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Everything posted by casper

  1. Hi Kathy, Welcome to the forum:) I cant wait to hear more about you both and see some pictures when you get the time. Hope you enjoy it here.
  2. Hiya Jason, Northern parrots do a selection, I dont think they do one on greys though you might be best giving them a ring. http://www.24parrot.com/category.asp?filter_cat=&cat_id=169&pf_id=&jump=0&sfile=1= I might get details from Sheila and try that one as well.
  3. Congratulations on baby Murphy. It wont be long till he is home now I bet you cant wait! I cant wait to hear more about him:)
  4. Hiya Mark and welcome to the forum. I cant wait to here more about your beautiful timneh Bogie. I hope you enjoy it here:)
  5. Who knows, we may get an extra days holiday next year then! Fingers crossed;)
  6. I hope the meds will work with Lily and everything will work out fine. Pat has given great advice, its maybe worth having another word with your vet after the treatment is finished. Big hugs to Ana Grey and Lily:kiss:
  7. All greys are different when it comes to mirrors. My eldest grey had a mirror for a while but started to become really aggressive and started to fight with it all the time so I removed it. I never bothered trying one with the other greys because of this.
  8. Supernova, what about Englishwomen?:whistle:
  9. Hope you had a great day! We should all get a days holiday!
  10. Sameera, I am at a loss what to say to you. I was in tears when I read this post,my heart goes out to you. We have followed your posts with Zahzu through all the rough times she encountered in her short life. You always gave her the best you could, it was so obvious how much you loved her. You were such a great mum to her and loved her so much, may you both be reunited one day. All my thoughts and love are with you. Caroline.
  11. What a cutie, he looks so proud of himself:)
  12. Great pictures! Erika, that picture of Cooper is just so funny!:laugh:
  13. What a coincidence! I did a post not so long ago about the colour red, one of my greys freaks when he see's anything red! Good look with the decorating.
  14. I hope this will be the last of many operations poor thing. I wish Zahzu lots of luck and a speedy recovery:) Please let us know how everything goes.
  15. I love the new name! Welcome baby Adaya.
  16. What beautiful photos Pat. I love the last one:kiss:
  17. Noor, I am at a loss what to say. I cant even imagine the pain you are feeling at this moment but I just wanted you to know that I am so sorry for the loss of your baby. I will be thinking of you and hope that time will be a great healer. May your baby fly free at rainbow bridge. Caroline.
  18. Wonderful photos Carol! Your breeder is so good! Its great the babies are being harness trained at such an early age. I wish mine had been. Never be worried about posting too many photos we love seeing them, they are wonderful. Your babies are adorable:kiss:
  19. He is just so cute! I cant believe how much he has grown! Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures with us:kiss:
  20. Its got to be pine nuts! They will do anything for these! They also love pistachios, sugar snap peas and pomegranates:)
  21. Your doing a great job with Beau! He has settled straight into your family he sounds as though he was well socialized as he has little fear of his new routine! Cant wait to see some more pictures and read regular updates, I love to hear about everyones babies:)
  22. I am sooooo pleased you are bringing both babies home Carol, you will have so much fun. I love the picture of them both together they are adorable.:kiss: You wont have any problems with the bonding, I have three and all three are bonded to me Ive never had any problems with this. I am so excited and cant wait till you bring them home and the fun begins!
  23. Sugar snap peas, pomegranate seeds and pine nuts are a big favourite with mine:)
  24. Dave007 has also done you a seperate post about abundance feeding.
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