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Everything posted by casper

  1. Here are a couple of pictures from when my husband Dave and my son Brad went away to Ibiza last year.
  2. Ann Marie, That is great news! You can never tell what the babies wil be like, some will turn into one person birds others will remain social with all the family. Do you live near to the breeder? Will you be able to visit quite often with your new baby? Congratulations! I cant wait to hear more about your new baby:) You know you are always welcome here, with or without a grey!
  3. Hiya Zicodee and welcome to the forum. What a great picture of Zico, he is so cute. Congratulations on those first words, there will be no stopping him now, nearly time for the ear plugs lol. Scotland is such a beautiful place:) Hope you are enjoying the forum.
  4. Pat, I have he same problem with my baby Jasper. He is the same and my head is so sore, I am going to have to trim his nails soon. I went to the hairdressers the other day and had to tell them what was wrong with my head as it is covered in scratches, it really hurts when you wash your hair. I have even considered wearing a baseball cap:laugh: Would probably freak the birds out though so maybe another plan of action is needed. I thought I was the only one with a sore head! Apart from lifting them down every time they do it and hope they soon get the message Im not sure what else we can do. Let me know if you come up with something.
  5. That picture in flight is brilliant! I have only managed to get a couple so far, its so difficult to get them. Great toy as well!
  6. Hi Angie and Millie, Welcome to the forum. It all depends what diet your baby was used to before you got her. Keep trying with different fruits and veggies until you find what her favourites are. If you go into the birdfood room here it will give you plenty of ideas and recipes to give your baby. Just watch out for the laptop lol, Im typing at the moment with half of my keys missing!:laugh: Cant wait to see some pictures and hope you enjoy it here:)<br><br>Post edited by: casper, at: 2009/04/30 15:03
  7. Thanks for the warning! I wish a speedy recovery as well.
  8. What I did with all my babies, was to choose a few different names and wait till the baby is home to learn their personality and see if the name suited them or not. Will your baby be dna'd or will you be chosing a neutral name to suit male/female? Check out different websites for parrot names, they will give you some good ideas, also look through some baby name websites. Good luck and let us all know when you find a few that you like:)
  9. I was in tears when I read your tribute to Buttons. What a beautiful relationship you both had, you will cherish those memories forever. When people say to me, they are only birds, I want them to share the relationship we have with our companions. My babies mean the world to me, as Buttons did to you. Your photos are just beautiful, I wish you all the luck in the world with your new greys and just know that if you ever want to talk, theres people here who understand. Fly free Buttons xx
  10. Janfromboone, that explains a lot! People keep asking me if I am the Casper with a grey called Charlie on you tube, I will check your friends out thankyou:)
  11. Welcome to the forum Miki and Gary. The other members have offered great advice! Cant wait to hear more about both of you and see some photos:)
  12. Hello Akili and welcome from all the other beautiful greys here:kiss: Please get your owner to post some photos when they get the time.
  13. Welcome to you both:) I hope you enjoy the forum and cant wait to hear about your progress with harley.
  14. Glad to hear everything is okay:)
  15. Its only been a couple of weeks and you still may find the owner. Have you tried all your vet clinics and rescue centres to see if anyone has reported a grey missing? Someone must be missing their baby. A lot of people do go on forums as well, please keep trying. Im glad he has settled okay but I would leave off clipping the wings in case you find the babies owner. I would give it a bit longer. You could advertise in the rescue rooms like this one and get people to pm if they think the baby could be theirs. What country are you in? Good luck.
  16. All my greys amaze me every day and always put a smile on my face but my eldest one Charlie is quite a character! From getting up this morning he insists on calling himself Charles instead of Charlie but the most funny thing he has been saying is " Do you wanna burger?" but he is saying it in a geordie accent and has got it off to a tee! We are from Yorkshire and there is no mistaking our accent to a Geordie one! I think its from a comic sketch we watched on the telly, they dont miss a thing do they?:laugh:
  17. It looks brilliant! I would love to make something like this for my three, you have given me some great ideas, thankyou:)
  18. Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl:kiss:
  19. I had to do the same as well Pat. I mixed mine together and cut back on the seed. They now have seperate dishes and eat the pellets and fruity zupreem, I still give them their seeds and nuts as well. One of mine is so funny, he has to go and dip his pellets in the water dish before he eats them, if thats the way he likes them then thats fine! I hope everything works out well with Adaya.
  20. Hello and welcome to the forum. Cant wait to hear more about your lovely greys. Hope you enjoy it here:)
  21. JungleDreamz you are so on the ball! What could be better? Triplets Carol, what do you think?:laugh: Beautiful pictures again, thanks for sharing.:kiss:
  22. Here is a previous thread which is interesting on this subject. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/african-grey/110354-is-your-bird-left-or-right-footed.html
  23. I am so pleased that everything is okay. Here is some info on todays quake. http://www.earthquakes.bgs.ac.uk/recent_events/uk_special/alert_info_uk.htm One of my poor babies was injured over a year ago when we had the last one. I also live in the UK and we just dont expect them here do we. Glad to hear your baby is okay:)
  24. I would definetly get someone to check. I wont alarm you but they can be pretty spooked, as Dan says you need to check for blood feathers etc as they can thrash about in their cages. Whereabouts are you? Please post and let us know everything is okay:)
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