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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. I think snoepgoed123, is onto something important! The training sounds reasonable, and why, wouldn't a bird respond? Nancy
  2. Sophie has a redtail. didn't know their was another possibility!So... if we are going to do an indian dance, and ask for more red,can we ask for Sophie to have another redtail? She's missing one! She leaves me an occassional grey, red feathers, I can't say, she has ever left me one! Nancy
  3. nasupops... Unfortunately, by getting rid of the original cage, your baby is feeling vulnerable. Even by your dad being in front of the cage. Usually, most parents put the old cage, next to new cage, and it takes several months to moveover. I think it is more important, to open the doors of new cage. Hopefully, you have someone available to superivice? It took Sophie a year, to love her new cage. I couldn't rush her. She ignored her old cage, decided to move into Amazon and Sunconure cage.( continued to ignore her new palace!) So now I had three birds of different origins, in one cage! They were driving me crazy! I told them... I was leaving them with three cages, two gyms, work it out, and let me know what you all have decided. They worked it out. Nancy
  4. incOgnito... Your bird may be sick. You may be right that his ear is the problem! Excellent observation. PLEASE don't force feed any food of any kind! It will NOT help. Lets see what the vet says. Encourage fluids, but if not interested, take note, and let your vet know. Never force feed fluids, or solids. If a bird stops eating, there is a reason. We are all here to help you Nancy
  5. Serious guys... they CAN play board games! Certainly... NO monopaly! We play board games all the time. Sophie figures out quickly, when one team is losing. Steps up to the winning team. Traitor!LOL As long as she knows and trusts someone on the opposite team, she will stepup. If she doesn't, she will stick to the loosing team. nancy
  6. Follow your heart.I got Sophie at the age of two. I wish I had, had the opportunity to know her as a baby. I'm sure I wouldn't have done anything different, as she had a GREAT parent. I just " miss", what would it have been like? Nancy
  7. I wish I had insurance! Sounds good to me what you have. Being a single parent, just affording health care for two kids, car insurance for three cars, I'm at my max what I can afford for insurance. Luckily, birds have never been sick, occassional well child visit. Dogs, on the other hand, cost me alot. Nancy
  8. Follow a routine, be persistent, make sure entire family is in agreement with the goal. Having all of us on board for any behavior modification, was the best thing to make any positive changes in our birds life. When kids got weak.... they would call me at work. I would explain again, why we were ignoring the behavior. When I got weak to give Sophie a quick shower, kids would be strong, and remind me we had to do it for health reasons. In the end.... we've got "One fantastic family!"We will always have issues, we are not perfect, and never will be. Nancy
  9. Now I'm gonna make everybody say AHHHHH!!!! Nancy
  10. Kimijean... can't wait to hear more about Xandir. nancy
  11. Jeff... I am SOOO sorry! You will always miss Bailey! I will always miss Max! Certain animals make such an impact on our lives. We remember them, and know how much they changed our lives. We learn to love again, as you do with Gracie, and I do with Sophie. Sophie knows how much I loved Max. She was honored to meet him, and be trained by him. He was 18, but loved Sophie, the minute he met her. I still talk about Max... Sophie always says " awww!". Her response, when she knows something is important to me. Nancy
  12. Birds need a cage, to go to sleep. Usually around 8pm. Some cover, some don't, but bedtime is important. A room that is quiet. I am very strict with bedtime. Nancy
  13. I try to remain strong! I would LOVE all new owners of Rosebreasted, to let me know, how things are going. I am fascinated with the bird. Nancy
  14. lisachristine, In my opinion, you are wrong that Rosie doesn't want to bond. Your video, showed me a bird that DOES want to bond! Open the cage door, encourage Rosie to stepup. Continue to sit in a chair, in front of cage( with door opened!) Read to your baby. ( rhyymes are a favorite, especially nursury rhymes). You are doing GREAT! When at this stage you are at, Sophie was CRAZY for Dr. Seuss books. 12 years later, she still LOVES his books. Nancy
  15. It's a tough situation to be in. I don't think greys or parents can really choose before sixteen weeks. Thats when their personality really shines. My belief is, birds pick us. I was lucky that Sophie was two, when four families scrambled to adopt her. She chose us. The most "inexperienced" family. Our interview was horrible. She was all over me, couldn't answer any of the owners questions. Second interview, was just as bad! She was all over me, distracting me again. He chose us. When I asked him why, he laughed! He didn't pick us... Sophie did! When Sean wanted a new baby bird, I told him he could get any bird he wanted. I explained to him, birds tend to pick the parent. " LISTEN!" Kiki was on the playgym at the birdstore, flew to him immediately! LOL! The decision was made. Nancy
  16. Sophie is not a big toy chewer either. More into chewing my purse, my new kitchen cabinets! I do know what she can't resist! Pinata's! She is more a social bird, loves to hang with the family, and be part of all board games we play. Nancy
  17. KimKim, Another thought I had, is you are probably right and your baby is calling you. Work on a new " calling" together. When baby does it... respond and praise like crazy! Your babe just wants to be part of your life and doesn't know how to do it besides the irritating chirping. They want to please us, and are more than happy to try new things to get what they want. nancy
  18. Try when he does it say " Babalu no!" Ignore him. He will learn the sound is annoying to you, and won't get a response. Certainly don't pick him up. My gang is good enough at this point in our lives, I can say " quiet!"... and they hush. Lots of noice doesn't bother me, since I can't hear out of my right ear, so if they are being noisy enough to bother me, I can imagine how loud they are really being.LOL! Nancy
  19. CLB.. You are listening to " men's input". LOL! They have great advice.BUT.. it is HARD, to choose male, vs female. If you are unsure, as most are, let your baby pick you. Nancy
  20. Okay. This is my specialty, since I have lost many a dog. Pullup a map of your area and within two miles each direction. Contact your local boyscouts, ask for their help. Contact all vets, animal hospitals, including crossing county lines. Contact your local news, ask for their help. Most birds, won't go far. Go door to door, two blocks away, in all direction. Get your community involved. I( have lost three senior dogs, who managed to get quite far. I am happy to say, I found them all. Only thru the help of my community. Nancy
  21. Amali is doing fantastic! Keep doing, what you are doing. Nancy
  22. Thanks carlsjr. Always follow your vets suggestions! Nancy
  23. Wingy... had to get birdfood today. Visited your baby. Reminded him, how much his mama loves him. He actually " hopped", over to my voice, pecked at the glass as if too say, " you know my mama? Let me out and tell me more about my mama!" What a difference in one week! He had a little bit of a " dirty face"... had fun with a feeding I'm sure! LOL! He's going to be a character for sure! Aunt Nancy
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