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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Sophie has lately, been doing the same. She doesn't want to step down, and clamps on my fingers. I put her " on the floor", in front of her cage. She realeases! Why? Not sure Nancy
  2. If she bites... put her back down on the cage, let her know you are not happy. Walk away. She will cave! They try to pull the " guilt card", all the time. Doesn't work here. Sophie lasts about a day. Nancy
  3. snoepgoed123... what does it mean " target stick training"? Nancy
  4. My birds favor " Harrison's diet". Doesn't mean that is the best. Zupreems is also great. I also add freezedryed fruits and veggies, as well as offee fresh fruits and veggies. My birds eat like crazy, since they " flock" together to eat. No fighting, but they challenge each other for fresh fruits and veggies. We laugh how " Kiki", is designated to try something new. Everyone steps back..;. she takes the challenge! LOL! Nancy
  5. Kikijean, So xandir has done the " reverse". Learned the importance of socialization first, will learn " flight", second. I'll be watching your progress closely. I suspect Xandir will " take off", and will be equal, if not excels within the next few months. Nancy
  6. Sassy... Like I said... they pick US! Your baby got calmer when with you, because YOU were chosen. Your baby chose you to be mama! LOL! Nancy
  7. kimjean... calcium level of zero, is inaccurate for some reason. No bird or human, has a calcium level of zero. I knew the high uric acid, would be an easy fix, but still always be cognitive, your bird may need extra fluids. Leave the fruit and veggie tray a little wetter. You are right on schedule. Sixteen weeks. Perfect! You're going to be a great parent. Nancy
  8. Sounds like the aloe vera juice really works! Good luck! Nancy
  9. Everyone has great advice. I do believe some people can change the name. Especially a bird that has been abused. If they are attached to the name, and is " part of their identifying themselves", its probably not a good idea. Sophie came with her name, Kiki was a baby, so we gave it to her. Sunny didn't have a name, our rescue sunconure. His foster mom called him " icecream", for two weeks before we adopted him. Foster mom and I are great friends. NOWAY, was I going to call a bird icecream. As Ryan was his bonded friend, he got to pick the name. I believe Sunny loves his name. Nancy
  10. Talon, don;t lock the tread! We have different beliefs... not a bad thing! We can work it out! Nancy
  11. Your baby, is just a baby! They need more time, to take a nap.. Nancy
  12. It is normal for them to " panic". They tend to be scared. Be consistent with exposure to new things, as well exposure to new people. Always remember, YOU are the parent, THEY are the child. Provide your baby with a routine, and consistent enviroment. I always had " bedtime expectations", but if Sophie freaked out at two in the morning, I was there for her! She tended to say " HI!" I told her, Hi back, but it is time for bed! She understood. Nancy
  13. There IS no gram positive, verses gram negative! As a nurse, you can argue all you want! Understanding normal flora in different species, has been a serious interest of mine. It has always been an interest of mine, to understand " normal flora", between different species. My policy of " washing your hands", was created for a reason. Anyone that pretends to understand gram negative bacilli, truly knows nothing! Nancy
  14. Sophie loves everything! She's not a picky eater. She will eat chicken, fruits, veggies., anything we eat, as well as her pellet mix. We have never rewarded our birds for positive behavior, with bird treats, although, I understand and respect this practice. Nancy
  15. No matter what, always offer fresh fruits and veggies. Change it weekly. I promise you, even if it takes a year, they will LOVE them eventually. Nancy
  16. Drop feedings to 20cc twice a day. If its not enough, your bird will let you know. Sophie and Kiki, always let me know, what supplemental feeding they needed. I always listened to them. I am a firm believer, in supplementing feedings, if needed. Providing diet, is the number one trust. nancy
  17. It is tough, when it comes to decisions! I will give you the advice I got when I was new to birds.... A grey, picks whom they love. THEY pick you, Listen to the birds. LISTEN to the babies, let your baby decide if you are the one. Nancy
  18. I KNEW you would be bringing this baby home! LOL Calcium levels, and high uric acid, are common problems with a grey. Push the fluids, be slow to drain the water off of fresh fruits and veggies. New babies, tend not to drink as much. Provide baby with calcium alternatives. I'm happy your baby will be sixteen weeks when home. That is the absolute minimum, in my opinion. nancy
  19. Dave always has excellent advice for plucking! I am sooo sorry! Nancy
  20. harmar... try this! Won't be able to resist. Get a pinata... a shredible toy. If it doesn't work, let me know. I'll be interested in the challenge, as Sophie also is not big on toys. Nancy
  21. I'm not sure what manual you are reading, but normal flora in a birds mouth, is gram positive. So is it, in humans. Gram negative in humans, is in the colon. Feces contamination. It IS important, to keep birds out of your mouth, and not clean your teeth, as they like to do so. I also feel it is important to accept the regurg. They work hard to offer it to you. They are showing love. I wait all the time for Sophie's regurg. Sometimes it takes her 10 minutes to produce. I wait patiently. She offers me her regurg in my hand, I pretend to eat it, thank her like crazy. She is pleased.Regurg, is a form of affection, and I have NEVER dismissed it. It is a present to me, and I thank her everytime. You can train your bird to regurg in your hand. nancy
  22. Jayd... that wasn't the point, for different opinion! nANCY
  23. skip going to the vet, your bird is appreciating music. Nancy
  24. Gram positive bacteria continues with exposure thru your birds mouth. They can regurg all they want. Won't change. All e-coli exposure, is thru feces. If Sophie, regurgs, I am happy to receive it... I have taught her to give it to me, by hand. I always thank her. When she poops, contaminates water and food, it is steralized. All feces, is treated as contamination. All fecal material, is treated as gram negative, which it is! No big deal. nancy
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