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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Sophie also, does nothing on command! We've been together, too long... but know babies or a rescue, need to learn the commands. Its part of developing the trusting relationship! Of course I can go to her room, but my finger up and she steps up. I use to practice stepup, stepdown and had to vocalize. We are past that now. I don't have to " command" anything! I DO have to say... she has put herself to bed for years after our bedtime story. Lately, I have found her in my bed... before I have closed birdroom. I know what thats about... she wants to be with Sean 24/7. He is one door away, and she has learned to get there in 30 seconds or less! His door is closed... so I am a close second! Nancy
  2. It would be nice to see greys dig in their natural settings, but not a big deal for me. Its not sexual for Sophie. She digs on the carpet, and I would be worried if she didn't! Nancy
  3. Ray P... what a great idea! It sounds like many have success with rewards and treats! Its not me.... but that doesn't mean it is right or wrong. We all do different things to make our birds happy and successful. Always find what works for your bird. Nancy
  4. Alfie is doing great! Now get to Walmart.... buy the plastic that is waterproof, in the paint section. Around 9.99.Spread the plastic by at least 10 by 10 under the cage. This plastic is my best friend! " Throw food, splash away!" I'm not going to go crazy. My hardwood floors are protected, and my floors and I have survived many a temper tantrum. Nancy
  5. looking forward to hearing more about your baby. Nancy
  6. Roxy has a great mom.... and a fantastic vet in my opinion! Nancy
  7. You certainly have a few weeks to decide on your " method", of training. Just make sure, the method... doesn't contradict! If you work from home... its more geared to " open concept". If you work " long hours", but have family committed, its not open concept.Don't confuse the bird. I know I sound crazy about it, but I see soo many confused about it, and the bird gets confused. Nancy
  8. Chezron... You are not a wuss! It is people like you, that remind me, that " sure", I can get Sophie to do anything I ask of her, for safety reasons,but she has emotions too.I am reminded, that Sophie has " feelings", and I need to be aware of that. Stay in touch with your emotions always! The safety part, is easy! Nancy
  9. As far as bedtime... I have a suggestion! Like kids... birds will do anything to avoid it! At 745... tell your bird its " bedtime!" Always read a book to your bird. Anything toddler related, or poems. Sophie's favorite " thomas the tank engine", or poems by Shel silverstein. She couldn't resist! Consistency is key. Sophie now puts herself to bed at 745 every nite. If I am late getting home, I ask Sean to read to her. When Sean is at college and I have to work late, I have a backup sitter to come and read to Sophie. Reading a story, is very important to Sophie. Nancy
  10. I AM SO JEALOUS! Sophie does EVERYTHING, I ask of her, but showering and spritzing is not on her agenda. If she could talk in complete sentences, I imagine it would go like this.... Rom (mom), I love you to death. I have learned to " stepup", never bite you, Sean or Ryan. I treat Ollie like he is my own baby, and share my peanuts. I care for Sunny, and snuggle with him, as he is so needy. PLEASE don't squirt that bottle on me, as I don't squirt you. It is insulting! I know everyone loves a shower, but I don't! You have tried like two dozen times... I don't like it! I'm never going to like it! Give me the warning that I need to " get clean",I'll do it.... but I am going to complain all the way! I'm not going to punish you like I use to do. ( not talk to you for a day.) BUT... I think two hours of ignoring you is reasonable! Sophie
  11. Thanks alot!!!! Your baby is so darn cute.... I want to get another grey baby! You will always love and miss Cocoa. I think Cocoa would be THRILLED that you have opened your heart. Make him proud! Nancy
  12. Rebecca... I can't even imagine the pain you are going through! You did everything humanely possible for your bird. Nancy
  13. Some greys... won't do the bath or shower. No mater what I do or try... its not going to happen! She gets warned, time for a shower. I give her a shower and Sophie screams " NO ROMMMMM" I am empathetic... but it gets done. Its been an ongoing process for years, so I always am empathetic, but I am not sorry for giving her a bath. She understands the difference! She is gonna get showered. Nancy
  14. Are you planning on " open cage concept?" Nancy
  15. Very proud of you, as a parrent! I also like your vet. I wish you the best, and I want you to know we are here to support you. Nancy
  16. Rio is adorable! We look forward to watching your progress! Of course, we are all always here to help, if you need. Nancy
  17. All sounds good! The only thing that never worked for me, was getting any of my birds to stepup from INSIDE their cage. All my birds learned " stepup", different ways. My Grey, from the door, my sonconure off the floor, my Amazon, off her play gym.( actually, Sophie learned 1/2 off the floor). Putting my fingers in their domain, was never an option. Of course, years have gone by, I can pick any of them off....... anywhere! Cages... are their domain, and the least place you want to start. Nancy
  18. Sophie, pretty much, imitates everything! Working on getting her a harness.... to go outside. She already imitates so many birds, squirrels, anything nature has to offer. Right now, she has a " favorite chair", next to sliding door, so she can see us. Nancy
  19. I am so glad my Amazon, Grey and Sunconure all got along! BUT... it was a ton of work, three family members always working together, discussing at the end of the day during training, how things worked out. Nancy
  20. Awwww... you guys are too nice!I pick my birds up... and put them IN! Always tell them " good job!" I was glad when we had a fire, that my birds were aware of what " IN" means. NO negotiation! I used my " IN" voice, and they did it. It was a successful experience. Most greys won't get in the carrier no matter how nice you are. If off to the vet or groomer, you just have to do it! Don't worry about them being mad at you. In two minutes.... they will be talking to you from their carrier. You will be talking back, and all is good. Nancy
  21. Oh.... Gracie will! LOL Gracie will mimic the entire experience, so if you missed any of it, she will let you know! It is a " precious experience", and once you see it thru the eyes of your birds...you will understand what they are talking about. Sophie has taught me everything! I thought I would be the one teaching her. She has taught me everything! Nancy
  22. Chezron... They are working it out. Amazing! Let them! This behavior, is usually reserved for " birds of different species", with open concept. Is this what you practice? Nancy
  23. During the summer, my guys have each other and Sean! Sean, is their toy. During the fall and winter, I hire a babysitter to come in and play when I am at work for extended hours. I just hired a sitter today. A young girl who is a friend of Seans. Sophie LOVED her the moment she met her. I know what Sophie wants, and whom she likes. Tested this girl twice, without her knowing. Same result. Sophie LIKES! Sean's friend is interested. She also is in the process of adopting a rescue sunconure. Sophie is a smart girl, and knows!!!!!! Nancy
  24. Sophie when outside, repeats many bird sounds, but adds a bark or two! We have a squirrel that has decided to live in our garage... she repeats his sounds as well Nancy
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