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Everything posted by casper

  1. One of my birds is unable to fly due to the loss of flights, I put cushions on the floor where he normally lands just to pad the area a little, use these or some kind of rug:)
  2. Dan, How has Chico settled in? I hope everything is going well:)
  3. Dan, Some of the threads in the nursery may help, I dont know if you have taken a look in there. There is also a baby album if you would like to add a photo when you get time. Enjoy your new baby:)
  4. Hello bowtie and welcome to the forum:) Timmy sounds so sweet and such a joy, he seems to have settled in really well and you have had support from your friends which is great. Noise wise, there is nothing you can really do but ignore the screaming and dont reward him at anytime while he does this. One of my greys is very noisy as well. The worst times are morning and evening, this can be quite normal for most greys. What problems do you have with the flying? Has he always been flighted? Think very carefully before having your bird clipped. I have all my greys flighted, I feel it gives mine confidence and obviously they love doing what they were made to do. Hope you enjoy it here. Caroline.
  5. Hiya Dan, Its great to hear your baby is home, I love the name Chico as well. How old is your new bundle?
  6. Chris if I knew how to play it I would:laugh: I wouldnt have a clue! Hopefully some of the other members will join you:)
  7. Hello and welcome to the forum. I love the name Lola, such a cute name for a grey. Cant wait to hear more about her and see some pictures. Hope you enjoy it here:) Caroline.
  8. Hayley, I have missed you but I will let you off after hearing about your new re-home. Hope everyone is well and not suffering from the January blues:( Jen I hope you are well again, we seem to have one illness after another in my house I think its this time of year! Sheila, I hope it picks up for you soon at work, things are not too good up here workwise at the moment, its a gloomy start to the new year for a lot of people work wise. Anyway, its nearly the weekend, has anyone any plans? I dont think we are doing much this weekend. Might play with the kids on the nintendo wii game its great fun, had a game of bowling tonight and had a good laugh. Take care everyone:)
  9. Erika, I am so sorry for your loss. I dont talk about them a lot, but I have two cats who are both 17 years old and showing their age now. I also have had them both from being babies and I cant imagine the hurt you are feeling. Big hugs to you Erika, my thoughts are with you x
  10. Wow Hayley, I had no idea you were planning on getting another bird, or maybe you didnt;) Sometimes these things just happen and are meant to be. Its great you have rehomed this bird and given him a second chance at life. I am only a grey lady as you know, so cant offer first hand experience with the goffins, but I would let the little guy settle in first before changing anything too drastic. I am sure the diet will come in time by offering the veggies etc on a daily basis. Watching Elvis will help Im sure as well. You are going to have to give me a ring soon so we can get all these pictures up, everyone is dying to see them. Caroline.
  11. Berna to the rescue! Karma coming your way:P
  12. Forgot to ask, didnt the store advise you on feeding him? How many feeds was he having there? You could always contact them and ask.
  13. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/the-nursery/73409-handfeeding-a-baby-grey.html Go by the guide above Fal. How many feeds is he on? Morning and night? How much is he taking? What else is he eating? Do you have access to pellets to try and moisten them and get him to eat them?
  14. Great new home for Tango, Im sure he will love it!
  15. Thats great news! Lets hope he is starting to get better with the meds. Keep us all updated, I pray for a speedy recovery:)
  16. Jen, how could anyone get tired of watching these beautiful babies grow? No, my limit is at three, I couldnt cope with another one:laugh: Karma to you Jen for sharing these great photos with us:)
  17. Welcome baby Murphy:kiss: What a beautiful baby grey, when is the new addition going to be joining Eddie?
  18. This is great news Dan! I am so pleased there will be no need for surgery.
  19. Welcome to the forum, What fantastic pictures of Jackson! He is a great looking grey! Hope you enjoy it here. Caroline
  20. Hiya and welcome to the forum. There are lots of great threads on here which will help you and your grey, take time and read through some of them. Any questions, just shout! Lots of experienced members are here on the forum who will gladly help. Cant wait to hear more and see some photos. Hope you enjoy it here:)
  21. Dan, I think this will take a while with Dayo,he must have had quite a shake up from this bad experience and also it was totally unexpected as he obviously trusted the dogs within his flock. Charlie my eldest grey had a bad time last year with the Earthquake and loss of flights, he has overcome so much. I thought I had lost trust with Charlie but after many months of offering support, love and understanding I now have my Charlie back. Dayo may even have a few setbacks, two steps forward, three back so to speak, but he is in the best possible care he could be in with you and Kim. Your love and experience will get you all through this. You have all gone through so much Dan, lets hope these things that are sent to try us do make us stronger. I pray for some good luck and send my good wishes to all three of you. Caroline:)
  22. No you can get them without metal and untreated. They are the old fashioned dolly pegs. Good thing to point out though so no one does buy the metal ones:)
  23. There will be no problem with the talking, in fact my younger greys seem to learn more from my eldest grey than they do from me! I have three greys, the youngest is just starting to talk ( he is 8 months old now ) but I have had no problems with the middle grey talking. You may have jelousy issues, there again they might all get on fine. No one can say! Please keep us updated with your decision. Caroline.
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