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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. I actually had a bat that was on the " inside" of my screen last week! Sean wasn't home... I was freaking out! I tried to keep it together, put on a hoodie, closed bird room, put Ollie outside, found the bat near sliding glass door, and swept him out! Lots of hissing and spreading wings! I was sooo proud of myself! No chance of Ebola, or Respiratory disease affecting the Middle East, carried by fruit bats! Sean, my son, just laughed at me. Nancy
  2. I THINK we are all normal! LOL! I'm leaving for four day vacation tomorrow... I'm letting the " normal people", care for Sophie.I'm worried the " normal" people won't do a " normal" job of caring for her! LOL! The two caregivers, can't wait for me to go away! Nancy
  3. JeffNOK said it best, regarding cleaning. Can't wait to hear more about your new baby! I wouldn't worry about cleaning new toys either. Just limit to three at most in cage. Any name yet? Nancy
  4. I am SOOOO sorry about Rocco! I was so horrified and felt your pain when I read this post. It could happen to any of us. Yes, they are very curious about everything, and are forever " two!" My thoughts and prayers are with you Nancy
  5. Sophie puts herself to bed at 8. No covering. Nancy
  6. A very tough decision. I can't imagine doing on my own. I had two kids totally committed. I work around 50 hours a week. When kids are off from college, they care for her when I'm gone. When kids are gone, I have two babysitters that come in, and help me. Sophie has been bonded to them since she was a babe. Their friends, continue to be her friends. I just hire them to care for her when I'm gone. Nancy
  7. OMG! I am sooooo annoyed! I responded, and my post didn't come up! Contact your local boyscouts, and news. Call your local newsroom and make sure you contact local rescue and vet and cross countylines. Certainly take birds and cage outside. Contact all neighbors, ask them to contact their friends within five miles.I have found five/six. Stay strong, and be determined. nancy
  8. I would LOVE to hear a new thread developed regarding " fully flighted birds vs not fully flighted birds." I would have a lot to say! I do both! I think the issue is extremely important. Nancy
  9. You will always LOVE Cocoa! There is no comparison! Don't even try. Kilaya needs a parrent, and you need to open your heart to a new family member. I can understand, how hard it is to do. I KNOW ollie would love to have a new mate, but I just cant do it, since I lost Zoey. We will have a " temporary pup", in a few weeks. I just hope Ollie doesn't get too attached! Nancy
  10. Of course, it is important to think of placing water dishes in different locations. The higher, the better. I also tried " water bottles", as I was a breeder of " teddy bear guinea pigs". No interest from the birds. I'm ok with just changing the water. Nancy
  11. Welcome back Aerial, and happy surgery is behind you, and you are on the mend! Nancy
  12. I can't say, any of my birds smell like baby powder, or anything GREAT! BUT.... as a shower is always a struggle with Sophie, she smells pretty darn good! Nancy
  13. Two husbands! What could you do! You could get twice the pictures and twice the " work around the house done!" LOL! Nancy
  14. I LOVED it! Birds bonding...I wish Sunny could talk, our sunconure rescue. He rants and raves, adds his two cents in his own language. We understand when he is happy or mad both humans and Sophie. He can say " Heroooo." Nancy
  15. Some greys like toys, some don't. Sophie is a " shredder", preferring to destroy anything paper. She doesn't like the wooden toys we buy her, BUT... she LOVES when Sean comes home from hunting camp, and he has found her a " cherry tree", that he cut down. Of course, we have to clean it... then.... she is interested. I'm sure, she is only interested, because Sean brought it home for her. Sean is the BEST! I wonder, if I bought her a wooden toy, and told her, " Sean found this for you"... what would her reaction be? Nancy
  16. If you can get your bird to be happy in the shower.... YAHOOO! I wouldn't give a damn about shampoo ( other than avoiding their eyes). Any bird that loves a shower, I am in " awe" of! Nancy
  17. Beth it is amazing how the littlest thing can set them off! Sophie thrived with structure, but is confident now, to try new things and it doesn't phase her. Granted... more then a decade later. Nancy
  18. JeffNOK and SterlingSL... I think your thoughts should be a new thread! We all have something to say. Its very interesting. Nancy
  19. Excellent! Why would Phoenix be interested in anything else? The " bond", is being established! I LOVE it! Nancy
  20. Sooo happy for you guys! Just my suggestions... three new toys only, and SKYPE with foster family weekly! Ask them if they are willing to be an " extension of your family." It can make all the difference! Sophie loves Ryan my oldest the best, and has skyped with him for two years! Their relationship remains strong. Nancy
  21. All have " great advice!" Remember too... never wait an hour. They have no idea what you are talking about, at that time. Greys deal with anything that is " current". Nancy
  22. chezron... I am so happy! Sean and I sat down to talk about it. We agreed if you couldn't find a home, we would do it, but were nervous we would have to " rethink", Sophie's activity. We really didn't want to do that, as she is a very happy girl! KUDOS to you... for being determined, finding this baby a home! People like you, can make all the difference in a rescue's life. Nancy
  23. Don't be afraid to correct the behavior! Biting is a NO! Birds need to learn what you expect of their behavior. If bitten, say NO BITE!, return to cage, and try again a few minutes later. When they do something " good", display happiness with the behavior. A bird is not going to chew their feathers just by you teaching them " right from wrong!" If you don't teach them your expectations, learn trust both ways... you will have a monster in the making! Do you have other family members willing to help? Nancy
  24. I REALLY don't want another bird... but DO have an extra cage. My " open cage" belief will be compromised. I also have a friend of my kids, that wants to move in for a few weeks in august with his new pup , a German Shepeard, that will need to be " kenneled", unless he or myself is here. Let me know if this bird runs out of " forever home options!" Nancy
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