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Everything posted by casper

  1. What a great update on baby Darwin! It sounds as though you are loving every minute! Thanks for posting those wonderful pictures of Darwin, cant wait to hear more about her. She will be chattering away in no time by the sounds of it.
  2. PICTURES!!!!!!!! Congratulations, you know we love to see photos:kiss:
  3. Have you heard from the vets yet? I hope everything is okay:)
  4. I found a simple answer to listening out for the greys at night. With Charlie having these frights I found I was laying awake listening for him and not sleeping too well, so the answer.... I bought a baby monitor! Yep my friends think I am more crazy than before but I hear everything now and can get to the birds as soon as possible if I need to.:laugh: Its quite funny when he wakes up talking in the morning as well and he is chattering away:laugh: The things we do, or should I say I do:laugh:
  5. Let us know what the other vet says. I think its most worrying when you dont know whats going on. Does he fall off his perch a lot through the night?
  6. Jane, you bring up something there I always feel guilty about doing and I shouldnt really, going out on a weekend. I cancel so many invites because I dont want to leave them but people will stop inviting me soon lol. I will try this with them and see if this works. I am a big softie dont you think? My daughter is pretty good and can cover them for me so I think I need to slack off and live a little:) Judy, you are so right, we all can offer different amounts of time with our greys, like anything I feel its quality time which counts dont you? This is whats important for them. I look forward to everyones comments:)
  7. My three greys all love pine nuts. Find your greys favourite treat and save this for when you want them to return to their cage. Firstly get them to step up and reward them with the treat, when they readily do this only use it when you return them to their cage. One of mine just goes in his cage now when I ask him, for the other two I show them the treat, get them to step up and reward them when they are back inside their cage and not before. It can take a while but is worth the training! They begin to associate the two things so it shouldnt take too long. Good luck:)
  8. We have many new members which join the forum who are doing research into wether they feel suitable or not to be a grey owner. I think one of the big questions should be do you have the time, commitment and patience to commit to one of these magnificent birds and give them the life they deserve. I would say on an average day I must spend 7 hours with the greys. On a weekend this is longer. On average they will get 5+ hours out of cage time during the week and on a weekend I try to give them 8+ hours. Time is also spent one on one even though I have more than one grey, food preperation, cleaning (cages and room twice a day) I for one never realised how time consuming they could be but now it is just a part of my daily routine and I dont give it a second thought. How many hours do you spend with or looking after your grey and did you realise how time consuming it would be?
  9. This grey fever is contagious!:laugh: As most of you know, I am blessed with three greys but i have introduced them at different times. The first two were easy to introduce the third, not so easy as the middle grey did not take to him as well! Im glad i did it all in stages though as i felt more prepared each time I got another grey. It is hard work and most of my day is taken up with the greys, time out, cleaning interaction etc as well as the other things that need doing on a daily basis. Do what feels right for you and your family! Give it lots of thought! I hope everyhting goes really well for you Anne Marie:)
  10. Hiya Leon and Zulu. Im really pleased you could join us here! Hope you enjoy the forum:)
  11. I hope you have been to the vets, I pray your grey was okay. Please keep us posted.
  12. He is a good looking Tag. Thanks for the updates, lets hope everything else comes back ok!
  13. This is great news. Keep up the good work! The rewards are so worth it when something like this happens in return!
  14. Hope you feel better soon:)
  15. These ants are gonna smell so good and have the mintiest breath in the neighbourhood lol:laugh: Well I have come home today and there isnt one in the room! Who needs specialists when we have got each other here eh? Azzie, that sounds good will sort out the nest this weekend, Im sure the kids will love it;)
  16. Janet, I am so pleased for you! How long will it be before the cage arrives and you can bring Butch home? I cant wait to hear more about Butch and you know we are here if we can help you in anyway! Pictures please when you get some:whistle:
  17. Congratulations! Those first words are always the best! There will be no stopping Ernie now:)
  18. What a beautiful baby. I am glad you have the links from the nursery on handfeeding. We also have a few members on here who are handfeeding their babies at the moment who I know would help you out. Please keep posting pictures of your baby, they grow up so quickly! Welcome to the forum.
  19. Boesman is such a good looking grey! He looks like he is having a great time playing! I think it deserves to be posted more than once!
  20. casper


    Just found this list for you, it says there is one on there for Co Durham. I do know that parrotcare do deliver the babies to you as well which is also on the link:) http://www.robharvey.com/directory.html
  21. casper


    Hiya Thompson24, Im sorry I cant help you with local breeders, I am from the West Yorkshire area. Have you googled and had a look? Will this be your first grey or do you have any other birds as well. Hopefully there might be some other members who live nearer and can help you in the search for a grey. Good luck:)
  22. Good luck with the potty training:)
  23. Congratulations on your new grey Nikko. I cant wait to hear more about him and see some photos when he has settled in:)
  24. I am so jelous! I say this to my three everyday and have never had them say it back! What a lovely thing for your grey to say, I bet you were so touched:)
  25. Aww Dawn, This is great news! Clyde could teach my three a thing or two as they are big softies when it comes to going out! You did right taking him somewhere nice afterwards, I sometimes take mine out for a trip so its not all vet visits when the carrier comes out, ( when they decide to go in lol) I hope the results will be fine for Clyde and look forward to hearing the DNA results. He does sound so at ease with you, I am so pleased:)
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