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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. OtheG... my thoughts and prayers are with you regarding your loss. I can't even imagine! We argue all the time here. BUT.... anyone experiencing a loss, or problem, we all come together, and unite. We all love birds. Please come and visit us again. Nancy
  2. JeffNOK... LOVED the video! She is adorable! Quite the character.Sophie has two barks. One that is friendly, the other to warn us someone is here. Nancy
  3. Elvenking... isaac sounds adorable! I LOVED your response.Isaac is growng ...leaps and bounds, with no stopping him. I love that he feels secure with himself, and knows he has a mama that loves him very much. I laughed at him practicing his sounds. I do that also with Sophie. She can't do her M"s. Hence.... I'm ROM. ( I LOVE being called Rom.) Nancy
  4. Brandi doing just fine!More than fine! You can only be the parent, to keep them safe, as best we can. Encourage climbing, as well as fkying.They will crash land... always tell them how proud you are.( even when they stink at flying!) Kiki was NEVER a great flyer in the beginning. She is awesome now. Nancy
  5. Yes... Sambo rules... he should. LISTEN... to him. He will teach you. He is smart and intelligent. Take a few moments, step back, and listen to your bird. Sophie is my best friend. I don't always agree with her, but respect her choices. She respects mine. Nancy
  6. Your wife is wise. Just my opinion! Nancy
  7. We laughed sooo hard! Kiki was telling us all day, she wanted a shower! Noone was listening! She took matters into her own hands. Sean got assigned the shower, as she stepped into his plate of spaghetti. Nancy
  8. Momo... we all have different opinions. I believe, all birds need to learn " stepup." In my opinion, it is the number one command, they need to master. I don;t teach them with treats. Although, I can understand reinforcing the behavior with treats. I just never did so. : stepup", is an important " tool", for birds to learn. They learn to socialize. I also believe in teaching all my birds... below my height. It works for us, but many disagree. I'm good with that, but if my birds are challenging me, I'm always going to be taller, and I always win. ( a stepstool works wonders!) Nancy
  9. Whatever they are use too... continue. Don't even THINK of changing their home enviroment. Provide them with their cage that they live in. Nancy
  10. Your baby is going to be just fine.Push the fluids.Kidney stones, are common. Don't let your bird know you are worried. When Sophie knew I was fretting about a feather, she wouldn't get rid of...she started limping! Kids knew I was starting to freak out... Told her to get rid of the feather... she did. Of course she is old enough to tease me. Yours is just a baby. Nancy
  11. Sophie my grey, doesn't have a smell. Kiki my Amazon, smells musty, like a day after the rain.( after a shower!) Her smell is intoxicating! A Grey should NOT smell funny. I would go to the vet. Nancy
  12. Talk to Dave. He has great advice.Jayd, also has great advice. Nancy
  13. If I ever found Sophie on the bottom of the cage, even just her checking it out... I would be freaking out! NOT her norm. Nancy
  14. Kiki our Amazon,doesnt talk much, but she always lets us know what she wants. Nancy
  15. I would never get two greys. Just my opinion. A grey needs to feel like the most important bird in the world! They think like that. They can be kind and considerate. Sophie feels like she rules the animal kingdom, and yes, she does. ( including dogs!) When I buy toys in bulk, she helps me divide the toys. She provides very little for herself.( I always get a surprise for her!) She knows she rules the animal kingdom, and takes her responsibilities very seriously. Nancy
  16. Of course, something is going on! TRUST! LOL My opinion for any grey, is to accept other family members. If they can, that in my opinion, is the ultimate intelligence test. You have to be careful. You need to express, your expectation is for your baby to love the entire family. Greys pick one person if allowed. sHOULD never BE ALLOWED! All birds love all of us. Of course, they go to the entire family, make their arguement. We are always on the same page. Nancy
  17. aw64... It will be important to have a grill. Papers below the grill are important. We are here to support you. nancy
  18. She's already trusting you! Just by her trying to mimic. A three year old, is such a baby, and certainly can develop a relationship with you and family. Even a rescue, as I have one that would attack your jugular. Read everything you can on " stepup training". It is very important. Can you put the cage, where the family hangs out? Thats also very important in my opinion. When you are home, hanging out, open the cage door. Don't push stepup... just hang together, let your baby see you have a trusting relationship, with someone else. Many of us dissagree about " cage height." You need to make your own decision. I believe all my birds should be below my height. As I am only 5'3... I have a stepstool so I am always taller than my birds.( in the past).I haven't had to worry about aggression for many years. I take that back... Kiki was molting recently... jumped across two cages to charge me... I waited for her attack. She stopped short of attacking me. After that, I stepped up on the stool to be taller. She was fine. She was fine during her molting, but it was certainly interesting to see what a molting can do. Nancy
  19. sooo, Kiki flew to all of us, preening, wagging her feathers. She wanted a shower. We had all showered, told her no. No one wanted to go back in the shower. At dinner, she flew in, landed on the butter dish, then stepped up into Sean's dinner of pasta! LOL! She got her shower! nANCY
  20. Momo, you will find many of us, don't agree, or disagree about baby birds living on shoulder or head. I don't agree with it. No big deal, others are okay with it. You need to make your own choice. Nancy
  21. You can spray up, you can spray down! Sophie refuses to have anything to do with a bath, or spray. She doesn't chew her feathers, but understands she needs to get clean! I empathize with her, she understands its going to happen. I use to avoid being the " bad guy", eventually I understood, she would rather it be me. I let her know, its going to happen. I still don't do it, but I'm there to support her. She trusts me. Nancy
  22. I agree!Steve and Misty have been one of my favorite families! Steve has LOTS of wisdom... and I recognized this along time ago. He chooses when to voice his comments. When he does... I pay attention. I respect him and Misty. nancy
  23. Sophie can get into my purse, no matter where I hide it. She has an " atenna!" I now leave any medications in the car, that I normally carry in my purse.My last purse she chewed thru the strap, I tied it in a knot,told her I wasn't going to buy a new purse! Everyone at work is making fun of me! ( get a new purse!) I refuse! LOL Nancy
  24. Joe and Mikko... I hope guys its just mites! Let us know more. Dave has great advice for plucking. Don't take it personally if it is plucking. Doesn't reflect on parenthood at all. A roll of the dice, unfortunately. Nancy
  25. We all work sooo hard, to develop trust with our birds. Unfortunately, sometimes it does take forever. Bless you for your patience! Nancy
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