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Everything posted by casper

  1. Hiya and welcome to our friendly forum! You have quite a flock there, I bet they all keep you nice and busy! Cant wait to hear more about you and Micah and see some pictures when you get the chance. Hope you enjoy it here:)
  2. Happy christmas Mark, hope you and your family have a wonderful time:)
  3. That is fantastic! I will send you an order for three please! Great job, Im sure Ash will love it:)
  4. I hope everyone is looking forward to tomorrow. I will be watching Polar express with the kids tomorrow, its one of my favourite christmas films whilst we stuff our faces with chocolates and popcorn! Tomorrow night I will be cooking while singing along to some good music, drinking the odd glass of wine and of course will be catching up with you all on here. Happy christmas eve eve lol! Hayley, I hope you feel a bit better, keep the good memories of Charley, they will always stay with you:kiss:<br><br>Post edited by: casper, at: 2008/12/23 23:07
  5. Congratulations! The smaller cage will be fine. When I brought my last baby home he was in a smaller cage for a few weeks until his new one arrived. Like Judy said, because he is so young and will be clumsy, lower the perches and pad the bottom, I just put a towel down on the bottom and covered in newspaper. Dont be suprised if your baby sleeps on the bottom to start with, two of mine did this its just a baby thing. He will learn his flying skills hrough practise. They are clumsy to start with and may have a few crash landings but you will be suprised how quickly they learn! I bet you cant wait! I will be counting down the days:)
  6. Firstly, let me say I am so sorry for your loss. I cant imagine what you must be feeling like, time is a great healer and I hope the pain will lessen over time. I think it is really important to try and get the necropsy done when you have other birds. If it is a contagious disease you will need to treat the birds with the right medication not just any antibiotic. Doxycycline is normally given for the treatment of Psittacosis or Chlamydophila psittaci as its also known. Is this what you think your bird had? I believe you can get home testing kits for the disease but the disease can remain in incubation for a 45 day period. Is there maybe a family member who could help with the money for the necropsy? it might be something completely different that your birds may not need any treatment for. I wish you well and hope it was nothing contagious. Please keep us updated on the rest of your flock. Caroline.
  7. Welcome Steve, Congratulations on your new baby! Is this going to be your first bird? Cant wait to hear more about you both ( hope you decide on the name Charlie as my eldest grey is called this.) Enjoy the forum.
  8. Thats great news! Just be sure not to allow your grey on your shoulder though. One of mine can be a bit nippy and managed to give me a slight peck on the face the other day! A lot of people do find the their birds learn better when they are taken in another room to learn step up. They can be very territorial in their normal room. I hope things get a lot easier for you, please keep us updated with any progress.
  9. One thing to remember as well is that your question will be lost in the IM window if people are talking, your always best to start a new post. That way you are sure to get an answer..
  10. David, that made me laugh! Didnt you know you had joined a bunch of crazy people?:laugh: Karma to you when I can:)
  11. Have a fantastic Xmas Dave! Hope you and your family have a wonderful time:)
  12. Two of mine are left footed and one is right!
  13. Hiya Debi and congratulations! I also have a baby grey called Jasper, he is nearly 7 months old now! Enjoy your new baby and welcome:)
  14. Im so excited, and I just cant hide it........... I cant wait! The countdown is killing me! Always the same, I end up worse than the kids. Christmas eve is the worst I end up tossing and turning all night as I cant wait to see the kids faces on Christmas day morning! What a big softie!:laugh: Well I did the big food shop, you would have thought there were rations going on and I went at 9am this morning! Its the first Christmas I havent worked in about 10 years so its all new to me being at home with the kids and the fids I am so looking forward to it. I hope everyone else is nearly ready, we shall all have to have a glass of mulled wine together Christmas eve:P Have a great day everyone:)
  15. Its wonderful you could join us! Love the picture of Oliver, very festive. I look forward to hearing more about you both, hope you enjoy it here.
  16. Pen to paper Dave, could you write the next one for maybe Valentines day or Easter? Gives you plenty of time! My Keeko's hatchdate is Feb 14th as well so I will look forward to your work of art:whistle:
  17. I would like to say a BIG thankyou to everyone:) You are all so important and have certainly made a big difference to mine and my greys life and well being. I would like to wish you all a great Christmas and a wonderful new year, you all mean so much! Have a great time everyone. Caroline, Charlie, Keeko and baby Jasper xxxxx
  18. Hi and welcome to the forum:) I hope you enjoy the many rooms we have here and find some of the information useful for your greys. Glad you could join us:)
  19. Yes, mine will be getting their christmas veggies with some chicken thrown in for a treat.
  20. Lovely photos of Shanti, thanks for sharing David:)
  21. What a great video! Out of three greys, one of mine is like Bella all the time! Its like he is always hyper and is so demanding wanting to play rough all the time! They are so funny and so full of energy! Thanks for sharing with us all:)
  22. Great idea Carolyn! I am going to have to start making things like this! Karma to you:)
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