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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. I am very pleased by the responses! Of course, I think they are all great, but I am very pleased that everyone likes them. It is important to me! Nancy
  2. Thanks for all the great responses! Of course, like any parrent, I was worried. Nancy
  3. Keep working! I( still believe she is a bird whisperer) Nancy
  4. Unless you have kids with asthma, why do you need a filter?Depriving birds from natural germs, doesn't keep them, or your kids safe. My birds are protected from MRSA, VRE, C-DIFF., just by showering. Washing hands! I keep them, as safe as I can, but ignoring normal bacteria, will not protect them. I can only say... wash your hands! I* am crazy about it. Kids know. Never touch a bird, until you have washed! My rule... Wash, Play... wash. Its worked. nancy
  5. Sophie acts all brave and bold! The moment it is her turn to get in the shower, she totally " freaks!" Ryan, is tougher than me! ( so I thought!) I told him, be strong.... she's going to freak! We have to do this! She had a slight misting! She was sooo proud of herself! Nancy
  6. Sorry i misinterpreted the picture. What I DO know, is she trusts you. Nancy
  7. Sunny is a rescued conure. He was left in an office. When we met him at daycare, he would fly out and attack everyone. He met my son, Ryan, age nine. He chose Ryan, to be his " soulmate", within five minutes. Twelve years later, Ryan continues to be his " soulmate". BUT.... he loves us as well, loves Kiki, our Amazon, and is bonded. Please check out photo room Nancy
  8. Awesome playstand! I know, Sophie would LOVE IT! She can be very fussy. You should be proud! Nancy
  9. TOTALLY good! LOL Sam is doing JUST fine! If he's not thrilled... he needs to work it out. He's beeping and whistling... good sign! Nancy
  10. Willo has a wonderful family. i wish other birds had the same opportunity. Nancy
  11. Sassy... she is a doll! Nancy
  12. Honestly. I believe in air purifiyers 100& IF... you have an asthmatic child. I have two. I have an air purifyer While both my kids are asthmatics, I never agreed to rescue Sunny, until I knew they weren't allergic. I also NEVER adopted our dogs, unti l I knew they were not allergic. Once kids were tested for animal allergies, we knew what animals could be part of our home. Kids are good with birds and dogs. ( non-shedding) NO CATS!I love them, but kids are very allergic!
  13. Sorry to say... all our birds LOVE water. Sophie watches everyone have a shower. She is happy for all. Her idea of a shower, is getting her chest and few flight feathers wet. She thinks she has showered. Nancy
  14. CLB... excellent! A very important moment, that of course, you can't make a fuss about! Go into another room and do a victory dance. You have earned it! Return to the movie room, act normal. Ignore Shadow. Of course, he should be there for the movie. Its normal! Nancy
  15. Good job with flying! DEFINITELY your mom's fault! My Rom, made me practice as well until I got really good. Of course if I missed... it was Rom's fault. Whenever I needed to learn better, Kiki my Amazon sister, would show me. She's pretty cool. She can fly like no other! She doesn't get all stuckup... she really wanted me to learn so we can fly together and get in trouble like sisters do. Don't worry about the harness thing. You get to go outside! Give it a try, but we are all here to listen, if you don't like it. My Rom also talks about the word " goal". I've figured it out! My " goal", is to do everything I like to do! I think that will make her happy. Remember the shower thing? One thing I LOVE about Rom, is when she makes a promise. If she promises to cuddle me, the moment she walks in the door, she does it. I wasn't happy about her promise to shower me last weekend. Kiki went first, she loved it. Sunny next, he was happy! I went last. Rom made Ryan shower with us all. When it came to my turn... I got my chest and a few flight feathers wet. Rom was waiting outside the door. When Ryan handed me to Rom... she said" thats it?" Hey! I felt wet! Ryan said something about getting sprayed with a bottle! What's he talking about? Sophie
  16. I'm so sorry aisia! There are alot of folks here that have excellent advice regarding chewing. I understand about the baskets! Kiki my Amazon lands on the refrigerator and tries to chew my Longenberger baskets! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! You sound like you are doing all the right things. Don't ever take it personal. Some birds chew, for no reason. Has nothing to do with parrenting. Nancy
  17. If Sophie wants a tomatoe, onion or pepper, she can try it. She can have spaghetti, no sauce. She can try a bite of meatball or a bite of sausage. She does it all! She is alive and well many years later. I encourage fresh fruits and veggies, generalized seed that includes freezedried fruit, and veggies. She eats like a horse, and is always open to anything new. Nancy
  18. My reply, has nothing to do with Dave. Bird is chewing! Owner shouldn't be disappointed with bird! Has nothing to do with having the final say~ I have the utmost respect for Dave! Nancy
  19. tALON... LOVE it! The picture speaks a thousand words! Complete trust between two different species! I get sad sometimes, that noone understands my relationship, with our birds, Kids get annoyed with me, why do U try? Not really sure. Nancy
  20. Nilah... looks truly pissed off! Check out her eyes! While she is pissed off... shen trusts Talon, to make the best choice! No pinning! Complete trust. Talon, believes in your choices. NANCY
  21. Lots of responses! Awesome! My birds have open cage. It took a ton of work, to get three birds of different origins, to get along. LOVE our dogs. They have open cage belief, but can only fly within the bird room. Birds all get along! So... birds and dogs all love each other, but gates prevent dogs and birds from interacting. It is important, even though they love each other. Nancy
  22. nasupops.. your bird is chewing feathers as usual! They don't want to dissappoint you. They can't help it, so don't be disappointed. Nancy
  23. My birds LOVE fresh fruits and veggies, thanks to the new generation! Ryan and Sean my teenagers, won't touch food that is " fortified" with antibiotics. They make sure all food for the birds, is natural, and devoid of antibiotics. What they eat, birds eat. I don't get crazy like they do, but I respect their choices. Nancy
  24. Try the Borax and sugar around the whole house. NO Exterminator! Just more chemicals! Not good for your birds. NOWAY ants are coming in my home, attempting to eat my birds food. Kids know how crazy I get when ants attack! LOL Nancy
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