:)
  2. Hiya Deanna, Welcome to the forum. Cant wait to hear more about your grey and maybe see some pictures! Hope you enjoy it here:)
  3. This is a great link bebo, thanks for sharing:)
  4. Another point to make is that not all baby greys are cuddly! My last baby grey was from the same breeder as my other two, well socialized and did not like to be cuddled! I personally would spend more time with your new bird and establish a relationship with him first, he has not been with you long and still will need a lot of time to settle in. Its great you could take in a rescue bird, is he your first bird? I hope you make the right decision for you. Please keep us updated and let us know what you decide. Good luck. Caroline.
  5. Hi Mingus, Kofi sounds like a healthy happy grey! Very smart as well, my youngest grey is the same age, he makes gibberish noises but is not talking yet. Is he still on formula? if he is how much and how many feeds? Have you tried to offer the pellets moist? I had to do this with my three, this can be done with water or some prefer apple juice, you say he used to eat them so hopefully he will begin to accept them again. Does he eat any fruit/veggies or pulses? My three are all so different, one may like their food mashed, the others warm, I used to have to spoonfeed the eldest when he was young, I would feed him so much then he started to eat the food himself. One of my greys as well prefers to eat outside of his cage. I put his breakfast in the dish on his playstand, they also like to eat with me when possible, another idea is to eat the food in front of your grey, try and make it look as much fun as you can. Have you tried giving oatmeal? A lot of greys on here seem to love this and you could start to include other things mixed in the oatmeal to get him more on to solids. Baby foods are good as well if he is enjoying the babyfoods add different veggies to these. Please keep us updated on his progress, they are all so different, wean at different ages, eat certain foods, I hope you find the right way to go with Kofi. Caroline.
  6. casper


    I hope your Dad has a wonderful day Jen. Wish him a HAPPY BIRTHDAY from all of us here xxxx
  7. Janet, he would be fine with that and some of the toys he has have bits of red in, it seems to be larger items and anything we wear! No thankfully, reds not my favorite colour, I love green.
  8. Hiya Lauren, Its great you could join us here. Pax sounds like quite a character, cant wait to hear more and see some pictures. Hope you enjoy it here:)
  9. Hiya superlotto, So glad you could join us here! You should find lots of interesting threads to help with your new grey, we have lots of members who have rescue birds and will tell you of their experiences. Cant wait to hear more and see some pictures of Jasper. Hope you enjoy the forum:) Caroline.
  10. Does your partner or another family member share your love and passion for your grey/grey's? When I first got Charlie my eldest grey, I know my husband wasnt too keen on the idea, he didnt like the mess, noise and lack of furniture as the playstands and cages took over the family room, and if Im being honest the attention, especially now I have three greys I have to spend a lot of my day caring and of course playing with the boys! A lot of the day trips and boozy nights vanished my lifestyle and my husbands did change. My husband loves the birds now and sees them as being part of the family, he will help feed them, cover them and loves to spend time talking with them. He has been fantastic! He would love to do more, but the birds will not have him handle them, they will sit next to him and sometimes on his knee, take treats from him but nothing more. I just wondered how many people have an interest in your grey? None of my friends do thats for sure!<br><br>Post edited by: casper, at: 2009/01/06 20:30
  11. Does anyone have any plans to add to their flock this year? I am at my limit with three, Im not saying I never would have another grey but dont have any plans for the near future. Just wondered as I have noticed a few people mention the possibility of a new member to their birdie family:) Caroline.
  12. casper


    Okay you guys, starting a thread to share OUR special day or occasion with everyone. We celebrate our birds hatchdays so why not celebrate anything good that happens in your life with everyone here? It could be a Birthday, Wedding Anniversary, Engagement, anything at all! Lets all share each others important times together:) Just bring this thread back up and post on your special day. Caroline.
  13. Dont worry Judy, I will get my own back on Dave:whistle: Linda, at least Im not alone! Out of all the colours though, how can they choose red when they have a bright red TAIL?:laugh:
  14. Toni, You get yourself well! I will miss you on here thats for sure! I hope your operation will be a success and you will have a quick recovery. Sending you lots of love and dont worry, we will keep all your games running. Best wishes Toni. Caroline:)
  15. We have noticed over the last couple of months that my middle grey Keeko who is 11 months old freaks if he see's anything the colour red! Dont you all think this is strange? My other two are fine so its obviously not a grey thing, but if anyone including myself wears red he will start flapping around the cage and growling! Anyone else noticed anything similiar with their grey? Or can maybe explain to me why its just one colour? Caroline.
  16. Hiya Terrie, Congratulations on your new baby! I also have a baby grey called Jasper. I hope you enjoy the forum, there are lots of useful threads in the Nursery room and also the birdfood room which may help with your new bundle of joy. Cant wait to hear more about Jasper and see some pictures. Caroline:)
  17. Pablo is beautiful! Karma to you Matt, I am going to have to film some of my three,I got a new camera for xmas which films so will give it a go. How long did it take to load on to youtube? Thanks for sharing, he is so cute:kiss:
  18. superlotto, Firstly congratulations on your new grey and thankyou for giving this grey a loving home away from his previous owner. Had he been plucking when you rehomed him or has he just started to do this when he came to live with you? How long have you had him?
  19. Thanks for taking the time to let us all know how Kim is doing. I really hope that no surgery will be needed Dan, my thoughts will be with Kim, love to you both. Caroline.
  20. He loves you:kiss: Great picture!
  21. Jen, they are just beautiful! Now they are bigger do you let them out with Lyric or do you have to keep them seperated? Have you decided what you are going to do with them yet? Dont you fancy keeping them both?:whistle:
  22. Hi, and welcome to the forum. I am so sorry about the loss of your first grey, you must have been heartbroken. Its wonderful you have given Gloria a loving home, cant wait to hear more and see some pictures. Hope you enjoy it here.
  23. Beautiful pictures, Im glad the breeder sent you the right ones lol.<br><br>Post edited by: casper, at: 2009/01/05 13:01
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