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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. I've got to get the kids to set up my audio, on computer! I watched, with no audio. I saw a bird that was inquisitive, curious, then something " annoyed" him! LOL! Misting would be the culprit! LOL A very happy, well adjusted bird. Audio would be nice, but not needed! Nancy
  2. parrotmomma68 Your going to be a GREAT mama! Also invest in plugging electrical outlets and locks for kitchen cabinets. Make a quick check on any plants in house, get rid of yankee candles, if you have any. What is your earring status? I have seven holes in my ears, but they had to go. I put in earrings only if I go out. Greys can't resist, grabbing your earring, especially gemstones! LOL Nancy
  3. For all those owners that have a fluffed bird.... good for you! No bird, can fluff enough. Sense of "self", is strong. While we all know greys tend to "love" themselves, they can easily develop issues of plucking, inability to adjust to "change". Fluffing in my opinion, is a bird that is content, independent, and more capable to deal with unexpected changes in life. Nancy
  4. I use Murphy's soap as well. They seem fine. Have used it for well over ten years.Birdroom is hardwood floors. When I had them refinished, of course moved birds into another room, but had several layers of poluretane applied. Knew I would lose layers of protection. I put a 12by 12 layer of painters plastic, under their cage. There are always " spots" of bird poop to clean. Warm water... soaked into those areas cleans it quick and easy, but I know the finish suffers. Nancy
  5. oblivion.... sorry you thought I was responding to your post. You are doing GREAT! Everyone here is doing their best.I tend to get passionate, and it sometimes gets me in trouble. Nancy
  6. I know many, think I am on a " high horse", maybe I am... but they are NOT allowed to bite,or have their own agenda. I make the rules. Birds follow them. I am the parent. They are the child. If they don't like my rules, they complain, but the rules don't change. Nancy
  7. Sorry all... I believe the birdstore, was doing the right thing. Had great advice. We all believe in different things. I'm a little more " strict", in my expectations in a brand new baby. I won't get into it, because the majority will not approve. Thats okay with me. Nancy
  8. You don't need to trim your bird. You need to understand, your bird is in love with you. You have been chosen, to be the primary caregiver. Now, you make the decisions. Be honored! Your bird is now listening, and will respect your decisions. Be careful, with what you decide. Bird should be " wrist status" only. You are establishing parenthood! VERY important! You are the parent, they are the child. Work on stepup. No bird should be on your shoulder, unless the parent/child relationship is established. Always work on other family members, to be included. Don't ever be afraid of your bird. Nancy
  9. GREAT video! Amazons are sooooo amazing. Kiki is fantastic! We love her. I worry that her best friend, is leaving for college next year. Now I have two best friends gone for college. I am worried, that I can't keepup with the bonding, they are used too. All of our birds, are use to me, but, I am use to boys helping me.It may be to much for me. I am worried! Nancy
  10. My birds, have no pecking order. Well maybe they do. Sophie, our grey, rules the animal kingdom, including the dogs. This legacy, was left to her from Max, our lhaso Apso. Sophie rules. Kiki our Amazon is in love with our Sunconure. They are a pair, and Sophie respects this.At times, they all live in one cage. They all chose their living arrangements. What I do know, push come to shove, if dogs or birds are in trouble, they all get together, and support each other. I've seen it! When Kiki my Amazon, was trapped under a gate, Dogs were going crazy when I got home from work. They led me to Kiki. She was on her last breath. I had to do CPR. They all were there and watching me... quiet as could be! I was surrounded by dogs and birds, waiting and expectinging me to bring back Kiki.I did.I'll never forget, the joining of different species, waiting and expecting me to help Kiki. She remembers also. She loves our pups, and has never forgotten them giving her room, to sleep with us. They were up all nite watching her, making sure she was okay. Nancy
  11. I can relate, to that feather, your bird is not taking care of. Sophie ignored a " feather", that really needed to go. It looked like a very important feather! I was stressing about it, she wasn't taking care of it. Kids lifted up the feather, told her to get rid of it, she did! Sophie is 12 now, so I'm sure this is a different situation. If she didn't take care of it, I would have called my groomer. My birds can all fly, but have been trimmed thruout the years. To me, it is just as important to find the perfect bird trimmer, as well as an avian vet. They are equal in importance. Nancy
  12. It is tough to say, how often you should see a vet for a " wellness " visit. Sophie and all, saw a vet after first getting them. Over a decade ago, for all. They see a bird trimmer, three times a year. Not just any bird trimmer. He weighs them, trims them. He knows my birds. Any concern he has, they go see a vet. Otherwise.... I don't take my birds to the vet. I do have an avian vet, but I also believe in avoiding enviroments, where they can get sick. I am also lucky to be a nurse, and understand many symtoms of illness. Believe it or not... it has helped me for all our avian friends and dogs. Of course, my dogs go frequently to vet for shots. Birds don't go. Of course, in a heartbeat, I would be there if they needed to go Nancy
  13. I think we see some birds pluck, some don't. All have great parents. They can have parents that do all the same things. It is a mystery to me. I have become more interested in learning more. Started watching Sophie. As she spends alot of her time with us, ( not necessarily our choice, but hers)... open cage has its benefits, but also, we are always on Sophie's schedule, when we are home.She DOES spend alot of time preening and making herself beautiful. She also sometimes ignores a feather, that seriouslly has to go. Boys have a way to get her to trim what she is not interested in trimming. I wish I had the answers. Nancy
  14. thenabrd.... Too funny! I also laughed out loud! Funny how they think. Its even funnier watching them, knowing what they are thinking. I had Sophie sitting on my chest Sunday, was whistling her favorite song. Normally, she joins in, but kept watching me quietly. All of a sudden... she plunged her beak into my " whistling hole", effectively shutting me up! After around five seconds, she pulled out, and finished our song! LOL She could have asked me to stop whistling! Nancy
  15. I would try the benadryl! It might hekp! I can't tell you, what to do, unless you have tried everything. My way... is not the accepted way. I would like to see you doing everything possible. Nancy
  16. Sophie is also small for a grey. I really don't weigh her, because, it doesn't matter! She is a petite grey, but rules our entire bird and dog kingdom. She rules! Nancy
  17. It is important to go to vet. Obviously, chewing feathers. Just the beginning. Everyone has great ideas.It is important to stop this behavior quickly. I will be glad to help, only after all traditional plans haven't worked. Nancy
  18. Greys have a hard time usually with the letter M. Saying MOM, is quite an accomplishment. I'm happy to be " Rom". I hear all the day... Rom, come quick, Rom where are you? ETC! The fact that DAYO, can say your complete name is amazing! Very inteligent in my book. So your not " dad".... but you are! Just called by your full name. LOL Nancy
  19. I leave the cage grates in the bottom. Noone goes down there usually, but I found Sunny hanging down there last week. Something new, since he has never done it before. I was worried he was sick. He wasn't. Just not use to a bird that I THINK I know everything, but obviously don't! Nancy
  20. Artoo... welcome. There is nothing like the addition of a grey into a home. Nancy
  21. I will offer a bit of advice. ( taking it up a notch!) If my birds bit me or kids... we all would grab their beaks, say " NO BITE!" Return them to cage, come back in five minutes and try again like nothing happened. We did this over and over. Sometimes... six times a day. All new birds got wrist status only. No bird is allowed on shoulder until they understand who the parent is. I know this is a pain.... but very important. Sophie got shoulder status, the day she was imitating... " No! No bite!" She got it, let me know. She immediately was put on my shoulder. Ten years ago, and she's been living there since. Last time she bit. Nancy
  22. Kiki is the only one that goes crazy when I vacumn. Not a BAD crazy. She LOVES the vacumn, exposes all her feathers too it. ( she is sooo beautiful!) She is disappointed when I turn it off. Nancy
  23. I BOUGHT Sophie during the terrible two"s! LOL! WHAT was I thinking! WHAT did I know? NOTHING! LOL Ten years later, my Sophie is very well behaved. Still a devil child though! LOl. Nancy
  24. Everyone has GREAT advice. The family, DOES sound shady. Again... you rescuing this bird, is very important. BUT.... if you are interested in a bird that meets your needs and desires, this bird may not be what you had in mind. When it comes to a rehome, or rescue bird, I do believe the bird picks you. May require a few visits. Everyone of our birds picked us. You just " know!" Don't let them rush you. If you need to meet the bird again, ask them! Nancy
  25. Hi rubys-mom.... Adorable wingman! Shitzu, or Lhassa Apso? Nancy
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