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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Why would you expect to be bitten? You just saved your baby! Baby loves you and Joe, and you need to expect that trust and love! Don't EVER doubt it Nancy
  2. kpflynn... I was naive also! I've learned... I use to take Sophie outside all the time. She never flew off, but I learned alot from this site. Your bird is at the perfect age to develop chest muscles and learn how to fly! You may change your mind down the road, and want your baby to fly! Unfortunately, it took Sophie a decade to get there.Your bird is running out of time to develop the chest muscles. Let baby learn how to fly, practice with two humans. When you get to the terrible two's, you can always trim back. Everyone can attest to you, I am the number one supporter of trimming feathers. I just don't support the " order it is done!" Nancy
  3. OUCH! I can't even imagine! I am sooo happy Sophie was very socialized prior to us getting her at age two.She was a " spontaneous decision", and even then, we had to interview to adopt her. While her owner was deciding, we spent time investigating a little more about greys. Had to have a family plan. The odds were against us, as we never had a grey before, but we made a plan. It made sense, wrist only.Six months of hell....wrist only, but it was worth it. Nancy
  4. jassy cant help you with " beautiful places of the world". I get to go on vacation once a year. New sitter is coming here weekly to let Sophie become comfortable. Sean is coming home from college the weekend before I leave, as well as weekend post. His decision! Nancy
  5. My Amazon took an additional nine months to get off syringe and spoon feedings. A little slow, but became the best eater! Nancy
  6. Lori.... I suggest letting your baby learn how to fly, and yes, baby is on his way! Let baby develop chest muscles. It took Sophie a decade to learn how to fly, since she was clipped until the age of two when we got her. I am supportive of a " trim", when in the terrible two's. I did this with Kiki our Amazon. She could still fly two rooms away. It is as important in my opinion, to have a groomer that I have, that deals with grooming issues and diet, as well as having a GREAT vet. I couldn't ask for anything more. My grey is awesome, but it was thru lots of support and education! Before my vet became famous for dealing with exotic animals, I set up an appointment for " well visit", but moved it up when I first got Sophie. She started coughing and sneezing immediately when I got her! He saw her, and she stepped up immediately! He laughed and asked me, " Is anyone sick at home?" Well yes....He loved Sophie. Nancy
  7. Looking forward to a video! Sophie always says " awww", especially when she likes something! I LOVE it! Nancy
  8. I wish my windows were so clean! LOL! Nancy
  9. Too funny! I LOVE when kids have a good relationship with the grey! Sean and Ryan always complain how she is a pain in the butt...but they are VERY over protective of her. Nancy
  10. I'm gonna go! Off for vacation in two weeks. Gotta get some new toys to keep them busy Nancy
  11. You can't do a " couple of firm stops!"? you have to be firmly committed, and let your bird know, this behavior is NOT exceptable! It was never easy for me to have a bird on my wrist while vacumning, cleaning the house, cooking, but we did it! Add having an "open cage belief!" Nancy
  12. Sophie adopted at age two, talks in a female voice. Very high pitched... but sounds like a " valley girl", from California! LOL! I have always joked with my kids.... " whom is she imitating?" When my kids got quiet.... I knew! OH NO! Don't tell me I sound like a valley girl? Kids just said UMMMMMMMM..... Nancy
  13. LOVED the video! I wish Kim a speedy recovery!Nancy
  14. OUCH! I am soooo sorry! I am not sure about that either, but I bet they can. If thats true, you didn't get it so thats a good thing!LOL I would be more scared of a cockatoo bite, as they shred your skin, or an Amazon bite. An Amazon can exert more pressure than a grey. ( just from experience!) My little sunconure can do the most damage! He may be pint size, but he can do more damage than my grey and my Amazon ( when I had her!) Your bites look painful... I am sooo sorry, but don't give up. Those bites are worth it in the end. Nancy
  15. Kudos to Felony... your little glutton! EXCELLENT! Just make sure the activity is there. I'm with Dave, rare, that birds over eat. Now you can move onto other concerns such as training. Nancy
  16. It is so tough to keep one step ahead of our birds! It is EXHAUSTING! Nancy
  17. awww stick with it! Sophie's favorite song " take me out to the ball game", she messes up all the time! She will tell herself " No, No, No"... start over. Eventually, she thinks she has done a GREAT job, ( she really sucked), then she will add " play ball!" That is her sign, " I did GREAT!" Of course I praise her and clap and tell her how proud I am. I think its so funny, how they figure they did a great job, which really sounded like the last attempt! Nancy
  18. Thanks alot Sterling... Sophie started imitating in five seconds or less! LOL! You haven't seen anything yet, if that bothers you!I already can't hear more than 20% in my right ear. When Sophie is exceptionally loud that it even bothers my deaf ears, I can imagine how bad it really is. I say " shhhhh"... she quiets right down. The reason she does, is I taught her " NO!" when very loud, and returned to cage. Eventually I said NO, followed by shhhhh. That is her key word once she realized the behavior wasn't appreciated. Start with no, deprive her of your company. Once she understands the " no", then give another keyword what you expect of her behavior. I now can go directly to " shhhh", she quiets immediately. Not saying it lasts forever.... I go back into " shhhh" mode many times. She will shhh pretty quickly. My long drawn out shhhh, I'm not really annoyed yet. My quick shhh.. she knows I am losing patience, and will stop in mid scream. Nancy
  19. Welcome guys! Sophie is close to the same age as Woody! These guys are always learning. Nancy
  20. As Dave said, ALWAYS satisfy the oral stage. If they need extra formula, give it to them.Make sure if you are giving a " syringe " feeding, you know how to do it. Many babies, are good with just getting an extra feeding off a spoon. Nancy
  21. What a very happy, spoiled baby! CONGRADS! lol... Don't lose your password again! We want updates, new words, new behavior.... you name it, we are interested in hearing all progress, whether its good or bad. Nancy
  22. So happy Isaac is enjoying no covering! You are an excellent daddy! You are " thinking like a bird!"( or just a very good parent!) My bird trimmer that has helped me for so many years, asked me " why are you covering Sophie's cage?" She is not a baby!( adopted at age two). I first tried just covering the back of her cage to make sure she was ok with it. She was. Upon furthur investigation regarding covering cage, it is suggested to do so while a baby. It is to make them feel safe. As they are more comfortable, and want to have their " beak" in everyone's business,it doesn't help them. Sophie has her beak in everyone's business including our dog and Sunny! She enjoys not being covered. When I walk down the stairs in the morning, her foot is up in a " warning mode". When she see's its me, she relaxes. I think if it was a burglar, and said hi to her, she would ask to be picked up! Thank God for Sunny, my little guy! He WOULD attack a burglar! Nancy
  23. Zupreems or Harrisons are great! Both work. I added freeze dryed just as a precaution in case Sophie didnt accept fresh fruits and veggies. She likes both, but it was a battle in the beginning to get her to try new things. My walls got painted with Sophie's refusal. That was a decade ago! Be strong and persistent to introduce new things, and try try again! Nancy
  24. Sophie does a healthy seed mix, mixed with freeze dryed fruits and veggies. She pretty much eats dinner with us, for several years.Her own plate Nancy
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