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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Looks like love and bonding to me! I always accept all regurgs. Its important to them. Sophie can now regurg into my hand. I always thank her, and pretend to eat it. She is always pleased with me.I am no expert in sexual aggression though. Never had it with Sophie. Kiki on the other hand, can turn into a real BLANK... we all want to hide. Nancy
  2. Welcome back! We missed you! Nancy
  3. I want a fireplace! nancy
  4. I am happy to say, I don't get beaked or bitten anymore. I take that back! Sophie bites my butt, when I open the gate between kitchen and family room. Then she laughs! Nancy
  5. momo... what do you mean, your bird lost part of his beak! If things are that bad for your bird, what can we do to help? Nancy
  6. Kiki, our Oranged winged Amazon, is a girl We raised her from sixteen weeks. She is now, at least ten years old. We have never struggled with her hormonal issues, until this year. We survived, but the entire family, was concerned.She's not a great talker, but is the best flyer, more willing to try all new foods. Kiki is kind, tolerates differences with all our birds. Kiki has never bit me, nor would she ever consider doing so. She respects Sophie, our grey, but if she disagrees, she holds her own! Nancy
  7. Piper, will eventually agree. LOL! Amazon's pick quickly, whom they love, and whom they tolerate.Affection and love for another bird, is forever. My Amazon, loves our Sunconure. Past ten years. They go everywhere together. Nancy
  8. amali... your gonna KILL me! I was strong for a new baby, noone was adopting the baby. I already had bonded. The petstore knew, I was going to adopt if they couldn't find a buyer. It came down to 24 hours. I told the owner, I was going to take her. He found an owner. I was horrified!( I had already bonded!) He was kind, gave me the stats for the new owner. Baby went to a great home. Nancy
  9. Wingies baby is at my local birdstore. Met baby. WHAT a doll! Not shy at all. Chirps like crazy, comes right up! Even when I was buying food, I could hear him! LOL Nancy
  10. Jayd... Remember, we agree, to disagree! A Grey, in my experience, and from what I have learned, has the ability to learn equivalent to a five year old. I have always followed that belief. Most people, cannot affort an Avian Behaviorist. Myself included. Of course, if my bird was chewing her feathers, I would find the money, no matter what. I agree with Thervonen... brush up on child psycholgy. Some people believe in " flock member", others believe in treating their birds like their children, which I do. Noone is right or wrong. I have two biological children, three birds that are different species. I have five children. They ARE my children. My dogs are different, since they don't respond to me being their mom.( of course, love them just as much.) All of my birds respond to me being the " mom". My " mom " status, has earned me the right to make the final decision with disagreements, has helped with being scared( I'm there in a heartbeat), and I suspect has helped birds to learn to socialize. ( can't be bad, if mom likes them!) Nancy
  11. Kiki is green mostly, like a forest. Orange and yellow face, like a racoon, with doe brown eyes. When she meets the vacumn, she fluffs her feathers. Navy blue, red, green and yellow in her wings.I tend to vacum longer than I need too, just to see her feathers! She tends to show them longer than she needs too, since she really is not afraid by the vacumn, but more amazed. After a shower, she smells like " a day after the rainstorm". Her smell is intoxicating! Kids complain she smells funny! They keep smelling her, over and over! LOL Nancy
  12. Four years old, is still very young. Certainly, can learn to fly. Open the cage door, when you are home. Encourage bird to comeout. I have trimmed birds, as well as have let their feathers grow. All my birds have practiced flying. Once I knew they were ready... I sent them off to flight, with kids on the other end, in case they crashed. Your bird will let you know when he is ready. Nancy
  13. An EXCELLENT plan! Your dad needs to be 100% involved, in the bird accepting you. Practice stepup back and forth. The bird will see that your dad trusts you... so hmmm...you must be okay. You cannot be forced to be comfortable. It has to be developed overtime. You are skittish, so is your bird. You already have something in common! Let bird see you be affectionate with your dad in front of cage. Hugs... talking... ignore the bird.( leave the door open... he may want to stepup on the door). Interact with your dad over and over, ignore the bird, but leave door open. When practicing stepup, back and forth, I believe in wrist status only. Others on this site, are okay with shoulder, right away. You need to decide. nANCY
  14. Don't even talk to me about a " rose Breasted cockatoo", I want one soooo bad, but I won't do it! I'm gonna be strong! Nancy
  15. What about the RACE diet for humans? Would it help? Rice, applesauce, toast... I forgot what the E stands for. Sorry! Nancy
  16. momo... I also have a bird friend in Pakistan. Could he get food to you? Nancy
  17. They all do so many weird things, as well as just for certain people. Sophie does this head spin, just for Sean. She also will only play tag with his feet. Tags him... runs. She hides with her head down, butt in the air, right where we can see her, but she thinks she's hiding. LOL! Of course Sean pretends he can't see her. Ryan, is the only one she will come out and sleep with, if you fall asleep on the couch. For me... she runs to the door when she hears my car. Wants up the moment I walk in the door. We love our Sophie girl Nancy
  18. I agree. Koekie totally gets you are playful. Very confident. I can't wait when Koekie teases you first.It is a blast! Nancy
  19. Totally adorable! Made me laugh! Sophie hanging with me... she said " What?" Showed her ... she laughed too. ( maybe because I laughed again.) Nancy
  20. I also, suffer from chronic depression, all of my friends would never know, as I am the life of the party, and the first person to get invited to the party. They know I " pick" the party I go to, but they don't know, its how I feel at the moment. It has nothing to do with the person, having the party. Working on that with a therapist. I'm not embarrassed that I have a problem that is chemically unbalanced. Nancy
  21. Kiki, our Amazon, is bonded with Sean. He always showers and loves her! She had a shower Sunday, after spaghetti fiasco. On Tuesday, she asked Ryan to take her in the shower. He called me at work. I told him, give her a shower! Now Kiki loves Ryan, wants to be with him all the time. Sean is feeling slighted... Ryan is home, so has time to spend with Kiki. Kiki is following Ryan around like crazy... Sean is NOT happy! Not sure what I should do! Nancy
  22. If the goal is for you to be accepted as the pack, that needs to be decided. Leaving the bird on your arm, and the birds owner walk away, will not work. You will be attacked. What is the plan? Nancy
  23. I LOVE the name Lola! she seems happy and secure with her " sense of self". Nancy
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