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About kave70

  • Birthday 01/08/1970

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanks for the info. I don't know how to post the video straight through here, but will give it a try. I wasn't worried about the behavior, it's just been heightened lately, and I was trying to figure it out. Sam's been with us two years and finally lets me hold him.. wooo hoooo!
  2. Hi- Can someone give me thoughts on what Sam is doing? Is it some sort of nesting/mating behavior? Any thoughts would be most appreciated. http://youtu.be/ql2ZTzMjUCc
  3. kave70

    Another Too?

    Thanks- I'll let you know how it turns out.
  4. kave70

    Another Too?

    Thanks Maggie and Jay. I look forward to any thoughts you may have.
  5. kave70

    Another Too?

    Not sure if anyone has experience with this situation. We currently have Sam (CAG) and Filbert (RB2). Sam was a rescue and has come so far. We are so proud of him! An older woman lost her home due to Hurricane Sandy, and has decided not to rebuild, but is moving into a condo. She has an 16 year old U2 that needs to be rehomed. She has asked us if we would adopt him. We came up with all the Green Lights and Red Lights and it seemed that the Green Lights far surpassed the negatives. I work from home, we have the room, we live in the country where there are no neighbors to get annoyed with the bird noise, etc. I was asking the advice of a bird store owner and she said that bringing a U2 into the flock would be a mistake. That Filbetr (my RB2) would learn octaves and noises I never knew possible. That he would be very jealous and the needy Too behaviors would emerge. Currently, Filbert is super independent and loads of fun. He's in no way a velcro bird. He loves to be busy and is only loud in the morning and night. Sam (CAG) loves to be crazy in the morning too. He's funny, attacking his toy, hanging upside down, quite happy. Does anyone have a flock with multiple Toos? Any thoughts? Karen
  6. kave70


    I've noticed that the less I put in the bowl, the less on the floor. If I'm home throughout the day I can refill and there is very little waste. If I have to go to work, then I fill it higher, but know I'm coming home to half the bowl on the bottom of the cage.
  7. woo hoo! I bet that feels great. Way to Go, Gracie!
  8. kave70

    our new baby

    Beautiful baby! Congrats!
  9. I bought that toy for Sam and he felt otherwise. All he did was bang it against the cage and seemed to get angry with it. He broke it within a weeks time. I may try it for my RB2 though- bet he'd love it.
  10. I saw this article and thought you might enjoy it. Of course I already knew that each birdy has their own musical taste.... Sam (CAG) seems to enjoy older rock/pop and Filbert (RB2) really likes calming instrumentals. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/wildlife/9762864/Parrot-listens-to-Scissor-Sisters-music.html Karen and Sam
  11. kave70

    HQ Cages

    Thanks- the only thing I'm not happy with is the latch at the top small door. They will be changed, for sure. Other than that, it looks great, and I love the easier pan cleaning.
  12. kave70

    HQ Cages

    Let's see if I post the photo correctly ... here it is. Filbert is on the left, and Sam on the right. I was concerned about relocating Sam, but he took to it, immediately! Score!
  13. kave70

    HQ Cages

    We went and picked it up. Cleaned and sanitized it ( used the vinegar then peroxide after cleaning and using the steamer). Looking forward to setting it up. Thanks for the responses. I'm so glad I asked- what a deal I got!!
  14. kave70

    HQ Cages

    Anyone have experience or thoughts about this company? I found a GREAT deal on a cage on Craigslist but am not familiar with the brand. Thoughts? Karen and Sam
  15. Just made it home from Long Island last night. I live upstate NY, but work down in the city. Throughout all the devastation I was impressed with so many individual acts of kindness. My sister works in a restuarant and they had a generator. They opened up and served anyone, regardless of whether or not they had money (finding a place with the ability to accept a credit card is difficult right now). That made me smile. There were so many other stories like that, it warmed my heart. Most of my family is still without power, but one has a generator, and one has a fireplace, so it's all being worked out. My heart goes out to my friends whom completely lost their homes. I'm grateful to be here, in my toasty warm house, typing online to give you all an update. I came home to happy birds- nobody shunned me for being away so long :-) Even Sam was interested in me and allowed me to pet him! Take care, karen and Sam
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