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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. JeffNOK... don't cut yourself short. Gracie probably will be a snugglebug. It just takes alot of time. Keep doing what you do.You are doing everything right. Focus on trust.Sophie WAS a snugglebug after at least a year. Stick to your beliefs and trust your instincts. We have a pretty strict routine with breakfast, and time to snuggle during workdays. The otherday, Sophie was late walking into kitchen to find me after breakfast. Sean was leaving for school, I was leaving for work, she gave such a SQUACK ! She was NOT happy! I took five extra minutes to explain to her I have to go to work. We snuggled she was happy. If she's late again....she will learn her time schedule won't work. I get up one hour and fortyfive minutes up, before I have to go to work. If Sophie misses her twenty minutes of snuggle time that we soooo enjoy, it doesn't happen! She learned quickly, it will be lost! She hasn't missed it since. I know many will disagree, thats okay. It is the reality for our family. Nancy
  2. Yup! Your in trouble! LOL Its GOOD trouble, so ENJOY! Nancy
  3. mareeee... congradulations! We all expect to see pictures of new human baby as well! It is sooo exciting to be pregnant for the first time. A new chapter in your life is starting. I agree with all, your babies WILL get along just fine. If your bird knows this new addition is extremely important to you both, then it will be extremely important to them. Of course, spend extra time with your bird to know they are still just as important, as before. IE: While you are feeding baby... have hubby sitting nearby with your bird watching and talking to bird. Make it a family event! Nancy
  4. oblivion... YES... your right. It was an old post. I am a little slow... and NOT computer smart. I will have to pay better attention to dates. Nancy
  5. I know it may sound crazy... but I focused on this... I found all my birds LOVED when I read to them. They all loved any book that rhymed. Spent many a day, reading a book in front of their cage. Nancy
  6. I LOVED what Talon had to say. An African grey, will pick one person, that he or she will will bond with. Have that one person, work on bonding with the rest of the family. Sophie, would pick Ryan, if left to bond with one person. She's NOT given that opportunity. If there was a fire, or her life was threatened in any way, she wouldn't scream Ryan! She would scream for " ROM!" She knows whom she likes for fun, as well as who keeps her safe. Nancy
  7. Dave007... I KNOW, you are very knowledgable, but WHY would you be so " flippant", regarding that post! I took that post seriously, as well as the owner probably did! A few moments of thinking there was something wrong with the bird. Many of us have no idea what a TAG or CAG should weigh. Please remember, people( like myself), look forward to your posts regarding your experience.RESPECT your experience( yourself).Don't take it for granted! Nancy and Sophie
  8. thecoffeesnob... Be careful! Your birds feelings are real. What you do with those feelings... is totally up to you. You can be flattered... you can "train" your bird... you can " focus" on his feelings, take advantage, to help rest of family, be accepted by the bird. Please don't make the biggest mistake of accepting your birds affection, therefore, encouraging your bird NOT to accept the rest of the family. Birds set up their parents for this " downfall". all the time. Of course, be " honored", your bird loves you. Expectation, to accept the rest of the family, continues. Dont loose that focus. You need to let your bird know how proud you are. How happy they have chosen you! How much you love them.BUT... here's my family.... Nancy
  9. We adopted Sophie at age two, a CAG, with little knowledge on how to care for her. She is 12 now, and very important to our family dynamics. With alot of work, she will go to all of us. She loves us all for different reasons. I am her " ROM". She cant say mom. She loves Sean for his " feet"... he never wears shoes. She LOVES Ryan, for his inability to sleep, he will sleep with the birds on couch. Sophie will sleep with him.( then he can fall asleep). Sophie is important to each of us for different reasons, as well as we are important to her, for HER reasons. It doesn't matter years later, because she steps up to all of us. Nancy
  10. Sophie sneezes , snores and farts. LOL! I know she is imitating Ryan, for snoring. Only one that snores. I never take a nap, but last Sunday started to fall asleep on couch. Sophie and I were snuggling. She put her beak in my hand, stuck her butt up in the air. Started snoring! LOL There went my nap. When she sneezes way too much, then I know one of the kids are sick. As they both suffer from asthma, the third day of a cold will determine if they will enter an asthma attack, as they both suffer from " respiratory infection asthma". Her increased sneezing, has helped me over and over,someone is sick, and not letting me know. It puts me on alert! We all have different schedules, so many times, I don't know they are sick, snd don't tell me until it is too late, and then tell me when they are wheezing badly. At this point, they have to start steroids. With Sophie informing me someone is sick, there is alot I can do, before having to start steroids. I always appreciate her help Nancy
  11. While we have two cages now, instead of three, for three birds, they have many doors they can bang open and close. They LOVE to do so! It has NOTHING to do with coming out, since we have " open cage" policy. They can walk or fly out anytime they want. They LOVE to bang the doors that dont have food or water. Just part of their own entertainment, they have created. Nancy
  12. Aerial... you can come here to my home anytime you need a fix. Sophie LOVES attention, no matter whom they are! LOL!While we all teach our children " DONT TALK TO STRANGERS", I forgot to teach Sophie that. I went overboard encouraging her to accept everyone in my life. I think if a robber came in, she would lift her foot up.... Nancy
  13. Talon, I have alot to learn. I will admit to that. This site does help me. What I really don't understand, is why we don't work more with " behavior modification." Sunny, our rescue sunconure, we have all adapted to his needs. Training was possible, but NOT the best scenario. We worked it out. Kiki, our baby, was easy to train. Sophie, when she was two year old grey, had ALOT to learn. She did. Within six months, wrist status only,she was " biting the air"... saying NO! NO BITE! She got it. Was living on our shoulders ever since! I think many of us get to be patient, and " wait", for them to make a decision. They never do! I am very much a believer in patience. It took Sophie a year to like her new cage! What can new parents do for their baby to adjust to change? Nancy
  14. " rooting ", is natural for a bird. Distraction, IS important. We as humans, can be very harmful. Nancy
  15. thecoffeesnob... your bird has chosen you, as his human mate. It is time to get the rest of the family involved. The goal should be: get the rest of the family involved with your bird. Play some games together, as a family. Other family members should learn stepup and down. A grey will choose one family member if allowed. Sophie LOVES us all, but loves us for different reasons. She loves Sean, for his feet. He never wears shoes. She will snuggle his feet all the time. She loves Ryan, when he can't sleep. He will sleep in the family room, she will join him. She loves me, because I am her ROM, keep her safe, and make decisions for the family. Nancy
  16. Beautiful pictures! Can't wait to see more! Nancy
  17. Welcome to you and entire flock. Many of us have rescues, Amazons and other birds. We look forward to sharing info regarding all Nancy
  18. Oliver, is a GREAT name! Our dog Ollie is named after my favorite play. Poor orphan boy, that asks for more porridge! Come on guys.... what is it? LOL Nancy
  19. Sara... sooo cute!LOVED the video. You can't go wrong with either baby. nancy
  20. Dennis660... LOVED the picture! Definitely, more toys. I adopted Sophie at age two, didn't know what to do. She is 12 now, and my best friend. We taught each other. Need some sand perches for her nails and beak. Shredable toys, as this is their favorite. Perches in different areas. What have you researched regarding stepup and down? Nancy
  21. Yes... french kissing, every day.Sophie kisses me every day like that. It is normal. Nancy
  22. I would like to quit. BUT if I dont, my birds will do just fine, as I dont smoke in front of them Nancy
  23. Great ideas. Havent found an allergy yet for Sophie. Still hesitant to give her peppers. I HATE them! It shouldn't be about me.I think of giving Sophie a pepper, is like offering her... can't describe it! Nancy
  24. I know what my dogs will do. Intensive training. Past 12 years, everyone gets along. Alot of work. Nancy
  25. Greys will insert their beak back and forth in your mouth, this is rooting. They are loving you.Sophie has done this for years. Always accept the behavior. Nancy
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