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Everything posted by casper

  1. Hayley, if you move to France let me know and I will come over and help you drink all that wine:laugh: I would just love a family holiday again and be able to leave the greys!
  2. casper


    Yes, they are all so different! My eldest grey started to whistle first but said his first words at about a year old, my middle grey is just starting to talk now and he is 10 months and my baby is about the same age as yours and except for the odd schreech is very quiet compared to the other two. Just talk normally to your grey, he will soon pick up everyday words and will probably be a closet talker first before he speaks in front of you.
  3. Cant wait to see it when its done, I should have done this rather than buy mine in ready made!
  4. I never open the roof tops on the cages anymore either. My birds were the same, they fell down a couple of times so I keep the top closed and they seem to prefer to hang out there a lot more now. When my birds are out of their cages they are a lot quieter, they will speak a little but not as much as when they are in their cages. Dave has given some great advice, I would practise the step ups and I would get your bird used to using the main door of the cage. Try and coax him with a favourite treat, save this treat only for when he goes back into the cage. This is what I do with mine and after a while they will associate the two and hopefully this will work.
  5. Good luck and please keep us updated, would love to hear more about your baby grey and see some pictures if you have any to share.
  6. Welcome to the forum Swan, Cant wait to hear more about you and your flock, do you have any pictures to share with us?
  7. Dan, After reading everyones opinions has it helped in making a decision on the future of your grey?
  8. Matt, do you know what type of perches are being used?
  9. Like Dan said, they choose their favourites and it sounds like this is what he has done already! I am the main carer for my birds and the only person who can handle them, this was through the birds choice not mine. Each baby I have brought home was well socialized and would go to all the members of my family then a couple of months down the line it all changed and would only come to me. My middle grey will come and sit on my husbands knee and all three will accept treats from the rest of the family. My husband feeds the birds on a morning just to make sure there would be no problems feeding if I am not here for some reason, he also covers them at night. get other members of the family to help you do this. On the question about the vacation, will you have someone who will be staying in the home with the birds who they will know? You will need to plan ahead for this and make sure the birds are used to the sitter, I would start to plan this now. They are very sensitive and most greys are very wary around strangers. Caroline.
  10. Hiya Mary Jo and welcome to the forum. You sound like you have a great companion in Cookie and you have done a wonderful job as he has now grown his feathers back. One of my birds has problems as well growing his pimaries, he still gets some lift but mainly has crash landings and needs to be carried everywhere bless him. You will soon find your way around the forum, I cant wait to hear more about you both and see some pictures when you get chance to post. Hope you enjoy it here. Caroline.
  11. I am sat in tears. I am so sorry for your loss and my words wont help ease the pain you are feeling now. Please, dont blame yourself, how were you to know? My thoughts will be with you, fly free at Rainbow bridge baby Shadow xxx
  12. This might help as well Julie. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/the-photography-room/89533-how-to-post-picturesphoto-tuturial.html
  13. I hope everyone had a great New Year! Me, well this cold has taken a hold and I spent the evening by myself at home:( Dave and the kids still went to the party and I had an early night. Never mind, hopefully I will feel a bit better tomorrow. I think its the first time Dave and I have not spent the New year together but I still wanted them to go and have some fun. Best wishes to you all xx
  14. Happy Hatchday Scooby Doo! Hope your Dad has been spoiling you!
  15. Astro is beautiful! Thanks for sharing those wonderful pictures with us:)
  16. Hiya Julie, Its great you could join us here! Great choice in name for your eldest grey;) I have had that nickname for quite some time now. How long have you had your new baby? Caroline.
  17. Fantastic picture Janet! I hope Ana Grey didnt have to much of a late night! Happy New Year.
  18. Jessica, The pain is going to take time but your new Macaw will help to ease the pain. Like Dan said, please keep in touch we would love to here about your new companion. Caroline
  19. Welcome Gooddoggie, The others have given great advice:) Hope you enjoy the forum. Caroline
  20. casper


    http://www.greyforums.net/forums/african-grey/109965-chetwwomack-bird-trickscom.html#111391 You might find the above link interesting.
  21. casper


    Just a reminder to everyone about Karma. There seems to be someone who is taking peoples karma away at the moment. WHY? If you disagree with someone or something that has been posted, why not pm that person and explain why instead? This is happening to some valuable members we have on the forum, please, lets start the new year on a positive note, lets start giving karma instead and rewarding these people instead of making them feel unwelcome here! Caroline.
  22. casper


    I stopped feeding the monkey nuts for this reason. I offer pine nuts instead as a treat now. I also throw them away out of any bird mixes.<br><br>Post edited by: casper, at: 2008/12/30 22:28
  23. Penny, Im so glad everything went well an the band was removed with no problems. Great news that the check up went well:)
  24. As long as he is eating his fruits and veggies as well, our safe foods are fine, a varied diet is good for our greys, I would offer chicken as well as a treat or fish.
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