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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. A very good question, and good of you to think ahead. I originally took the gang to my birdstore, as I trust the owner so very much. Had to bring a toaster, as they desire buttered toast daily. Had to make sure their cages were open... the only way to do that, was to let them hangout on public gym.( I'm not afraid for gang to hang out with others.) TOTALLY different than going to a vet.( everyone sick there!) I'm a believer in boosting immunity to natural flora. The only problem was... ( I should be honored, but wasn't), the owner got requests to give to me, for my birds, even though they weren't for sale! Even Sunny the beast! It was intimidating, and decided to do something different next vacation. I hired one of Ryan's friends to live here for the week as all birds love him. It has worked for many years. Nancy
  2. Unbelieveable, that was how he was delivered! Total abuse! BUT... he has found you, and life is about to change. Definitely... get rid of that old cage with memories of abuse. YAY!!! Here's to new memories and a family that can love him. KUDOS! Nancy
  3. Any trick Sophie does, is what she has chosen to do. Of course, I am old schooled.Sophie has never been offered a treat. Nancy
  4. Remember all... they truly don't mean harm, but unless you tell them, they don't know any better. If they bite hard, gently grab the beak, say " NO!" Move onto something else. If Sophie was biting me consistently, she went into " timeout", for five minutes, during the terrible two's. No bite, is acceptable past approx 12-16 months. They are old enough to learn. I am not an expert, but I know I have two birds that never bite. ( sunny occasionally will!) Nancy
  5. Chenliu85 Your baby sounds amazing! She sounds sooo much like Sophie, 12 years later. Of course, safety is first. Sophie learned to interact with dogs, but they are 10 pounds each. She rules, tells them when to go out and pee. Can't do that with most breeds.Never trust your dogs. As far as cats, I don't have any since I am allergic. Always encourage her free spirit and trust, while keeping her safe. Nancy
  6. Sophie " head bobs", when she is ready to regurg. ( a sign of love!) Seems a little quick, but Sunny my sunconure, fell in love with Ryan my son, within three minutes of meeting him. He was a rescue, in foster care at my daycare. Sunny hated EVERYONE! Ryan was nine at the time. Sunny came home with us a week later and has been loving the ground Ryan walks on ever since. Ryan is 21 now. Nancy
  7. chezron... I LOVE Brutus already! What I ESPECIALLY love... is seeing you all excited! You two are bonding so well, it always brings a smile to my face when a parent has that spark ignited between them and their new baby. Nancy
  8. As a medical person, I respect what the vet as prescribed, and we all must do so. They know better! Chewing, is wrong! It affects a birds life forever! If the small dose of sedation helps, we shouldn't argue. Its NOT just sedation, but an antianxiety. We all know how stressed out greys can get. It needs to be deaLt with. Nancy
  9. Weirdo Sophie... She was hanging on the gate, between family room and kitchen, playing as usual. Plastic gate is very safe. She decided, she didn't like her " predicament"... called out " help me Rom!" Of course, I always run to her, if she calls out for help. She certainly could have gotten her self untangled, but when she calls for help, I run! I told her to let go, and drop! ( a HUGE trust!) She did... landed in my hands with her belly exposed. I don't remember Sophie EVER being in my hand with her belly exposed! I decided to tickle her tummy. She was very quiet, lasted about 20 seconds until she started pinning with her eyes!( she was NOT happy, but tolerating me!) I quickly put her on the countertop, where I got a huge regurg, for my heroic rescue. LOL Nancy
  10. Acappella as well as others, have excellent advice. I would keep door closed, to allow bird to feel safe, get use to cage. Cage should be opened, when you are home, ready to practice stepup training and exploration of play gym. Only when supervision is available. Yes, I have " open door" concept. It was alot of work and required 24/7 supervision. The concept was not even possible, until Sophie new how to stepup and down, trusted all family members, as well as dogs. Dogs also needed to trust and love her, home needed to be child proofed. We got there... but it was a HUGE commitment, on everyone's part. Nancy
  11. Penny... just DO IT! LOL Momo... Welcome to next baby! I am excited for your hubby and you. Back to stepup for your grey. VERY important to start practicing. In my experience, is the number one lesson to be learned. NEVER towel your grey. You will just scare them. Open the cage, when bird finds himself on door, start offering two fingers to stepup. ( always be taller than the door.) Go away from the cage, give your bird a tour of your home. If they get nervous, acknowledge this, retun to cage. Praise them, let them know how happy they made you. As trust is developed, get hubby involved with changing the food, helping to clean cage. Once baby learns stepup with you, needs to learn with the rest of the family. It is possible! I did it with a two year old rehomed, starting her terrible twos. Sophie learned to stepup with entire family, because, THATS what I expected from her. She now steps up to all of us. We don't have to ask her to stepup, she's always got one foot up and ready, no matter who is there. Nancy
  12. Chambielove... Chambie sounds like a doll! Now show her how wonderful us females are! LOL! Nancy
  13. No way Wingy! My first child wasn't born until 1991. I had it for both kids. What the heck? Nancy
  14. Not too familiar with clicker training. BUT... it sounds promising! Not sure about the " turning around". Whats the point? As they have the intelligence of a five year old, and you are trying to teach me to " turn around", not sure where that is going! Nancy
  15. Wingy... a healthy diet, is important. Don't go crazy! Provide a healthy seed mix, including freeze dryed fruits and veggies, as well as a fresh selection of fresh fruits and veggies, daily. Diet, has never been an issue for us. I would focus diet as whatever you choose. They will disagree, and thow food. Ignore the behavior, continue to offer fresh fruits and veggies. They eventually get it. Nancy
  16. thenabrd... You caught my interest, about Kallie. She sounds awesome! She's got her own agenda, and is very sure about herself! ( that says alot about the parents!) Always encourage her. You are doing a great job! Nancy
  17. Issac is NOT happy, you are playing with his toy! Which of course, he is right. He has associated water bottle, as his toy. Unfortunately, as this is now his toy, it would be easier for you to pour your water into a glass, so he can continue to associate water bottle as his toy. I know this will be a major concession on your part. We pick our battles! Some battles are bigger than others. This, is a big one! You need to decide if you will give in, or not. Nancy
  18. We ended up in the bird world, rather quickly. First, a rescued sunconure, then a baby Amazon, next, a rehomed grey, age two. All within a year. Sunny, conure, is partial to Ryan. Kiki, Amazon, favored by Sean. Sophie, grey, favored by mom. Twelve years later, they stepup to all of us. It is important for all birds to know, we are a family.( also add two dogs to that family!) Sophie my grey, is best friends with Zoey, the baby of the family. ( a dog!) Momo... when your bird is flapping wings, acting posessive when you are interacting with hubby, open the cage! Hang out with hubby, encourage baby to come hangout with you! Play a game... practice stepup between the two of you. You are a package deal, and bird needs to learn this concept. I don't think getting a new bird is the answer right now. Definitely for the wrong reasons. Greys. WILL prefer one person... if you let them! I decided Sophie was NOT going to do this, worked out a plan with kids. She loves each of us, for different reasons. Nancy
  19. Talon... I thought it was just me, but I would add cheeebamaster as smokin the same stuff! LOL They didn't invite us too the party. I knew they were quoting something! I know now some of it was Helen Keller and Dr. Seuss. Not sure what the rest of it was! Nancy
  20. Chezron... try to be interested in the toy by yourself. Guarantee Brutus will take an interest! Also... have him pull the string ( make it so he THINKS he's pulling the string). Push toy away instead of pulling the string. He will think he did it, and he's so cool! LOL Nancy Casey Luria you will find it in the babies aisle of any toy store. Nancy
  21. birdtraining... unless your bird learns to recognize your voice, thru personal interaction, it means nothing! A message for her, to listen to my voice, when I am at work. She would LOVE to hear it! Meaningful interaction would start, when I walk in the door, and she greets me. She is way too smart for this nonsense, and I would NEVER insult her intelligence Nancy
  22. I'll leave this between Dave and danmcq. In my opinion, all birds have a sense of taste and smell. Sophie has her likes, and dislikes. She picks and chooses. Never an issue. She eats quite well. Nancy
  23. I will always, give my birds, 1/4 slice of buttered toast each, every morning. They LOVE it, and seem to do fine. Nancy
  24. As well as healthy bird mix, I provide freeze dryed fruits and veggies. I also provide fresh fruits and veggies daily. ( I think, they eat better than the rest of the family!) LOL I have never gone crazy with diet, as competition, has made them all appreciate fresh fruits and veggies. Diet, has never been an issue for us. ( Thank God!) Nancy
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