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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. LOVED all the posts! Sophie is a lover, loves to snuggle. Accepts many people in her life. I LOVED the chase game, as Sophie does that too, but hides in plain sight with her beak buried in the carpet, and her butt in the air! LOL We are hunting for her, but can see her." Of course", we can't find her. She is wagging her tail. Her owners are not very smart! Nancy
  2. I am just glad Brutus is home and getting back to normal! A horrible experience for both of you. Nancy
  3. Beautiful pics! I know how hard it is there in the winter. Lived in Pittsfield Ma. for a few years.It didn't get much warmer here in Rochester,NY. LOL Nancy
  4. LOL! How accurate! Sophie paces in my kitchen looking to get into something. I hear her on the countertop. Once I don't hear her little feet... I check. ONE for the MAMA team! I left an old pizza box that would keep her busy for hours.She bought the trap. HaHa! We are smart too..... Nancy
  5. Timbersmom... GREAT idea! I know I would check it out! Sophie has always been toy resistent as she matured. She did enjoy kids toys when younger. She loves to shred! It makes me sound boring, but I ask the birdstore people to shop for her and sunny. I wish she was more interested in birdtoys than my checkbook, kitchen and contents of my purse! Nancy
  6. I like your breeder! I am a serious snob with breeders, and yours is awesome! Nancy
  7. Sophie doesn't like to be on her back.Even if you " prefer, for bird to be on back", why? Nancy
  8. You have been chosen to be this babies parrent! Accept your fate. I don't go crazy anymore, when animals are on my doorstep. Nancy
  9. I'm missing Kiki. We have decided we won't get any new birds, as we failed our Amazon. I know Sean is sad. Nancy
  10. aunali9..your baby sounds amazing! An excellent personality.I would go back to the name " echo", and ignore your mama's opinion. Nancy
  11. luvparrots...What's going on? We will be here, whenever you need us.If you need us to take care of your birds, we will figure it out! Nancy
  12. It looks fantastic! All our birds would be envious! Sophie was hanging with me, I showed her the picture and she gave her " cluck" of approval. Nancy and Sophie
  13. Bandit is loving his daddy! He has a lot of potential! I am just concerned you don't have the family support, which really helps. Sophie hated the new pup that moved in. She decided to move in to sean's room.LOL! For the past week, Sophie flew into Sean's room. Sean understood. Nancy
  14. I was right. Came home after four days away. Dan was out of control, with his new pup.Sophie and Ollie just wanted this new pup to go away. They were tolerant! Dan left today, after working it out with his dad, that should have happened several weeks ago. My guys won't miss the pup. Nancy
  15. Well it depends on how much the entire family are committed!When we got our birds, I was the least interested! Kids were sure, this is what they wanted to do.We had males, we had females. It didn't matter regarding their sex.It mattered mostly about behavior modification, commitment and routine. Thats where we all strived. Nancy
  16. LOL! I'm with Inara! Witness Protection Program for sure! Just a slip on Nicky's part. He forgot. Nancy
  17. chezron.... I disagree! Sophie has regurged since she came to live here at age two. Of course, first few regurg's was mama/baby... but as she aged, the regurg was a " reward to me". She had a very fun day, and wanted to reward me. She now will give me a regurg here and there. I watch her working on it, I catch it in my hand, and say " For me?" Why thank You! I find something to give her back. She is pleased. Regurg for babies is a normal instinct. Never allow regurg mouth to mouth. Satisfy the oral stage, as there are many stages to satisfy. Sophie has never done anything sexual, outside of doing a sexual dance with ryan's feet when he was asleep. I give " sexual behavior", a very quick glance,and don't believe in it very much. Nancy
  18. Sharon...; I am glad Brutus is home. I knew he would be, if you were determined. You were, and went out of your " comfort zone". You found your baby and I hope you made many new friends. I am sure both Brutus and you are exhausted. It is amazing how much people will help you with our animals. I have made many friends with strangers when needing help for my birds or pups. Nancy
  19. NEVER refuse the regurg. They work hard to offer it! LOL Many think it is sexual, etc, its just love. Thank your baby, and give something in return. Sophie has been with us for forever, but still does the regurg after a fun day. I always thank her for it, and accept it in my hand. I give her a treat in turn. She is pleased.The regurg for a baby, is totally different for a mature grey. Nancy
  20. I just got home from being away for four days. A new baby German Shepard was living with us. I met the pup... made his owner put her away in kennel so Sophie could come out. Sophie cameout, gave me an " earful", basically saying "HELL NO!" Now I need to think of a kind way to tell him it is time to go home to his own family. Sophie has no interest in this pup and the pup is limiting her free time. Nancy
  21. Bite your tongue! LOL! Don't even suggest the terrible one's ! LOL I can only suggest, babies only be allowed on wrist only. As far as baby being on the play stand and being taller... I don't believe in that either. Many disagree about the taller status. I got bit when my bird was taller. I am short. I have a step stool, and I am always taller. Its just my belief, but others have their own. Nancy
  22. Keep him! Don't give away the clone. He is an original and all yours! Nancy
  23. Susan... so happy Roxy has recovered! It IS a long journey, and we all want to be there for you guys. Nancy
  24. aerial2000 Terrible two's for sure! No big deal! Routine, consistency, on everyone's part! Give it six months! If you are consistent, I promise you, you will have an "AMAZING" bird when you are done. Don't get sucked up into the " guilt" world! I LOVE Sophie... but I don't let her EVER make me feel guilty. If she trims herself to much, I tell her to " stop!" She looks good! She does stop. Nancy
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