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Everything posted by casper

  1. Jason, I do hope Ernie just had an off day. Please keep us updated.
  2. Welcome to both of you. Cant wait to hear more about Pogo and see some photos:)
  3. Fantastic photos! Thanks for sharing:)
  4. I hope Ana Grey enjoys it as much as my boys do! Great photos! Thanks or sharing:)
  5. Lets hope the specialist can help Sheila, keep us updated wont you?
  6. casper

    butternut squash?

    I have always steamed and mashed mine as well, we use a full one and there is enough for the birds and us to eat some as well. I might try and bake some and see if they like it.
  7. So sorry to hear this sad news. You did all you could, my thoughts are with you.
  8. I would love your job Berna! I would want to keep them all though! They are so cute:kiss:
  9. Here is a link which shows you the complete list of fruits and veggies. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/bird-food/59809-complete-veggiefruit-list.html
  10. Anthea, there are lots of threads in the bird food room which will help. It also gives lists of safe foods we can give to our greys. Have a good look round in there when you get the time.
  11. Wont be long now;) I bet you cant wait and what a hard decision its going to be choosing one of those beautiful greys! That is a great photo! I look forward to hearing about your new baby and seeing lots of photos:)
  12. casper

    DNA Results

    That is great news, I am so pleased they are both well! You will just have to play the waiting game now! Its great you can visit every weekend though.
  13. Beautiful pictures, thanks for sharing these with us:)
  14. Let the breeder wean the baby, he shouldnt be letting the baby go that young to someone who has not hand fed before, that should be left to someone with experience as so many things can go wrong if you dont know what you are doing. Like the others have said, the age and handfeeding does not affect the bonding procedure, so dont worry about that. Greys wean at different ages, one of mine was weaned at 12 weeks, the other two didnt wean until about 19 weeks they are all different. Congratulations on your new baby:)
  15. Lol, I have just caught up with this thread and I am pmsl:laugh: :laugh:
  16. Great photo of Smokey:)
  17. Hi Sameera, great to see you back. He has had such a rough ride, I still pray that Zahzu will continue to improve with time. My thoughts are with you. Caroline.
  18. I have two cats as well as the three greys. I never let them in the same room together when the birds are out, I just cant take the risk as one of my cats has brought birds home many times:( It works quite well for me as the cats sleep all day while the birds are out, then the cats have their time with me on an evening. Its just finding out what works best for you and your household. Good luck:)
  19. When did Sandi start chewing the feathers? Was it just after the baby was born or just recently after the feathers were trimmed? There could be lots of different reasons here, its just finding the right one. If the biting started just after the baby was born, Sandi could be feeling jelous and nervous of the new baby and change within the household, but you say the routine has not changed for Sandi so Im not sure on that one. Was the trim done by an experienced Avian vet? If the clip was not done properly, it maybe could have left Sandi with some irratation around the flights but that would not explain the chewing of the tail feathers. Do you bath Sandi regular? You could bathe more often then mist down with some Aloe vera juice to soothe the skin. Make sure to take extra care if you bird has no flights, Ive had a bird lose flights and I had to make sure he had no risk of falling from ay kind of height as this would be very dangerous so keep Sandi at a low level if possible. If you have not done so already, I would go back to the vets and have some tests done just to rule out anything medical as well. Other members may be able to help you more, I do hope things improve and you can work through this, please dont think of re homing Sandi, it could make things worse not better. Caroline.
  20. Mine sometimes still do this when they are settling down on a night. It seems that most greys do this. Beautiful photo! Thanks for sharing:)
  21. Hi Anthea and Harry, welcome to the forum! Is Harry your first bird? Cant wait to see some photos of him when you get the time to post some. Is your Daughter already a member as well, if not get her to join us all, you will enjoy it here and get lots of advice for Harry, just read through lots of the threads we have, you will soon get the hang of things. So glad you could join us:) Caroline
  22. Yes I agree! Even though I have three greys, I wouldnt put them in the same cage together. They sometimes choose to hang out together in one of the cages but I think living together would be a big mistake for mine. They all like their own territory, toys etc. Just my opinion.
  23. Rana we can help. Here is a guide to handfeeding, have a good read through to give you some idea. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/the-nursery/73409-handfeeding-a-baby-grey.html Can you tell me, is your baby eating anything else, pellets, seeds, fruits veggies? Or is the baby just taking formula only?
  24. Sorry but just something I forgot to mention in my last post, as you didnt have a necropsy done to find out why your baby died, I would advise on sterilising the old cage or even buying a new one if you havn't already, same goes for any toys etc. Caroline.
  25. Rana, I am truly sorry for the loss of your grey, I cant imagine how hurt you must be feeling. Remember it takes time to grieve the loss of something/someone, I cant say its right or wrong that you went straight out and bought another grey, it will maybe help the grieving process but will never replace your old one. Do you have experience of hand feeding? If not you will need help and guidance by someone experienced, do you have a vet to show you how or the store you bought the baby from? How old is your new baby and how many feeds are they on? We have had members here in the past who have had accidents when feeding, it should only be done by someone experienced. Good look with your new baby Koki, remember we have lots of experienced members here, please ask if you need any help, we are also here for any support you may need at this sad time. Caroline.
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