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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Talon... noone is disagreeing with you, that birds are welcome at the table. They get a plate, you get a plate. As well as rest of family. Your baby of three years, needs to know, " this" is what is allowed! You need to set " behavior limits!" If you don't before she is four, she will rule you. I just want to be here for you, and support you! Nancy
  2. Doug... YAY for Ellie! and YAY for Sophie! Sophie hasn't felt threatened, in years! Now she is " pinning", wants to learn and hear, anything that has to do with the " Sound of Music". We get it, and each of us is trying to deliver. Ryan with the guitar, me with the piano, Sean with the violin.She is happy to participate with all of us. Nancy
  3. All birds do different things with their wings. I was sorry to see, one of Sophie's flight feathers, was gone. She's not been flying so great lately. I checked her out.... she is missing a serious flight feather. She's not worried about it, so I won't be either. Its slowing her down,but she's just fine! Its my own fault, as I was negligent in getting her trimmed. Nancy
  4. I agree with Mistyparrot. Give it a whirl! Sophie has been read to, for the past ten years. Dr. Seuss and Shel Silverstein are her favorites! Nancy
  5. Well off to the bathroom for Misty! LOL I agree, stepup tends to be easy, stepdown, stinks! Sophie is good about stepdown in most situations. When I have to leave for work, she has figured out to grab both my fingers of both hands. I am helpless! LOL! She is quite " smug" with herself. Sean will help me. Again I can see her saying to herself " darn!". Nancy
  6. Yay! I can say I went thru your list and thought of each and everyone of them. I had too, since we have " open cage". I always think of my birds, as I have children. My child proof locks continue. Of course, many are not familiar with " open cage", and imagine my birds fly everywhere. Of course not. They comeout the moment I walk in the door. Nancy
  7. Wingy... I am so excited for you! I am a firm believer in fate! This was meant to happen for you. You are already a " wonderful parrent"... now it is time to find the " wonderful bird" meant for you. Nancy
  8. OUCH! The nipple bite... I can't even imagine! The one good thing about a grey and Amazon bite, they clamp down. Cockatoo's " shred!" Can you imagine your finger being fillet? NO THANKS! The best thing as you said, watch and learn the signs. Eye pinning for a new grey owner, is a sign. Although when they get older and there is no trust issues, Sophie's eyes pin like crazy when she likes what I have said, and wants to learn. You just have to know your bird. While you all know I am a firm believer in " no shoulder status", until the parent-child relationship is established, it is a personal choice. I look at it as " waiting three years, then having time forever!" No more biting, sitting on my shoulder, etc. Of course, I was lucky to adopt Sophie at age two, only had to work with her for a year after terrible twos. Nancy
  9. danielsingh GREAT idea! Start a new thread! I promise to visit, as I LOVE seeing what I missed with Sophie from birth to two years old. She is now twelve but such an angel. She still has the energy of a newbie, but has the intelligence and experience of her age. She is my best friend, and I am reaping the rewards of a grey that is amazing! When I am sad... she is there to kiss my cheek, when I am happy, she is there to laugh. She always accepts what I am feeling, without question. She doesnt just imitate at this age. She has her own thoughts and feelings. They are soooo amazing! Nancy
  10. I can't even imagine anyone shooting my dogs on my property! I love my pups, just as I love my birds. They are all my children. I would totally freak out, and would NEVER back down regarding this MURDER! The police had no right to be on your property. Look into an civil suit. It makes me ill, how attacks against animals is a misdemeanor! Nancy
  11. When babies are young, in my opinion, they are allowed and invited to sit at the table, if they choose. They are given a plate, and have food on it.They are more than welcome to sit at the table, and eat. Only off their own plate! They can NOT eat off my plate or kids. Need to learn table manners! ( Talon.... get back to the table!) As time went on, they came to the table less and less. Nancy
  12. Give him an omellette once a week. No more. If he refuses to eat.... thats his problem! I never have gived in to blackmail. It seems to work! Noone is starved! Nancy
  13. Your baby is just fine! We all freak out one time or another! My kids calling me at work... " blood everywhere!" It was raspberries. Your babies feathers are comfortable. Don't change anything. nancy
  14. Sounds good Wingy! I'll look into new appointment, which I need. We will go to lunch... Nancy
  15. I don't cover my cages.. I did actually in the beginning, but found out, it didn't matter. I remember getting up when Sophie was freaking out... reassured her, I was here to protect her. No deamons under her bed. She learned I was here to protect her, but she still needed to go to bed. Took a few months, but once she trusted me to take care of the " things that go bump in the nite", she settled down. Always get up, reassure you are here to protect your baby. Once the trust is there, there are no longer issues with bedtime. Nancy
  16. Welcome DJ! We can't wait to hear about you! Nancy
  17. Elvenking... start in the shower, and work from there! Practice in other rooms. Remember, physically, some birds will dialate and constrict on their pupils, which can mean they are threatened. Sophie hasn't done that for years. If her pupils dialate and constrict.... this means she is learning, and wants to learn. Follow baby's lead, and understand what they are saying. Nancy
  18. Katana600 LOL! I guess we suffer from MBS. As far as avoiding the Amazon room, it is tough to do! Just to encourage you to take a look at that room, my girl Kiki our Orange Winged Amazon, was here even before Sophie, my grey. Not by much in time. They have grownup together. Kiki always encouraged Sophie to fly, try new foods, take a risk. Sophie my grey, never was allowed to settle, take the easy road. More from Kiki's influence then us. Kiki our Amazon is superior physically, food and toy exploration. Sophie is superior with intelligence, able to organize the entire flock. Is one more superior than the other? I don't think so! Nancy
  19. I think Kiki was being hormonal past several weeks. I was shocked the day I was changing birdbowls... she started charging across two cages at me. I left my hand where it was, waited for her attack. She stopped short! Then we had to deal with her being more sensitive than usual ( she can't possibly get more sensitive!) Sophie LOVES to imitate her. Kiki would have NONE of it! I've noticed past two weeks Kiki is constantly snuggling with Sunny our sunconure. She usually snuggles with him, but now he can't go anywhere unless she is at his side. He's okay with this. He loves her, and always tolerates her needs and demands. Sophie is struggling what to do to make Kiki happy. Everything Sophie does, is wrong. Sophie is giving her some serious space. Thank God Sophie doesn't go thru this! ( why doesn't she?) Sophie is a DNA sexed girl, and has never gone thru hormonal changes. We love our Kiki girl, she doesn't really even sound like a Zon. She's never agressive, but holds her own. Is great at flying and being adventurous! She doesn't talk alot. Mostly, my name is Kiki, utoh!,( she tends to break things more than the average bird. )Hi! Come get me. Nancy
  20. Talon. get ready with the popcorn! You have one that is at the age of three. You are at the end of the terrible two's. that will go into the terrible three's. Probably, age four. Age four, is awesome! They no longer challenge you, and want to please. This year, is when they learn the best. I promise you, there is a light at the end of the tunnel! Kiki always remained destructive with chew toys, but learned to cuddle and a head scratch. After age four, Kiki learned! She learned that we all loved her, tolerated her beliefs... BUT... I rule, she can tell us what she wants and I will think very seriously about her desires and beliefs. You remain the parrent, and set the " tone" for expectations! Never sit back, because I know thats not your nature. You know what to do! Nancy
  21. luvparrots... LOL! Ana Grey.s demonstrating excellent manners1 nANCY
  22. I am learning lately how to post on this site. I can't wait, when my adopted son comes home from college, and will help me post pictures of Sophie and Kiki. Unfortunately,my kids, refuse to be interested in posting our family dynamics. Not sure how to post pictures of the gang, without their support. Nancy
  23. Kiki, our Oranged winged Amazon, was adopted three months. Sean wanted a bird. I explained to him, find a bird that wants to adopt you. Kiki picked him. He has been a GREAT parent. Kiki loves all of us. Sophie our grey, rules. Kiki is okay with that Everyone tends to get along. Nancy
  24. I probably can't help you, but want too! I watched your video, and your bird, seriously wants out! I follow an " open cage" plan. Open the door, provide a wonderful gym to stepup outside of the cage. Let him make choices Nancy
  25. It depends on how young your baby is. If you are going thru terrible two's etc. None of my birds were allowed to be past wrist status, until they were three, sometimes four, The terrible two's can go on until they are four. I never provided them with distractions, but I'm sure thats a great idea! Once they trusted me and desired to be with me, they understood, they weren't allowed to bite! Nancy
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