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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Welcome guys! Looking forward to learning more about you guys. Nancy
  2. Don't get mad at me! It looks boring! Hang a small pinata, or better yet, hang your checkbook registrar on it. Now... you will see some action! LOL If a grey can't " destroy or shred it", its boring! Nancy
  3. 2birds You are in a difficult situation! You live alone, so odds are against you, bird bonding with others. UNLESS... you spend an enormous amount of time changing the social situation! Two things that were especially important to me when I got Sophie. Learning " step up and step down." Next... being introduced to my kids and learning to trust them." Identify those in your life that are willing to " commit", to being part of your birds life. It is a MAJOR committment, and routine is very important. Its a daily involvement! Sophie now after more than a decade, is VERY socialized, and we are all reaping the rewards.( It was alot of work!) Nancy
  4. furley... I also have an open cage policy. A tougher situation, for sure. I'm suspecting... terrible two's more around three. Open cage concept, makes me understand things a little better. The delay, is typical for a bird with " open cage" concept. Unfortunately, your bird still needs to learn " rules!" Not only for their safety, but to continue to open cage concept. I would suggest ( I know many are going to HATE what I say)... getting a timeout cage. Has to be big enough ( at least half the size of normal cage). No toys. NOT meant to be fun. If bird bites hard.... off to timeout cage. One minute for every year. When bitten... say NO NO BITE! Immediately off to timeout cage. Once timeout is done, discuss with your bird that biting is NOT acceptable, but let baby know that you still love them. It was tough, kids had to help and follow thru. Took less then six months for Sophie to finally understand. Nancy
  5. I know they are so smart! Why can't they learn to use the toilet and flush? Nancy
  6. It is soooo hard to be mean to our moms! I call my mom "rom". I can't say my mmmmm's. We are working on it, my rom says! ROM told me that if your ROM has fibromyalgia... you need to help her and be patient. I can now fly good! I can fly to help you! Sophie
  7. Brat Birds LOL! Whether getting birds from " empty nest syndrome", getting " divorced and recovering...", we all love our birds. It is a new beginning for all of us. We LOVE our guys... but they are a major pain in the butt! I LOVE it! Nancy
  8. Sophie has two cages and two gyms with different water sites. I seriously think she walks around to all of them and poops! I no longer go crazy... I just change them. Twice a day. Nancy
  9. I am so missing our girl Kiki. She brought such a " balance" with our birds. Kiki was Sean's bird, and I know he misses her terribly! He did ask me the otherday, if I was interested in getting another Amazon. He felt it would be good for Sophie, our grey. I am not interested in getting another bird, unfortunately. If my path crossed with a bird that needed a home, I would consider... but not actively seeking another bird. Nancy
  10. I'm sending Sophie to Inara's for a week! Nancy
  11. WHAT is glass? We live in the world of plastic cups and correlle. ( correlle plates DO shatter though!) I have two boys in college. What ever happened to my chance of " empty nest syndrome"? I STILL have kid locks in the bathrooms and chemical cabinet in the kitchen. Kids worry I will be " bored", with them gone. PLEASE... let me have one day of boredom!!!! Nancy
  12. 32 by 24 sounds reasonable! Believe it or not... most greys prefer a cozy cage, but with room to move around in. Sophie's cage looks more like KimKim's. She is intimidated by it, and she has had it a few years. She just decided to move in with Kiki and Sunny. She " escapes", to the big cage when she needs to get away. She isn't afraid of it... but its not her home. Nancy
  13. YOU GO Chezron! I am very proud of you! You made a plan, stuck with it thru persistency, and delivered! We have all learned thru you. Nancy
  14. I'm not sure if it is ESP... but I DO tend to know what Sophie will do next! I " understand", what her eye pinning means.... learning something new that she is interested in...or " I don't like this person!". She gives me the " poopy dance", I can get her back to cage beforehand. Once I understood what Sophie was all about, her demands were pretty simple. I just had to make sure, I was " really listening"... once I did... it was easy and made sense! Nancy
  15. Inara... LOL! You better get that cookie! AWESOME! Everyone does something different that works for them as a family.There is no right or wrong way. We figure out what works for our birds. Nancy
  16. My guys are sooo messy! I am home on vacation this week. Plan is to clean a room a day. I'm on target. Sophie is sooo darn messy, I can't believe it! Scrubbing walls of fruits and veggies. She wants to help, so I gave her a dry sponge, and she thinks she is helping! I know she understands the plan. She is too darn cute watching her think she is actually helping! LOL! Watching Sophie, makes all her messes, no big deal! Nancy
  17. I remember Cocoa as well! I believe Cocoa is looking down from birdie heaven, and so happy that mom and dad now have a new addition to the family! Cocoa can NEVER be replaced. We lose our hearts with so many animals! Nancy
  18. Muse....OUCH! NOT the old bite and twist! That is the worst... and cockatoo's are known for that. My sunconure can do that too! His bite has always been the worse of all my birds. I was outside scubbing his cage down yesterday... sweating my butt off. Once dried in the sun, spent time to recreate newspapers like he likes. He stepped off of Sophie's cage, bit down a little extra hard.I told him " don't even THINK it!" He didn't... but I was ready for that " twist". Nancy
  19. They are all so adorable, and they sooo want to please and be part of our life.We are all proud mama's and papa's. Of course, when Sophie is naughty... and she is... I tell Sean " you need to talk to your bird!" He laughs and laughs! He comments " I'm only home for the summer!" He LOVES the fact that I " confuse" ownership when she is bad .LOL! I LOVE teasing Sean. Nancy
  20. My groomer, is also named Paul! He has been caring for my birds... forever! Nancy
  21. Of course... throwout all the birdfood. You didn't cause it... but you sure can protect Roxy! Start from scratch for all birdfood and not from same source. Roxy and family sound very strong. You are a great mama Susan... Nancy
  22. My guys all poop in the water, so I make sure I have water where they can't poop, as well as I change " low" water, twice a day. No big deal. Nancy
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