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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. momo.... how hard would it be for me to mail you some healthy food? I would be glad to do so. I will also be glad to absorb the food cost. I know, you would do the same for me. Send me a private message, what you need. I have a parrot store three minutes away. Let me help you. nancy
  2. JeffNOK... I'm sorry Gracie doesn't like alot of touching. Keep trying. Never give up. You will get there, it takes a ton of patience and time. Keep showing her your hands. Keep them still, let her check them out. I know this sounds crazy, but Sophie always went crazy for nursery rhymes.n Try " this little piggy went to the market", with your fingers in front of the cage. Do it for several weeks. If she likes the nursury rhyme, she may start to trust your hands. It always amazed me that Sophie went crazy for simple nursury rhymes and toys. Nancy
  3. chezron, Of course Sophie has a cage! LOL! She has three to choose from. One can't go outside... too big. Other cage, she favors, big, but can go outside. A good idea. Nancy
  4. Sophie never did that! Very interesting! Anyway it could be part of a mating dance? nancy
  5. Spock... are you a serious Trecky? If so, YAY! My kids don't get it! Sooooo sad! Nancy
  6. We've all had lots too say on the matter, and all have different opinions. At the end of the day, we all respect each others opinions, and just bring to the table each of our different experiences. Only you can make the final decision. Believe me... it has been very hard for me to decide not to get another grey, as I love them. Maybe down the road when I retire, I could get another grey after seeing many people do have two. BUT... if people say Amazon will fight with a grey, and mine doesn't, who am I to say that two greys can't get along? Hmmmmm Nancy
  7. I especially loved the last pic. Brandi saying " aren't I cute?" LOL Nancy
  8. Noodle has alot of changes that will happen soon. Fortunately, has has a great family that loves him, and a great family to take care of him while your settling. Fingers crossed for you Nancy
  9. Won't work for Sophie. She is a " natural" girl. Since I stopped her trimming, I had to make a choice. Outside, or not, since she hates the harness. I think she prefers the trimming, as she would spend hours outside. Now she is fully flighted... but misses being outside. Its hard to choose. Nancy
  10. katana600 ... We all got a kick out of them being called a grumblebutt! That is a riot, and should be a sticky! They are all "grumblebutts", in the beginning.LOL! BUT... they grow into the amazing friend we all desire! I sometimes feel guilty, that Sophie after twelve years, IS the bird we all desire. Grumblebutt in the beginning! Of course I occassionally have issues with Sophie... but walking in the door after a hard day, and finding Sophie at the door, asking me to stepup immediately, is such a destressor. She knows when I am stressed! She does this " AWWWWW". A destressor for me. She is empathizing, asking me what she can do to make me feel better. Nancy
  11. Gio's daddy... Dan and Dave are working on being " beamed away", the other is refusing! LOL! In the mean time... you have an excellent rescue, whom is very inteligent. Kudos to you! He is already trusting you. Follow his lead. They teach us, FAR more, than we teach them. Nancy
  12. kave70... the bird advice you have received, sounds great! We all learn as well! We are all here to support you guys. nancy
  13. Spock... you asked, he delivered! LOL! You didn't give any rules with the agreement, so he should get a good nut! Greys would make excellent lawyers! LOL Nancy
  14. I'm glad all is well! Seizures stink, as I have learned recently. Just glad to know, thats what's going on with Zoey. ( our baby in the family!) Please stay in touch. Would LOVE to help you. Of course, I may NEED your help as well!LOL Nancy

  15. We all entitled to disagree about height. It worked for us, and I am a firm believer teaching a new bird, you need to be taller! Hasn't been an issue for years, but when Kiki went thru a molt this year... she was a nightmare! Even Sophie learned to give her space. When she ran across to cages on top to attack my fingers... I waited for her. It didn't happen... but she really wanted to bite me. Next day, stepstool was back. I was taller once again, she was fine. Had to do this for three weeks. Eventually, everything went back to normal. We learn what works for our birds. Nancy
  16. Heather... hopefully he has found his forever home, as he truly deserves it.Bless you. Nancy
  17. Everything, is always on their terms.I really love when Sunny comes in to see me and complains like crazy!( our rescue!) We were never able to teach him to talk, but no big deal. We love him to death! He will go on and on, expecting that I understand! I actually do. Girls are crowding him, loving him to death. He wants more independance and space. Girls need to get off his rope, as they are sinking it. Nancy
  18. Sophie LOVES chicken! I'll make sure we try a drumstick. Sophie use to go outside and garden with me when she was trimmed. She hasn't been trimmed for along time. I know she misses gardening with me. Harness training was truly rejected by her. Nancy
  19. koekie... LOVED the video! Sophie LOVES her cage door and does the same thing. She also loves to slam it closed. She LOVES the sound. Nancy
  20. kave70 I agree. It sounds like Sam is in love with Joe. Hopefully Joe is agreeable to help with Sam's behavior. I went thru the same thing with Sophie years ago. She was in love with Ryan, my son.Ryan agreed to make her be top priority. As soon as he got home, he went right to her cage routinely. Even when he found a girlfriend, he always made Sophie know she was his favorite girl. ( girlfriend understood.) Same girlfriend for past four years. Sophie finally made an attempt the other day to make friends with Kayleigh! LOL( a long time!) Once Sophie believed Ryan loved her the best, she was able to develop relationships with others in the house, including their friends. I thought she was going to freakout when he went to college this year. She didn't. He calls her a few times a week and they chat on the phone.( I became her favorite as well!) I thought I would be put on the " back burner", once he got home, but I wasn't. She is happy to see him, is loving him to death, but goes to us equally. Nancy
  21. It sounds like covering birds truly helps! When my gang was younger, I too covered. I don't anymore. They put themselves to bed like teenagers should. They start looking for food around 8am on a Saturday. Thats reasonable. Other than that... on weekdays I'm up before them! LOL! Nancy
  22. Lol! Once you learn to accept their terms, they tend to be interested in learning. Sophie and I argue all the time. Most decisions are 50/50 .. Nancy
  23. I am no diet pro. I give my birds Zupreems, variety mx, including freezedryed fruits and veggies. Daily, fresh fruits and veggies they go crazy for. Carrots, broccoli, cauliflower,blueberries, raspberries, apples, bananas, oranages sugarsnap peas,, greenbeans. These are their favorites. Nancy
  24. Spock... I disagree. ( no big deal... we all have different opinions!) My birds are NOT equal to me. Yes... they are my companions ( NOT pets!) Rules do need to be established if there is a large flock that we have. Yes... I am the flock leader, and make the hard decisions. They all recognize that, and complain to me when they aren't happy.Sunny my rescue, will complain all the time. Can't speak a word, but I know what he is saying. He complains.... Kiki loves him too much, she is sinking his rope. I tell him to tell her to get off his rope. He knows. Kiki complains, that Sophie immitates her, she doesn't like it. I know all their concerns. I make the decisions, and they respect my choices. Nancy
  25. We all have different opinions about adding an additional grey. You know how I feel. Of course, it is just my opinion.I would never add another grey, as Sophie would feel " threatened". She rules the animal kingdom. She is kind to both Kiki our Amazon, and Sunny, our sunconure. There is no jealousy. Sophie rules! She also rules fairly, providing more toys to the other two, than herself.I don't need another grey. Even though Sophie is 12, she continues to learn.We are at the point in our life where learning is fun! No biting, no chewing. Just a grey, interested in learning anything she can. Steps up to the entire family, and more! When she likes a new saying, or wants to learn... her pupils dialate and constrict. ( learning mode). For others... the dialating and constricting, is a warning.We haven't had a warning for many years. Yay for Sophie! Nancy
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