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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. When my son Ryan is home, and has insomnia, he sleeps on family room floor. ( personally I think because Sophie comes and snuggles, and he can sleep). As he sleeps late like any teenager, I always find Sophie sleeping with him. While he continues to sleep, she does a " mating" dance, with his feet. It is quite interesting to watch. BUT.... she is not a baby. Always love them for what they are! I never correct Sophie's behavior. We all know she loves Ryan to death. It doesn't affect any of our relationships with her. He also, goes back to school, and she is okay with that. The only person she absolutely struggles with, is Ryan's girlfriend. She will sit between them. Of course, he always chooses Sophie! LOL We've tried to get Sophie to accept her, not going to happen. In the family room, Sophie is chosen as his " best" girl. Sophie is pleased! Then Ryan goes off with his girlfriend, and Sophie is fine with it. I love how easy it is to please Sophie! Nancy
  2. When I can, I take out cages outside, and use " DAWN" dish detergeant, and scrup my cages down. I have never gone crazy, to avoid natural bacterial exposure. It is part of life, and my birds need to develop natural immunity. If you avoid exposing your birds to everyday life, your " odds" are, they will get sick. Nancy
  3. I never go crazy about what they like, or don't like. I guess I should be happy that I have tons of teenagers, interested in any food offered. Birds all act the sameway. Any fresh fruits and veggies, or omelettes for that matter, are there, for a short period of time. SOMEONE, is going to eat it! The competition has created an enviroment, of three birds that eat quite healthy. Nancy
  4. I am sooo jealous! I always wanted a " rose breasted!" I have a grey, for past twelve years. They do tend to follow the same rules, as well as behavior. I will be more than happy to help you, if you are interested. My methods are more " unconventional". That doesn't mean abnormal. LOL Nancy
  5. Jay... I can understand, and respect your concern with " syringe feeding". It makes sense. BUT.... another way to deliver feedings, can be by spoon. When I graduated Kiki from syringe feedings, it was too a spoon. It continues to satisfy the oral stage. nancy
  6. I just want to remind all, yes, many of us have cures, bonding material for basic chewing. If a grey is ill to the point of needing " electrolyte" care, that bird needs to be in the hands of a vet. They are NOT comparable to a child that is vomiting, and would benefit with some " pedialyte". Birds dehydrate rapidly, leading to respiratory distress. They can die within hours. I am lucky my avaian vet, is the same vet that cares for my dogs. Nancy
  7. They eventually understand your expectations for diet. You may find fresh fruits and veggies " painted on the walls". LOL Find a diet that is healthy your bird likes, as well as you have confidence in. As far as fresh fruits and veggies, they need to be offered them, all the time. They will throw it out. just continue to ignore them, continue to offer. Change the offering. It does work eventually. Can I brag that twelve years later.... they all rush to frsh fruits and veggie tray first? ( competition also helped!) I'm gonna brag anyway! LOL Nancy
  8. Just wait when you go to work with poop on your back! LOL nancy
  9. I do have to be honest. It also depends on the breed of the dog. Certain breeds, cannot adapt to open cage policy. No fault of their own, just a fact. nancy
  10. judygram... so sorry for your loss! My heart and prayers go to you. Nancy
  11. Oh... remember too, if they say " ACHOO", don'[t freakout like I did, and bring them back to the vet a week later! If they are sick, I learned.... they don't say ACHOO! LOL ( what did I know?) nancy
  12. kave70 Way too soon to start discipling or training. Trust needs to be established first. Encourage your bird to see Joe be affectionate to you. Talking, holding hands, etc. If Joe trusts you, you must be okay. Encourage your bird to come out when you are together! Practice " stepup" to each other. Make it a game. Birds love it Nancy
  13. Axappella... We spend alot of time, investigating, and deciding in the best cage. We need to be proud of our decisions. We let our birds know, of our decisions. Never fret if they won't like it! I spend more time focusing on surprising her, rather than pleasing her. She is always happy with my decisions. Nancy
  14. pikachu... KNEW it! I remember the pokeman days! LOL Nancy
  15. Kiki our Amazon, is truly amazing! She is the best flier, the best eater! She also respects Sophie, my grey, to make decisions. They get along, and work together to make decisions. I have come across alot of hostility, and arguements, that it is probably best, I remove myself from this site. nancy
  16. NOT happy about recent posts. I have an Amazon and Grey. Not interested in arguing. Best, I ignore all posts. Kiki, my Amazon, is rated number 16. What does that mean? Spend some time arguing with Kiki regarding her status! She will tell you, she is number two! Behind Sophie Nancy
  17. Jayd... thank you for understanding my caplock. Now lets take it furthur, You, have an overestimated opinion of yourself and Dave, you think you know everything, Dave, knows alot, and I trust him, and respect his opinion. You... think you know everything! I think NOT! I'm pretty comfortable, thinking, YOU have nothing to teach me and my birds. Nancy
  18. If you want to talk about a " GAVAGE" tube, that is very "old" termin0ology. Get up to date! Nancy
  19. jayd. I don't have to prove my experience with you. I felt sad, that you wanted it. I have already done CPR on my Amazon. Brought her back. I( have recently had to do CPR on my pup, Zoey. Brought her back as well. I am struggling with her new diagnosis of seizures, hypothyroid disease. I am not proud of any heroic measures I've taken with my animal kingdom. We've always been a team, and act like one. I can say, I am proud of my animal kingdom, that they all care about each other. When one is ill, they all care about the one is ill. Nancy
  20. WHAT did you do to your hands? LOL Did you ask for permission? Its both entertaining, as well as educational, to see a grey question things, we take for granted! Nancy
  21. I would also remind members, that it is soooo much more fun, if they shouldn't do it! LOL! I leave paper out for Sophie to destroy. Sophie has NEVER liked toys. Her family, is her greatest toy. She chases Sean's feet, she loves to sit and listen to Ryan play the guitar. Any boardgame, she is there. VERY competitive! We learned along time ago, Sophie doesn't give a hoot about toys. She just cares about being a part of our family. Nancy
  22. My dogs are unsupervised and trusted. Must be, as we have open cages. It was alot of work to get where we are. I guess I'm lucky they have no interest in each others toys. Kiki almost died once, due to a gate falling on her, dogs alerted me, she was saved. When Zoey had a seizure a few weeks ago, birds came to the couch to check on her. They knew I wanted a quiet enviroment. They were great. The birds and dogs respect each other. I have been able to leave them unsupervised for past six years. nancy
  23. Welcome Dawn, Buddy and family. You probably won't see them drink or eat alot first few days. Don't fret, as long as he is active, thats all that matters. nancy
  24. I wish Sophie liked bells. When I buy toys in bulk, Sophie helps distribute them to the birds. Sunny is bell fascinated. Sunny gets all the bells. ( birds decision). Nancy
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