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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. judygram... Let me clarify! I have " open cage" belief. I had no interest in adopting birds in the beginning, but they were interested in adopting us. I didn't believe, or support us being a suitable family, since I didn't believe our family would be a good fit. Everyone knew, I would NEVER close a cage, since I don't believe or support it. I was talked into it. I learned quickly, what being a parent meant. I created a bird room for the birds. Dogs were introduced to the birds, they loved each other. The birds, have their own room. No curtains,blinds, or electrical access. When I go to work, the door is closed. They have no access to anything, other than the bird room. All electrical access is plugged. My birds are not allowed to fly where ever they want! Dogs have no access to the birds until I am home. So... when I say I go to work... the birds are safe. Nancy
  2. GREAT, that Bogy allows hubby to pick him up.! Bogy should only be allowed on the wrist.Hubby was offered an opportunity of " trust!" ( very limited!) No bird, in my opinion, should ever be allowed shoulder status, until they trust us 100% We all have different opinions regarding this. Nancy
  3. Bogey... I know we all sound like we " freak out!" At least I will say, I do! I can also say, I am lucky,the times I was nervous and went to the vet, everything ended well. When Sophie was adopted at age two, she soon was sneezing, saying " achoo". I was concerned she was sick. Immediately took her to the vet. I learned she was sneezing, because my kids were sneezing. I know now, when she is imitating the kids. I do have to watch her closely, and have to figure out when she is imitating, and when she really doesn't feel well. I know her so well now, I can differentiate imiitation, and actual sickness. Nancy
  4. Sophie... " move over Kiki!" I told you not to follow me! Kiki.... " I told you, if you didn't take me with you, I was gonna scream, and Rom would come check on us!" Sunny... " hello hello!" Sophie here. Had to bring the family, as they threatened to tell Rom... especially Kiki. She's such a tatletale. Sunny just wanted to say hello, and is going back to his cage as he has a new rope, and is only interested in it! I was thinking... we need to have a party! How far do you all live? I live in Rochester, NY. Sophie
  5. Mistypie... you are the apple of my eye! LOL! ( keep it going guys!) We all love Steve and Misty. Nancy
  6. Tess Denise... everyone has excellent advice. Important to trim other wing a small amount once unfeathered wing starts to grow in. Important for balance. Once feathers are more balanced, it is very important to practice flying. I always had one of my kids on other end, to assist with landing in our large family room. Nancy
  7. Sophie gets called " smartypants, kootchiekoo girl ( her favorite word!) She recognizes both nicknames. nancy
  8. Joe is doing excellent! We love the stories about Joe! Nancy
  9. Sorry if you are all tired of " I am the parent". It works for us. I won't comment on it any furthur. Nancy
  10. willowtree. you have what is called " open cage". Cage is important to sleep, and is home, but baby doesn't need to be there 24/7. Don't underestimate the importance of the cage. It is very important.They will fly to the cage when they feel insecure and need reassurance. Nancy
  11. Not sure either! Probably not, but why take a chance? Hepes Simplex 1. As a nurse, when I leave work, I change my clothes, scrub down from elbows to hands. Hygiene, is the number one prevention for illness. Kids know this too! Noone handles birds until they have washed with soap and water. It is second nature to us. Nancy
  12. The problem for us, is we have " open cage" belief. They hop on top cage to cage. Water bowls are going to get nailed, no matter what, since they are always on top of all the cages. We change them several times a day. They are not trying poop in them. It just happens. As this has been going on for over a decade, kids are just fine. They know not to drink from a poopy water bowl. Someone will change them soon. Nancy
  13. I believe kittykittykitty was responding about the picture! ( my understanding anyway!) I am proud and lucky, that all our birds get along with the dogs. The dogs had a wise teacher when they were pups. Sophie rules the dogs too, but she is kind to them and always shares her peanuts. She expects them in kind, to share their chicken in the morning. They do, but they should be able to enjoy their breakfast without a bird in their face, nor it is safe. Sophie gets a piece of chicken sitting on the gate. ( her favorite spot!) I can go off to work now, with cage doors open, and know dogs and birds will be just fine. ( don't underestimate the work it took!) Nancy
  14. None of my birds, would be allowed shoulder status, until they earned it. We all have different opinions. I don't follow " flock status". I follow " I am the parent belief." None of my birds were allowed to be on my shoulder,until we established, who was the parent, who was the child. Nancy
  15. I have a different belief then most. It has worked for me. If they cry, be there and support them. Bedtime, continues to be bedtime, but when they freak out, be there, reinforce bedtime, tell baby, you will be there if needed. I don't treat my birds like a flock. I treat them, as a parent. We have different opinions on this site. I NEVER treat my birds as my equal, while others do. We do different things, to develop aq relationship that works. Nancy
  16. Its obvious, she is a girl! LOL She has the girl look Nancy
  17. I read the newspaper first. I insist on reading the newspaper. Sophie can have it when I'm done. She understands this. She waits patiently. All yours! Nancy
  18. Rosie and Gilbert are on the perfect road. I promise you both, be patient, continue to do what you are doing... you WILL find a bird that is willing to trust you, because you believed in them. There is NO time table but their own. Repition and routine, is very important for rescued and rehomed birds. Nancy
  19. Take Bogey to the vet pronto! They dehydrate fast and don't tolerate infections like our other animals. Nancy
  20. OUCH! I'm glad I don't get bit like that. Just a quick bite on the butt when Sophie is sitting on the gate. Kiki will clamp down, when she doesn't approve of my telling her to get off the dining room hutch. Sunny always bites ( rescue), if you put your fingers in his cage. If anyone has on white bathrobe, he steps right up. Noone bites Ryan.... everyone loves him. Ryan does the " least work", but spends a ton of time playing the guitar, singing and talking to them. ( showering as well). It just proves the " fun one"... is rewarded, and the workers... are second best. Nancy
  21. Thanks Stewart! WHEW! That was close. Rom forgot she had another graduation party Saturday. She won't forget though, I know my Rom. Can I take a raincheck on that sleepover? I hear Rom say that, but I really don't understand it. What does rain have to do with anything? Everyone is doing GREAT sneaking on here. Anyone get caught yet? Where's the real little babies? We know you can't talk, and your spelling is probably bad, but try to tell us using your " big thoughts!" Sophie
  22. Sorry guys, you will all probably hate me, but thats okay. Parents go crazy, concerned the bird has health issues, etc. You can spend alot of time, focused on health issues, or you can focus, on behavioral issues. Behavior, is always my focus. Nancy This post is being flagged as misguiding, inappropriate information. The original poster came here with a serious health problem concerning her bird and it was insinuated in this reply that people may spend too much time thinking about health problems and not nearly as much time on behavior issues. I contemplated deleting this post but I decided not to because I rarely do things like that BUT I will say this---there should not be a next time in the Health Room.
  23. mistyparrot Sophie and I are here to support you. Nancy
  24. My gang, have fantastic cages. Water bowls in several directions. Location, means nothing for my gang. They nail water bowl, all the time. At least four. Who cares? I haven't for past 12 years! Clean them, give new water. Nancy
  25. mikeblizered.. Can't wait for you to get a grey! We will be here for you. We will be patient, for you to get adopted! Nancy
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