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Everything posted by casper

  1. This is great news! I went to bed last night so worried about this little one, thankfully our prayers have been answered! CONGRATULATIONS:) :)
  2. Good look in finding a good home for your baby birdlover. I think it must have been hard for you to come to the decision to rehome your grey but if you feel that will be best for both of you that is what you must do. If you decide to keep your baby you know we are always here to help:) Keep us posted.
  3. Thankyou everyone. Janet, could you send me a slice of that cake please? It looks so yummy its made me hungry now lol:laugh:
  4. Dawn, I cant help you about the injections but I just wanted to say, what a great name choice. I love It!!!!! One of my fave films as well;) Great news on the negative test result for PBFD. Let us know when the other result comes back in wont you?
  5. Here is a link for your friend to contact ( she may have already done so, I dont know) http://www.theparrotsocietyuk.org/lost-parrots.php John Hayward runs the Uk theft register for lost and stolen parrots. Its where people will leave details if they find a missing bird. I do hope your friend is reunited with her baby.
  6. Think long and hard before you make any decision. Greys can be quite a demanding pet to keep. Sometimes people are not aware of the time thats needed to look after them or wether they will suit their life style. I posted a thread the other day about how much time a day it takes to look after them, I dont know if you read it or not. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/african-grey/136457-how-much-time.html#136850 Back to the noise though, hopefully its just a phase, like others have said, ignore the screaming if you can, spend as much time playing and talking to your baby when you can. I also find that the greys react more when the television or music is on in the house, see if it makes a difference when you turn the volume down. I hope things will work out for you and your baby, anytime you need to talk you know where we are:)
  7. I really hope this works for you. Please keep us updated,it will be interesting to see how they are in a months time.
  8. Greys can make a lot of noise, some are different to others. Mine have certain times of the day when they can make a lot of noise, at the moment I am sat here and you wouldnt know I have three greys in the room. How much time out of the cage does he have, mine do make a lot more noise when they are in their cages. The other members have offered some good advice:) Are you still looking for a new home for your baby or have you decided to keep him now?
  9. Aww Carol, they are just so cute! The one with three on looks like playtime in my house lol! I bet you cant wait! Neither can I, you will have so much fun:)
  10. Today is the hatchday of the baby of my little flock! My darling Jasper is 1 today! They are all sat eating a palm nut at the moment to celebrate, my babies are all growing up! Happy hatchday Jasper xxxx:kiss:
  11. Im so glad that evrything was ok! I was quite suprised with the dye as well. The greys love to put the wooden shapes I buy in their water dishes when they are playing and the amount of dye that comes out is amazing! I suppose it must be safe and has been tested though. Your story reminded me of a time when one of my cats came home covered in red on her belly, I thought it was blood. I rushed her to the vets where it turned out to be red paint:blush: You can never be to careful!
  12. Ive had poop all over! Ive gone shopping with it on me, been to work (without knowing it) all over me. Carpet, laptop, you name it, door handles then put our hands on to open it! Its just a normal everyday part of life now. I think one of the worst ones was similiar to Daves story. My middle grey saves his morning dump until he comes out, this one particular day he flew straight out and over to Jaspers cage, yep, all over poor Jasper, the morning one as well:sick: The poor bugger didnt know what had happened lol. Great stories everyone ( It was Julie's idea really):whistle:
  13. What a cute story!:laugh: Wow, he sure is going to be a big boy if he weighs that already! Thanks for sharing with us all:)
  14. Tarah, 2-3 weeks isnt very long for your new grey to settle in. Please give it longer, it may take a while. The other members have given great advice, especially about the body language, it helps when you know what to look for and you can move yourself away from the situation. Keep us all updated with your greys progress. I look forward to hearing more about him and seeing some photos.
  15. Hello and welcome. Congratulations on your new baby, do you already have your baby at home with you? Cant wait to hear more and see some photos:)
  16. Dawn, What a great update on Clyde, keep up with the good work, I think your doing great! Make sure you let us know the results when you get them:)
  17. Mango is a lovely name and she is beautiful! Thanks for the lovely pictures:)
  18. Nope! None of mine will touch almonds either! Great info Dan:)
  19. Julie, you should start a thread on that lol, I bet there would be a few good laughs on there!:laugh:
  20. Okay, here goes! Lap top charger! Voile net curtains! Wooden doors and casing! Wooden ornaments! telly remotes! Mobile phones! Wallpaper! Dado rail! Light fitting! Clothes! Leather chairs at dining table! Picture frame! Gold chain! Ankle bracelet! Laptop! Sheila, great thread! Dave is watching as I am typing and shaking his head! I need a bigger house with a birdroom lol! If their is an ASBO for destructive parrots, mine should definetly get one as well as community service.:evil:
  21. I hope you all had a wonderful Mothers day and were really spoilt!:kiss:
  22. .... Do your birds wake up? Mine used to sleep quite well, we would have to wake them on a morning when we got up for work. Charlie has now decided its really good to wake us every morning at 6.30 with his full range of vocab and all his whistles and singing! If I didnt worry about the neighbours before, I really am now! Funny thing is the other two dont make a sound until we uncover them! I think they enjoy their sleep. I dont mind through the week but the rest of my clan are not happy on a weekend at being awake so early, and of course the worry of next doors! So just curious, do you get an extra hours sleep and what time do your birds wake up if you dont wake them?
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