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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Everyone is different, what their expectations are. My rescue, went from biting everyone's jugular, to " this behavior is NOT allowed!" It worked! Nancy
  2. Sophie was two, when we adopted her. Timeout cage started several months later, when she trusted us. Her timeout cage happened to be in the dining room. A cage filled with " nothing" fun! No toys, nothing to do! One minute, for every year. If she bit, she went into timeout. She learned within six months, NOT to bite. Timeout is boring! Kids were on the same page. We were consistent. She is 12 now. Loves the entire family. I LOVE to watch her interact with each family member. They all have a "purpose", in her mind. She hasn't been in " timeout", in over a decade! BUT.... if she is naughty.... I ask her, do we need to go in timeout? She squaks " NO"! ( believe me, it wasn't all that bad!) Nancy
  3. Jayd, love ya, but regurg is absolutely bonding! They do it for years! I tried to open my beliefs into something possibly sexual, I'm sure, maybe they did it, and I ignored it. I'm sticking to my beliefs of "provide oral stage", if they want to regurg, thank them! I suggest to NOT go crazy, trying to decipher what they are telling you! Relax, and listen! Zoey , my pup, is ill right now. Had two seizures. Had bloodwork. Sophie is keeping the animal kingdom quiet. She knows Zoey is ill. All birds are worried about Zoey. Sophie has been very attentive towards Zoey.She wants to help. She wants to know, what I need, and she will deliver! Nancy
  4. I don't know how to start a forum, " to clip, or not clip", but I wish I knew how. So, I will say... it is an important decision. My birds were all taught to fly as babies. Need to develop their chest muscles. Once they were flying everywhere, were out of control, needed to learn basic training. My groomer trimmed them. They were still able to fly, but a little more limited. They were able to focus on training. They still could fly, and they practiced daily. Eventually, their flight feathers grew and grew, until they were fully flighted again. To find that groomer, that can do this, is even more important than finding a vet! I have had more contact with my groomer, than vet contact. When I needed time to have a certain bird focus on learning, I let my groomer know. Baby could still fly amazing,
  5. I can't tell new owners, how great it is, to have a grey first. I can only imagine. Sophie was last, adopted at age two, behind a rescue, baby Amazon and two dogs. The ruler of our animal kingdom was an 18 year old Lhasa Apso. Add a new 10 week Maltese pup. Max picked Sophie to rule within a few weeks of meeting her. I wasn't sure of his choice, and let him know. He continued to choose her. I told him, he was wrong! He stuck to his guns, Sophie was going to be the leader. She is! For the past decade, Sophie rules, and does so fairly. When Zoey had a seizure on Saturday, all animals came out to see if she was okay. Everyone was quiet. It was all about Zoey. I LOVE that I was concerned about Zoey, wasn't interested in playing. They all new and respected the situation. Nancy
  6. Having a grey, as a first bird, sounds like a wonderful choice to me! Sophie ended up adopted at age two, behind a rescued Sunconure, and a baby Amazon. It didn't really matter where she fell... she became the flock leader, and has been so, for over a decade. She doesn't bite the other birds, she just rules! She rules the dogs as well. Of course, I rule, over everyone, and my rule, matters! LOL Of course, I always take into consideration everyone's input, and rule fairly! Nancy
  7. Kim, best of luck! Sophie adjusts to almost anything.... as long as we don't mess with her cage, and or gym. Thats how important these two homes are. While greys like the smaller cage in the beginning, they eventually need a bigger cage. It is not worth the stress for them. Start off in a forever cage and forever gym. The stress can increase potential for plucking. Sophie has finally accepted her new cage. Her gym of 12 years, is hanging by a thread, my son fixes it all the time. She won't give it up, even though I have other gyms that are amazing. Nancy
  8. I think Rayp is right. Loving you. As far as the regurg thing, some do, some don't. Sophie 12 years later, still regurs's. I've gotten smart about it. She does it in my hand, I pretend to eat it and thank her! She is pleased. Nancy
  9. I actually thought she was a girl! LOL She looked like one! ( before you said anything!) She looks happy and content. Way to go! Nancy
  10. Thinking of you and Nova. We're all here for you. Nancy and Sophie
  11. Lol pikachu... I suspect there are better answers! Personally, I never buy into the sexual issues. I probably would have started to brush my birds hair. My birds have regurged for years! I thank them for their offering. I probably am missing out on their offering, as being sexual. It doesn't really matter, as they are happy that I am their " ROM" Never refuse your birds offering. I believe it is bonding. Nancy
  12. When we got Kiki at sixteen weeks, she required additional syringe feedings that graduated to spoon feedings. There was no chance of her aspirating, as I knew what to do as I am a medical person ( my medical experience helped!). Sophie required additional spoon feeding which I did. Mostly, oatmeal. Whatever they needed, I provided. I believe in providing the oral stage. I did it for both Sophie and Kiki until they were no longer interested. If a bird resorts back to baby stage, I believe in satisfying that need. This is where trust is established, and they are able to move on. They realize you will always be there for them. I satisfied the oral stage for both Kiki and Sophie. It progressed to two birds that LOVE fresh fruits and veggies. Diet hasn't been an issue for many years. Nancy
  13. I'm sure it is sexual! Ask Dave. Doug also seems to know nancy
  14. One thing kids have on us.... is being more natural! They don't get why we fuss... When I was fretting over Sophie's feather that needed to go, ( she was actually limping) she knew how muc h it bothered me! Kids handed her the feather to trim.... told her to get rid of it! She did! Done kids said! Whats next? LOL Kids really don't stress out like we do. Ryan and Sean have a fantastic relationship with the birds. Very calm Nancy
  15. I commented today, that my pup Zoey, had two seizures. Never before. We saw the vet. Sophie knew something was wrong. She hung out with us, and was very quiet. Kiki my amazon, also came out, while I was caring for Zoey. She also was quiet, and knew something was wrong. Both Kiki and Sophie sat on the couch and were quiet. They knew Zoey is sick and are worried. Zoey once saved Kiki's life when she was trapped under a gate. Kiki has never forgotten! nancy
  16. We call it , " Kiki is PMSing!" She's the only bird that does it. We all adapt, never change our ways, just we are more understanding, and sensitive to her needs. Birds even more so! Nancy
  17. I don't believe any bird should come home, before sixteen weeks. That is the erliest! Nancy
  18. She's a baby. They sometimes desire a syringe feeding. I always gave one, if needed. No big deal. Satisfy the oral stage. Sticking the beak in the ear, is also normal. Sophie LOVES to stick her beak, in my right eye. Ten years later! Nancy
  19. I've had Sophie for over a decade. She still continues to regurg. It is a " present", to me. It is her sign of affection. Nothing sexual. I would hate to see many misinterpret their offering of love, as sexual desire. Be careful! Nancy
  20. xSarahx definitely a bath. In my opinion, your bird is struggling with " who is the leader", of our flock. Many don't believe in a flock leader. I believe in it. It is me. My birds and dogs, also believe in it. Today, my pup Zoey who sleeps with me, had a seizure at 8am. She is seven years old. NEVER any health issues! I didn't know if she was choking, as she tends to take several toys to bed. After a minute of not breathing, I attempted the heimlich. No response. After two minutes, I attempted to open her jaw, started CPR. I saw the light draining from her eyes. She finally blinked! It was the worse day of my life! Took her to vet, they did bloodwork. When I got home. Sophie cameout to hang with me, knew I was concerned about Zoey. Sophie was quiet, and concerned about Zoey. Zoey had a second seizure. Not as bad as first. Sophie knows I'm worried. So is she! Sophie LOVES Zoey. She is a good friend. Nancy
  21. Sophie has never been able to get the "M" sound. So I am ROM, I have loved being ROM, for years. Nancy
  22. JeffNOK... she is truly communicating. Keep practicing stepup, remove her from her cage, and show her your world. Nancy
  23. Actually, almost all greys prefer a smaller cage. Unfortunately, they eventually outgrow the smaller cage, needing a bigger one. Then it is tough to get them to adapt to bigger cage. When I bought Sophie a " palace", she refused to have anything to do with it. Brought back her old cage. New and old cage, next to each other. She refused both cages and moved into cage with Amazon and Sunconure. OH BROTHER! Three birds in one cage! CRAZY! I removed her old cage. She eventually accepted her new cage, but I still find her on or in, the cage with Amazon and Sunconure. Nancy
  24. It is wondefrful, you have a birdstore that you can count on to help with training, etc. My birdstore is five minutes away. The owner knows my birds . He has been involved with them, the past decade. Nancy
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