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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. MarcusCAG... never despair! Sophie has been working on " take me out to the ballgame", for years! It is alot of work on her part. She screws up all the time. She'll start over and over, until she likes it. If she likes how she did... she adds " play ball!" LOL! One of her favorite games, is to start a whistle. I'll be in the kitchen and repeat. then she makes it a little more complicated that I have to repeat. We go back and forth without actually seeing each other.It ends the same all the time. She breaks out into rap ( thanks Ryan), I can't compete. She wins! Of course I go pick her up, laughing! She knows she has won. ( she can walk out into the kitchen anytime, so I know this is a game for her.) Now she wants to learn the song from the Sound of Music " doe a deer", whatever it is called. I had everyone at work singing it, until I had it right. My son is rebuilding my piano. All taken apart. I keep encouraging him to finish it. I can play all the songs from the " Sound of Music". Sophie will be thrilled! Nancy
  2. Elidih.... wow! I feel so bad for you guys. You bought a toy that you thought your baby would love, and it has turned into a nightmare for you! Definitely, needs to go, as it is no longer a toy. Maybe getting a bigger ball, possibly oddly shaped might help. I worry about the " fallout", you may get, but it has to go soon before things get worse. Let us know how it goes. Wishing you all the best. Nancy
  3. Actually... there IS a cage that is too big! Greys tend to prefer a more compact cage. I would suggest a cage that is forever! When I tried to upgrade..... it took Sophie a YEAR to accept new cage. It was a palace, and gathered dust!. I learned... and learned what she valued. She doesn't give a hoot about a new cage. She just wanted everyone to be happy! If other birds liked the new cage, so did she. Nancy
  4. I believe Dave has answered many questions regarding weight and size. If your questions have not been answered, please let us know. I have never personally weighed my birds, but I respect Dave's advice, Nancy
  5. Do you think, If I put a cover over our heads, I could take a nap? LOL She's pretty good with understanding I want a nap, until she sticks her beak in my right eye,( normal), but then snores! Nancy
  6. My heart just fell! How is Twix? Nancy
  7. If you have a bird trimmer, that has worked with your entire flock since birth, you can either " clip", or trim. I at one time, clipped. They could fly to a certain degree, but couldn't " fly away".When they were babies, they were trimmed, ( get rid of feathers that are not important). Let them develop their chest muscles and practice flight. Once I clipped, it wasn;t that they couldn't fly... they sure could do so! They just couldn't fly all over the house, do what they wanted to do! They could fly two rooms worth. This was the time we worked on " open cage" . They were able to focus on learning the rules and expectations. It was a short period of time, and they spent day after day, learning about our home, and other animals. Ten years later... they fly , they know our home, they love our dogs, and I can leave every morning with their doors open. It is very difficult to commit to " open cage". TONS of work, that requires commitment from entire family, as well as other animals. Nancy
  8. Isaac is awesome ! Great video! Nancy
  9. Ray P...LOL! I guess I love my birds. You described a typical weekend. ( weekday for that matter!) I didn't even blink twice.The only thing I would love to change, if I fall asleep on the couch for an hour on a Sunday, I have no problem with her sticking her beak against my right eyelid, and pretend to sleep... its her pretending to snore! Nancy
  10. Thank you for your service to our country, and keeping us safe. nancy
  11. I believe in clippimg. Clipping doesnt mean a bird cant fly. On the contrary.My birds have all learned to fly. Their feathers get trimmed. Nancy
  12. Ray P..... you are an excellent moderator,with lots of great advice. I LOVE your gentle nature. If Sophie met you, she would LOVE who you were. She would love you, because you understand, life is not about us, they choose. Nancy
  13. Welcome to parenthood! Remember, you are the parent, they are the child. Limits, do need to be set. They will learn quickly, what you expect as a parent. Nancy
  14. Yes, kids are serious stressors! It doesn't mean that greys don't like kids, but kids don't understand the boundaries! As kids mature, birds will learn to trust them. Ryan was nine, when Sophie was adopted. He is her best friend. His flight came in at 12pm last nite. When he walked in the door, she was up. Walked into kitchen. " Ryan.... where have you been!" Lots of kissing and hugging! Of course, she was first in line. LOTS of kissing and hugging. Six months, had no meaning for her. He is home Nancy
  15. I love hearing it as well! Nancy
  16. Not really sure! I've struggled thru many birds doing the mating dance. Sophie quit doing the mating dance, along time ago, since she learned to love all of us. She NEVER quit the regurg to all of us though. Nancy
  17. Hmmmm interesting. I never asked Sophie "yes", or "no" questions. I didn't need to, until it was time to get her to bathe. Then, thru several conversations, I agreed to let our groomer shower her. She agreed. It has always been the one and only issue we had to discuss. It worked out. Other than that, Sophie rules our animal kingdom, was taught by my dog "max", who saw her potential. She now rules, and does so fairly. Nancy
  18. Christol... she sounds like a doll! Whether she has chewed or not, " it is a new day", for her. LOTS of personality! LOL I agree with Ray P, follow her lead... she will take you where she wants to go. I wish I had some advice about the aloe vera, but Sophie " stinks", when it comes to showering and trying to provide her with moisture. It can't be from me. I made the deal with her years ago. I don't give her a shower, but someone else will. She accepted that deal. My groomer gives her a bath every three months. She knows where she is going, knows whats going to happen, climbs into her travel cage without an arguement. She gets showered and trimmed, comes back as happy as she left. As long as it is not me, and I have stuck to the deal, she is fine with getting a shower. Weird.... but it has worked for the past decade. Nancy
  19. Wait until you get a wif of them after a bath! While blowdrying her, we get a demonstration of her beautiful feathers, Navy blue, green and red. She is soooo gorgeous! We all keep going back to get a wiff of her. WHAT is that smell? We all keep smelling her. Trying to identify what she smells like. I think she gets annoyed after a while, that we all take turns " inhaling" her .LOL Nancy
  20. I am sure she will bring you many years of happiness like Kiki gives us. Nancy
  21. A Grey doesn't need to just socialize with you and family. They may need to share space with other animals. All greys are different. We offer them the opportunities to hang with the family introduce them to the rest of our animal world. We introduce them to friends, kids that come in the door. We offer them the oportunities to socialize, but they may opt out.We must respect that. Many are working on socializing....BUT... there are some, that have the opposite problem! Such as me! I know it sounds crazy.... and who am I to complain,but as I get older, and will have two kids in college next year, I am looking forward to a more " quiet" existence. Sophie will NOT like it. Nancy
  22. Of course, a rehomed bird, will always have " baggage", but... they CAN learn to trust you and the family. Sure, I have to wear my white terry cloth bathrobe, to pick up sunny, my sunconure. If I wear the " black" one, he will bite. They are the same bathrobe! In Sunny's mind, the white bathrobe, he steps up, and is an angel! If I wear the black bathrobe...he is the devil child! Who knows, why he stepsup for the white robe! As far as "greys", not liking children, Ryan was nine, Sean was six, when we adopted Sophie. Within six months, she loved them both. Now they are 17 and 21. Ryan will be home from college next week. Just the mention of his name, gets Sophie's tail wagging. She will start repeating his name over and over! I am so excited for Sophie!She is in for a very happy surprise. Of course, I will be put on the " back burner", which is fine with me, because she will be ecstatic to see Ryan. Nancy
  23. They all give us a scare or two!Ollie was coughing this morning, when I went off to work, was coughing again, when I came home ( my pup!) I asked my son if he noticed Ollie was coughing when he got home. He didn't start coughing, until I walked in the door.I'm just starting to be a little worried. Nancy
  24. Dave... what is the name of your bird? Just curious. Thanks again, for your excellent advice! Nancy
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