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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Sophie smells good too! She has the BEST morning breath I have ever met! ( I've met many!) I agree with Talon about the Amazon smell. Its a smell you have never met before! You can't identify it, go in for another sniff. Addicting! Then I sniff Sophie, whom smells so different. I have always loved both. Nancy
  2. Gizmo, I am sure, will never replace your lost baby! I am sooo sorry! I hope you can open your heart to a new baby! Nancy
  3. I think greys dig for " foraging"... nothing sexual. Sophie has digged for a very long time. Nancy
  4. I'm still not sure what you are talking about? Are you talking about " reality"? What life is trully like? Birds bickering,birds working together? Or your bird hearing what life is like in the natural setting? It is a genuine question. Nancy
  5. All greys like different things! Sophie LOVES to shred. All junk mail is for her! Some greys like destroying blocks or wood. My girl has no interest! Shred....is her middle name! Kids know it too, so if we don't need it, we hand it too her and she has sooo much fun. Nancy
  6. The sounds of a grey! It is like walking in the grass and " smelling it for the first time!" I can't hear in my right ear... ( maybe a good thing!). I need surgery to correct my hearing loss( it IS treatable!) I have put it off.... but I can tell you, I LOVE Sophie barking like a dog, imitating human sounds ( I can't post them), imitating the fire truck or ambulance. Whatever sounds she repeats, I treasure the imitation.I never hush her. I DO hush her on a Saturday, for just a little longer to sleep! LOL! ( pick your battles!) LOL Nancy
  7. ummm...I have a " cage free" belief... but never with a new bird. Nancy
  8. Awesome everyone! While Sophie is 14 now, stepsup and loves everyone, she won't shower! We have done everything humanly possible. She now gets warned, she has to have a shower. She does it... but it would be better to see her enjoying it. She will yell " ROM".. hold her breath....I try to remain strong. Nancy
  9. wow! lots of questions and excitement! I'm feeling it! Always satisfy the oral stage, so yes, give a warm feeding off the spoon. Give as many feedings off the spoon as they need. It took my Amazon, nine months.She became the best eater. I never rushed their development. They let you know Nancy
  10. Greytness....all sounds good! It may be smooth sailing! Noone knows. My grey and amazon always had an ongoing battle, but really loved each other. Kiki taught Sophie how to fly ( amazon). Kiki always tested new food. We lost Kiki last summer. Its been hard on Sophie. Nancy
  11. So happy for you! Greys are so smart. Nancy
  12. I truly believe, everything begins with parents. I have taught my children to love and respect all our animals, never to take them for granted.I always focused on teaching them what " empathy" meant, whether it be humans or animals. As they now make their choices off in college... I LIKE their choices. I couldn't be prouder! Nancy
  13. I need the harness website as well as getting the extension. Can anyone send me the info? Nancy
  14. Happy hatch day! Inara is not done... not by a long shot! I do believe you are going to get those kisses. It just takes time! Bird time, is not our time. Keep doing what you are doing ( developing trust and consistency), and oneday Inara will step up and act like she has been on your shoulder for years! Nancy
  15. Pam Pam... Take a deep breath. Relax. I'm supporting you. I know everyone else was too. What do I know! I had three birds of different origin living in one cage, while they had three to choose from! They made their choices. Always follow your gut, but have a backup plan. Now... lets get back to what do you want to know? We're listening! Nancy
  16. Oh! That changes things! I was told never to give spaghetti sauce to a bird. Sophie's favorite is italian! I make a mean lazagna! I always have given her a piece and removed the sauce. She is in heaven. She loves all meat, but chicken is her favorite. Sophie is easy to please... if we like it, so does Sophie Nancy
  17. Talon... you DONT have to keep your bird in the cage... just tell boyfriend to go home! When your daughter freaks out... just let her know you are making the best decisioin for your bird.My kids always freaked out with many of my decisions and were angry. I left them to think about alternate decisions, and they supported best decision for Sophie. THATS maturity. Nancy
  18. I am happy, that I taught my future generation, to love and respect all animals. They do so. It begins with the parrents. Nancy
  19. I have not responded kindly, to your posts... but you keep coming back. You really CARE about your bird, want a relationship with them.You want the relationship to be with your wife and bird, but its not going to happen! If you are fully committed, we can help you, but YOU are going to be the primary parent.If you accept the plan, I will be more than happy to help you. Nancy
  20. Sophie digs. She is 14. When we are hanging out in family room... she will start digging with one foot on the carpet. Its normal to us and have always questioned it, but don't have the answer. We know its normal for her, so we would be worried if she wasn't doing her digging thing. Foraging? Maybe. Its important to her, so its a behavior that is important to us. Nancy
  21. LOVED the family reunion! They never forget... no matter how long! Boyfriend needs to go for just a couple of hours, so you can have the family reunion you desire and deserve! Sean commented today, how Sophie is out of cage room the moment he walks in. She is LOVING him to death!! He also said, that if Ryan was home, she would blow him off, and only have eyes for Ryan. HMMMM... that maybe true, but Ryan isn't here right now. I'm getting blown off ( I am okay with that),Sean is the highlight right now. Nancy
  22. Muse... Time to let peck know what your expectations are. He is trusting you, and needs guidance.Don't fear the bite...YOU are the parrent, they are just a bird! Nancy
  23. jbsmomto1 The twos are horrible! Stay strong. You can always email me. I now have that perfect bird that we all wanted! Nancy
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