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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. I am so sorry for your loss. Nancy, Ryan, Sean, Sunny,Sophie and Sunny. Nancy
  2. Sean left for college today. We didn't need to tell Sophie, as she recognized what packing meant.She started saying how " Sophie is smart", which we talked about along time ago, when Sean went off to college. I told her Sean was going to school to get smart. I told her yes, Sean is off to get smart again! I just thought it was amazing, as she remembered, and knows " getting smart" is important! All morning, she was flying to Sean, two hours before he left, she was flying to me, and ignoring him!! I KNEW this would be what she did! Sean was surprised! I TOLD him this is what she would do.She will love him forever,their friendship is forever, she is just making sure "mama will keep her safe". Nancy
  3. Language doesn't confuse them. They learn pretty quickly! A grey can learn yes or no in many languages! Just don't confuse them with one paront saying yes, one saying no. The entire family, always needs to be on the same page and what goals are.When Sophie was younger, we all met weekly to discuss Sophie's progress. We recognized, she was a manipulator and serious actress. I was always worried about her plucking and occasional " awkard feather" that needed plucking.I would " go crazy" regarding a stray feather that needed to come out!She would actually limp, sensing my anxiety!Ryan knew she was an actress. He is a natural bird whisperer! He would tell her to pull the feather and she would. Nancy
  4. If you work outside... can you have a larger cage that she can be in outside and watch you work? I am so glad Poet liked your co-workers... especially Dave. Encourage the relationships! A socialized baby, will grow up to be a socialized adult! Friends, Family and co-workers, recognize and respect " what is important to you, is important to them." If Poet is your baby, most will try to become friends! Always respect people's fear of your bird. A grey knows immediately whom is afraid! Myself and my children were too ignorant when we got Sophie, to be afraid of her. Boy were we clueless! ( I am happy we were!) Nancy
  5. My best eater, my Amazon Kiki, took nine months to wean off of two additional feedings. She was an eating machine, but loved her extra feedings! BEST eater... loved fruits and veggies. Always satisfy the oral stage as you are satisfying basic needs. Mama/baby. I never worried about how long any of my birds needed to get off of formula. Always satisfy their needs.The goal is to have a confident bird. You can't have one, unless you satisfy the oral stage. Nancy
  6. loco11... I know talon,she didn't mean for you to feel " chastized". Talon is passionate. You are NOT stupid, and don't ever feel that you are!I got a grey knowing NOTHING! THAT was stupid! LOL That was more than a decade ago, and I have learned. We will help you....Nancy
  7. Thank God, no worms Nancy
  8. LOL! Just let your co-workers know, it is important to you for them to be on their best behavior, and keep their language clean. The rule in our house, was if you need to " curse", go in the garage and do it! Kids knew how serious I was about her not learning foul language.They had many a party here, but friends followed the rules. Sophie made many friends. No bad words. Nancy
  9. It is funny how they imitate us! Nancy
  10. Dave said it best! All is good! Nancy
  11. LOL to SterlingSL schedule! Greytness... youve got it! I envy you all with figuring out schedules! It is important. Due to my job, different start and end times... Sophie has adjusted.Sometimes I am up at 430 am. I feed them but obviously too early. Sophie whispers " morning!" Not sure whom we are afraid of waking! LOL When I leave at 8am, she gives me a normal voice, " morning".She goes to bed like clockwork at 8pm. A 15 minute story time, reading her favorite books. Sometimes I don't get home until 9pm and use to hire someone to come in for bedtime, but she is a big girl now and knows I only miss booktime, because I am at work. You will figure out your routine. Sophie LOVES routine, but knows now it sometimes gets altered. Not by much. Nancy
  12. LOL! Amazing how they think!Glad your friend got forgiven for kidnapping Joe! Nancy
  13. I love Grecie's love of music and songs. Sophie's relationship with kids was mostly started thru music. Mostly rap, hiphop to my dismay! I am ok now. It doesn't matter that I have a grey that can dance and be appreciated for her moves with younger generation nancy
  14. If you have an opportunity to take your bird to work.... yay! Go for it! SOCIALIZE is my motto! ALWAYS socialize in a safe, welcoming enviroment. Listen to your bird. Don't be an overbearing parrent...encourage the independence and meeting new people. Of course, be the person your bird can say, " I am done." Nancy
  15. If you want a young bird and are curious regarding age, go to a bird petstore, let them know you are interested in doing business with them but want a " generalized age". Nancy
  16. Sophie gets 80% her way, 20% mine. When we don't agree, and I feel strongly,I tell her NO! NOT happening! She knows what I am saying, clucks with a protest. I let her know I'm not giving in.... she caves. I rarely protest, so she knows when I won't cave. It works for us. Nancy
  17. I will have to check with my trimmer what I feed her. I know it is a mix of freezedryed fruits and veggies as well as a pellet mix of his choosing. Sophie gets many veggies and fruits, seeds are limited. He decides her diet. I know many will think why my trimmer decides her diet...think of it as having a personal trainer. He has been involved with her life from day one. She is happy and thriving! Nancy
  18. Damn! Sophie doesn't rattle on herself at all! She is " sneaky sneaky!" LOL! I have always told my boys when teenagers " I will always be two steps ahead of you!" LOL We just laugh. Trying to keep ahead of Sophie is equal to trying to keep ahead of two teenage boys. ( more really!) Nancy
  19. What a slug! LOL! Some obviously like to be on their back! Always listen to your bird. Sophie hates being on her back, but she sometimes gets herself " tangled' on my gate, and it is best for her to " drop' in my hand." I tell her " drop"... she does, because I have made a good decision. Of course I catch her. The point is, she knows I will catch her, and make her world okay again. Nancy
  20. probably an extra hand fed feeding. Contact your local breeder about additional feedings. I am all about satisfying the oral stage. Nancy
  21. Sophie DOES have her own checkbook! When I do bills and pay by check... Sophie sits on the opposite side and pays her bills. She has her own registrar. She talks out loud, and tries to balance. She doesn't do a good job! Nancy
  22. My humans made me practice flying back and forth. I STILL crashed even though they tried! Kiki my friend who is an Amazon, got tired of watching me. She taught me how to fly. She would fly and land... I did it! Not as good...but I got better! Kiki would take off and land, I followed her. It was SOOOO funny.... oneday, Rom didn't know it was me flying in... she expected Kiki. It was ME!!!!!!!!!It was the GREATEST surprise that Kiki and I worked on! Sophie
  23. Sean and Sophie were hanging out today when I got home. They were adorable! Sean is off to college next Saturday. Sophie has loved him all summer. I am on the back burner! He was worried about Sophie, has she only has " eyes", for him right now. I told him the honest truth, that " once he leaves", I will become her favorite again. It will take a week. LOL! He wanted to know why I wasn't jealous as Sophie is my bird? I told him the honest truth. My " goal", was always for Sophie to love and accept the entire family. She bonded with me first, then loved Ryan. He left for college, then she loved Sean the most. Sophie skypes with Ryan, they continue their relationship. Sean can do the same.My goal has been met. Nancy
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