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Everything posted by casper

  1. What a great upate! You were both meant for each other!:kiss:
  2. Congratulations, thankyou for giving this bird a new loving home.
  3. Such sad stories. I am so sorry for your loss.
  4. casper


    Sorry, not heard of them either. Great picture though!
  5. Will he take food from a spoon? Just a thought, if he will maybe try this to give his meds. If he is not getting the meds and you are worried, please ring the vets and ask for advice. Towelling may be the only way to go, I do hope he gets better soon. Please keep us posted.
  6. People have mentioned this before, I dont know if I would trust this method as one of my greys markings were that of a female, turns out he is male. I think the only way of finding out is to DNA.
  7. Hiya, You will find that a lot of greys will be spooked by new toys. I have included a link from the Nursery room, it may help, you might find the process wont take as long, each grey is different. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/the-nursery/104327-introducing-new-toys.html Good luck and keep us posted.
  8. casper

    sharp claws

    Just one more thing Steve, I put the perches near the food bowls so I know they will get used on a daily basis.
  9. casper

    sharp claws

    Hiya Steve, Is that you dancing in the picture:laugh: What perches have you got for Alfie? I have included a link for one I use for my three which seems to do the job. http://www.24parrot.com/Beach-Branch-Perch--3-sizes-P4720a/ You can file the nails yourself, just dont go to far down or they will start to bleed. I have only had to take one for their nails doing, Keeko the middle grey and he was fine. The perches seem to be doing the job for me now. Lots of members do nails themselves and Im sure will give you great advice on how to do this Steve. Hope you and your family are well, Caroline:)
  10. Erika, what a character Cooper has turned out to be! He sounds like such fun! The hungry thing made me laugh, our eldest grey Charlie wont stop saying " wheres me dinner " whenever we are eating, they are so funny. The photos are fantastic as well. Thankyou for a great update:)
  11. Hiya Charlene and welcome to the forum! Its great you could join us here:) Cant wait to hear more about you and your flock, I bet you are looking forward to your new addition. Caroline.
  12. Hi Tammy and Jim Bob, Its great you could join us here! cant wait to hear more about you both. Hope you enjoy the forum:)
  13. I buy a mix called tidymix. Included in this mix are: Brown rice soya mung aduki yellow and green peas corn pinto blackeye haricot chickpeas wheat grain lentils You could quite easily make up your own mix, this is what i used to do before I bought the tidymix.
  14. I never really watch telly anymore. Before I got the greys I used to watch the soaps but they started to put them on every night! This got to be a bit too much and the story lines were not as good as they used to be. Music and reading for me now:)
  15. Great picture! I can only do this with one of my greys, it does take a lot of trust.
  16. I also choose not to clip! Birds enjoy to fly and I love to watch all mine enjoying freedom of flight. I hope you do the right thing for you and your bird.
  17. Kim, Its great to see you on here. I am so pleased you are back home again, I hope that things will work naturally and there will be no need for surgery. My thoughts are still with you:kiss:
  18. I do hope everything will be okay, I too would contact another vet at least for advice. Please keep us updated. Caroline.
  19. Welcome Chris, I am sure you will fit in well here, we are all nuts lol. I dont live too far from you and would love it if you could send me the details of the Avian vet you have found as I need a new one. Enjoy the forum:) Caroline
  20. I also have my three insured with golden valley like Marie. I think its really important, would you have the money to hand if your grey needed treatment or had an injury such as a broken wing? I suppose another good thing to do if you didnt insure your bird would be to start some kind of savings plan;) That way you would never need to worry if your bird became ill.
  21. I love the ones where they are cuddling up in bed! Thanks for sharing.
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