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Everything posted by casper

  1. Thanks for a great update! Eddie sounds like quite a playful character and a very happy grey! The photos are great, thanks for sharing baby Eddie with us all.
  2. Some beautiful photos again. Thanks for sharing oppie,it wont be long until your baby will be home with you. Caroline.
  3. This can happen with the morning poop, it all depends on the foods they ate the day before and the amount of fluid they had. The morning poop is always the biggest as they have held on to it all night. I would monitor the poops today and see if they go back to normal as long as your grey is well, active eating etc and the poops are normal again I think everything should be ok.
  4. Congratulations! Sounds like Mckenzie is settling in already! Cant wait to hear more, keep us updated. Caroline.
  5. Hi Nikki, Sorry to ask poop questions but was this first thing on a morning? If so the first poop is always the biggest and can be watery. How many times has it happened? Caroline.
  6. Hiya Lisa and welcome to the forum. How long have you had Billy? Its so nice you could join us here, take a look around the forum and we would love to see some photos of Billy if you have some. Cant wait to hear more about you both. Caroline.
  7. Welcome Brian! What a name for your baby! Savage! I hope your ear is still intact after that picture was taken for your avatar lol. Why not try to mist Savage instead? My three prefer misting to having a shower! Cant wait to hear more about you both and see some pictures when you get some. Glad you could join us. Caroline.
  8. Hi, Congratulations on your special new grey! Its so good of you to take in a re-home. The most important thing here is to go slowly! Dont make any drastic changes with diet or feeding yet. Let him get used to his surroundings, and most importantly he needs to build a relationship with you! Not only has he changed homes but he was shipped as well, it must have been an ordeal for him but it sounds as though he coped very well and was not to traumatised by this. Let him go at his own pace, sit and talk with him, let him get used to your voice and feeling comfortable around you. As far as being vocal, he may be quiet for quite a while yet, greys normally need to feel content and comfortable before they will start to vocalise, this should be the last thing you should be concerned about, building a good relationship and making him feel safe and secure and comfortable in his new home should come first. We have many members on here who have taken in an older grey as a re- home, I am sure they will give you wonderful advice and tell you of their experience. Good luck with your new companion, please keep us updated. Caroline.
  9. How old is he now? Is he about 16 months old? Has he only ever eaten sunflower seeds and nuts? The others have given good advice on introducing fruits and veggies to him. Have you tried him with pellets? If not try him with some, if he dosent accept them try and moisten them before offering other members soak them in apple juice as well. Nuts and sunflower seeds are not great as the only diet for a grey, they need variety fruits, veggies, pellets and seed. Read through the bird food room to give you ideas on what to try him with we also have a recipe section in there. Good luck, keep us poated with his progress. Caroline.
  10. Hi nhrh, You have not had your baby that long and I agree with the others that everything is new and scary to him. babies go through so much when we first bring them home, some have left the security of the breeder, others have left a breeder and already been to a store, different cages, people diet etc. They all act differently,some will be very quiet for a few weeks, overs may be vocal. Hopefully your baby will grow out of this stage when he settles in his new enviroment. At first I wondered if he could be hungry but he does sound like he is eating enough if he is eating his fruits. Try introducing new fruits and veg, offer these in different ways you will eventually find what he likes. If he is completely weaned and off his formula try offering some warm mashed food, most babies like this and like to be fed from a spoon. Dont rush to get your baby into the shower,let him settle in first, mine prefer to be misted, try this with him he may prefer this and it will get him used to the water gently. Does he have any toys in his cage? You mention you are going to buy some and a new cage, they like to be stimulated by toys and like to play. Enjoy your new baby, it just takes a while for them to settle in thats all. Dont hesitate to post if you have any more questions. Caroline.
  11. Very interesting thread Dan! Charlie my eldest grey is the main talker out of the three and says just about everything in my husbands voice! Even if it is obviously something he has picked up from me he will say this in Daves voice! Keeko the middle grey mimics everything that Charlie does so now we have two greys talking in Daves voice which is actually quite freaky at times! One morning I thought I heard Dave asking what I was doing, I turned round and realised Dave was still upstairs, it was Charlie! I am the one who has bonded with all three greys and spends all day with them but they choose to speak like my husband! Strange! Caroline.
  12. {Feel-good-0002006B} So thats what it means;)
  13. Mine will eat anything BUT grapes! None of them really like them at all!
  14. Hello and welcome Afrique and Kiki. I hope you enjoy looking round the forum. How long have you had your grey? Please share some pictures with us all when you get time to post. Caroline.
  15. What fantastic pictures! I love them all! Karma to you for sharing with us:) Caroline
  16. Hiya Bea and welcome, Please keep us updated on your decision, I cant wait to find out if you have a new addition to your flock:) Caroline.
  17. {Feel-good-0002006E} Thats a good one!
  18. Janet, I still consider my Charlie to be a baby and he is 17 months old! They are all beautiful babies to me. Please include your new baby in the album:) Caroline.
  19. LOL Dan! You make me laugh:laugh:
  20. :laugh: Yeah, you better get with it!:laugh: Hi mattpatresi, Welcome to the forum. Why dont you go into the welcome room and tell us a bit more about yourself? Cant wait to hear! Caroline.
  21. Cheeky Dave! GIRLS ONLY! Now go do all that cleaning {Feel-good-0002006E}
  22. Hi everyone, I have revived this thread for any members who would like to add any photos to the baby album. I cant wait to see all the new babies we have join this thread. Caroline:)
  23. I hope everyone has started to feel a bit better! Judy, take it easy! Get well soon:kiss:
  24. Madness, Did you get to visit the grey today? Please keep us posted, I hope everything went well and you were able to make a decision. Caroline.
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