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Everything posted by casper

  1. casper

    Its done

    I am so pleased to hear that the operation went well for your Mum Sheila, fingers crossed she will recover a lot better once she is home with the help of nursing staff and her loving family. A big hug to all of you from me:kiss: Remember to keep in touch and update us all with her progress.
  2. casper


    The perches would be a great idea. Like Judy said position them where you know they will be used on a daily basis for example next to the food bowls. I use them with my three and they keep their nails trimmed down.
  3. She is enjoying playing with that swing! All mine love their swings as well. Thanks for sharing:)
  4. The back pack looks like a great idea. I have seen them but always take mine out in their wingabago carrier. I might look at buying one of these for the summer, they will all have to take a turn.
  5. I am thinking of you both. I pray she is found and returned to your loving home again. I do hope we will have another happy ending! Please keep us updated, you are doing a great job and we are all behind you:)
  6. Vicki, that is great news!! I can tell how excited you are:) You can ask as many questions as you like, we dont mind at all!! Just remember we all love to see those baby pictures so once your baby settles in make sure you post some. I am sure this baby will bring such joy into your life, my three have they mean the world to me as Im sure your baby will to you:)
  7. I am so jelous!! I have been trying to get mine to say mummy for a long time with no luck!!!! They will say my husbands name when he passes but will NOT say mummy. I really do believe they know what they are saying. That is such a cute story, I will keep on trying:)
  8. Does he do this towards you? If he does it sounds like what a grey does when they are showing you affection or love. Two of mine will do this to me and they also do this to each other. Its quite a noisy process with the two of them as they lower their wings and make their noises, quite interesting to watch. Does he regurgitate for you when he bobs his head?
  9. Its great your new grey Kooki is settling in. Thanks for the update:)
  10. Hiya Maria, Its great you could join us here. You have quite a flock going on there! I cant help you with pictures of a bird room as my three are in their own cages in my front room, they spend all the free time I have out of their cages and I have a couple of playstands and a cargo net for them to play on. I know other members have bird rooms though and I am sure they will help you with some ideas. Hope you enjoy the forum:)
  11. Hiya Ram and welcome to the forum. Cant wait to hear more about you and your flock. Hope you enjoy it here:)
  12. Hello and welcome to both of you. Roxie is a beautiful looking grey, cant wait to hear more about you both.
  13. So funny! What a mover:laugh:
  14. casper

    dive bombing

    I am so pleased that you had the guts to speak your mind Dave. I too saw the profile info the other day and was really shocked by what I read. Everyone on here has the right to speak their mind but I found the profile very insulting and very rude. We are all a friendly bunch on here who love our birds and want nothing more than to give them the best we can. If you really want to be a part of this forum just give a thought to the things you type and all the members on here.
  15. They are so cute! It will be so difficult to just choose one of those cuties, I would want to take them all home:kiss:
  16. I cant believe this has happened. I too pray he is found safe and well. I wish he had stayed with you and not been returned to them and this would never have happened. My thoughts are with you both.
  17. My three are also covered, I have done this with them since they were babies. I half cover them to start off with which seems to settle them down then about half an hour later I fully cover them. This works for mine but each grey is different. Do you know if the previous owner covered him before?
  18. I use the grates on all of mine. I clean them down each day and like Talon does I use a dish scrubbing brush to give them a good scrubbing.
  19. Hi EllaDad, Welcome to the forum. Was your baby sold to you as being weaned or did the breeder make you fully aware the baby had not weaned and still needed 3 feeds a day? Is your baby Ella eating anything on her own? Does she eat the fruits and veggies? Is she on any pellets or seed? Just a bit more info on her diet would be great. Below is a guide to handfeeding, it does vary for each bird as they do wean at different ages. Two of mine were fully weaned by 12 weeks the other took a bit longer. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/the-nursery/73409-handfeeding-a-baby-grey.html It all depends on what your baby is eating to how many feeds she should be having. I hope the guide will help you, If she is not accepting pellets yet, try them and they can also be slightly moist if she refuses to eat them dry. Please keep us updated and ask any questions you may have:)
  20. They are so clever! My eldest grey will call one of the cats who is called Sukey. He makes me laugh when Sukey has a mad half an hour charging about, he will shout "Sukey stop it now" They are so smart!
  21. So sorry for your loss. I pray he is being looked after.
  22. I have two cats and found the only solution was to lock the cats in a seperate room while the greys are out. They never bother about the greys when they are in their cages. Its not worth taking the risk!
  23. Are your two birds already breeders? You say you have two greys but then you say you havnt started breeding yet.Do you have experience with breeding greys? You say you want to hand over the greys when they are really young to keep a "rolling inventory" what age would this be? I look forward to your reply;)
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