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About DawnMM

  • Birthday 10/20/1973


  • Biography
    Married mom of 3 boys and 1 girl.


  • Location
    Lexington, TX


  • Interests
    Glass fusing, flameworked beads, horses, sketching and painting


  • Occupation
    Stay at home mom

DawnMM's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Kyra does the same thing. I have to race to the trash can so she can let 'er loose. I need to get a poopy basket right there so I don't have to rush. I've almost slipped in her stuff when she let loose while walking. She will even hold it when we put her in her cage when we leave the house. Sometimes I forget and I get a present on my shoulder or back. But when she is out of her cage, she will poop anywhere and everywhere. She especially loves using my hubby as a potty stand...as my friend said, she loves the everloving poop out of my hubby. Buddy on the other hand, poops all over his cage. He doesn't care. And when I take it out and wash his cage out, he loves pooping all over it when he's back in there.
  2. I believe caiques naturally do it. They will do it just playing with their foot toys. Buddy doesn't let me touch anything but his beak, and that's only if I'm lucky! I think I've only been able to skritch him twice, and forget a full back pet. But then I get all that from Kyra now. I can let Buddy be Buddy and not push.
  3. I'll have to video tape her one day for ya'll to see. There's just no way to show all the craziness in just pictures!
  4. She is definitely a smile a minute and she keeps me on my toes! My hubby is not sure how fun the house is at the moment, but he loves me, so we're all good! LOL I'll just have to figure out a way for Buddy not to get to the wood.
  5. Thanks! I did make it actually. I'm waiting on an order of sisal so I can make another, but square instead of a bridge. Thank you! My hubby tends to run into the rope bridge. If I can get on it, my whole office will be a play space for her. My CAG Buddy doesn't play with anything but his buddy ball. He's so cautious about everything. He really likes to walk around the dining room. I'm trying to figure out how I can attach some toys and such to the bottom of the dining room table without messing it up and making them easily removable, since hubby built it. Jayd - Thank you. JeffNOK - I surely hope she is a happy little fid! She definitely makes me smile every single day.
  6. My baby Kyra is finally comfy enough to play on her back with me. I love it! She's a hoot!
  7. My poor Buddy. Ever since we brought home Kyra he's not been happy at all. I am now officially a member of the Bite Me club, he got me a good one yesterday. He clamped down, grinded and grabbed my finger with his foot so I couldn't get away. I have no idea how ya'll cannot make a big deal. I tried...I'm pretty sure I failed. And he showed no signs at all that I noticed. No fluffs, no pinning that I could see. I have Kyra in my office and Buddy is still in the dining room. I have a screen between the two rooms right now. Should I put their cages in the same room? Buddy doesn't like the cage that Kyra is in. (it used to be his when he had to go away at his old home) I don't want that to transfer top Kyra being in the cage. I am buying a new cage the first of the month. Do I need to start over with Buddy on trust? Spend more time with him? When we first brought him home my hubby was his favorite, he changed it to me eventually, and now he's mad at us both! I just don't know what to do and I feel terrible. The kids cannot handle him, nor does he want them to. Although he chases my oldest son whenever he's out of the cage. It's pretty funny.
  8. Sounds good to me! LOL Wow you got nice veggies. Our supermarket has gross nasty veggies. I have to go all the way to Austin for decent veggies.
  9. She's definitely a "cake". I tried to take her in our room and on our bed for some playtime (save my desk), but she had none of that. She showed me mad Kyra. I see I'm going to have to be careful when she's older with that! She calmed down when I picked her up and took her back to my desk with her toys. LOL She's happy busy bee now. Spoiled little girl.
  10. So I was a little worried about Kyra, as she wasn't really eating...so I was handfeeding her, as that's the only way she would eat dinner. I finally figured out this morning a plate works really well for her. This morning she woke us up promptly at 7:30...I really need to go to bed earlier...and proceeded to play, and play, and play some more. After I figured out about the plate thing, she proceeded to eat, play, eat, play, eat, play and make a thorough mess of my desk. I have endeavored to clean my dining room table to make more room for the darling girl. Here are some of her gluttony pics from this morning. And you'll notice a pic of my keyboard. I wrapped it in Glad's Press n Seal to save it from poopies and eaten keys. :rolleyes: Although I must say she gives me plenty of poopy warning now that I've seen it happen. She wiggles her tail like she is dancin'! I will have to get some video of that it's just too cute!
  11. Thank you Jayd. I can see that with her vibrant green jacket and her white ruffled shirt. It's very fitting. She christened my keyboard this morning. Gonna have to get some sort of plastic covering for it. On one hand I'm glad she can't take the keys off of it, but I can't either to clean it well! LOL And she likes the toys I've made! LOL
  12. Buddy doesn't like being misted at all! He pouts afterward. He will bath on his own in his water dish...tends to happen when we vacuum. I don't know what it is about the vacuum, but that's when he has his bath. I tried the pan at the bottom, no go...even put his fav snacks in it...he just reached in and grabbed them and barely got his toes wet. I'm going to try to take him in our shower when we finish it...it'll be large and roomy with room for a shower perch. I guess we'll see. I don't know about the baby, but from what I understand they really like leaf surfing and enjoy water, so when she is more comfortable we will get to work.
  13. She's found her perch and hasn't moved. She's chirping. I've already gotten to hear the "piggy" sounds from her. Too cute. She is much more laid back than the boy was. So far so good. Buddy is being much more needy tonight. . I love that boy too. For some reason no one wants to eat dinner tonight....sigh.
  14. Well she doesn't step up...gotta teach her that. Oh well. Here ya go. Introducing Kyra the Black Headed Caique!
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